Chapter 9 (Secrets under words)

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After he left I stood awake all night wondering of what he was talking about and who he was besides his name, I waited for everyone to wake up to ask questions and to get answers. They all woke up at 7:00 am; Henry came down in his dragon from with his hair all messed up; Kiah and Vanessa came came already dressed.

"Every one of you will give me a reason why I shouldn't kick you out me house" I said

"What do you mean by that?" Said Henry

"I mean that one of you is hiding like a rat behind my back. Yesterday night a man came searching for one of you, and he probably knows that were not human."

"How did he look like?" said Kiah

"At his mite forties, small beard, but that doesn't matter, we could be in danger"

"How?" Said Henry

"He spoke with an intention to kill by playing a game with; the point is that whoever is involved please get out."

"Listen you don't need to kick anyone out, we just need get out there and get him before he makes his move"

"Ok, fine, you guys are supposed to go to my school for a while so get your stuff"

"You guys go ahead and go I don't feel so good, I'm going going to stay at bead" Said Vanessa

Henry, Kiah and I went outside to weight for the bus, when it arrived we got in and took our seats. Kiah and I sat together and and Henry in a faraway seat. The school bully was sitting behind me and began bothering me by picking my head. He bothered me some more but I still didn't want to hurt him, but Kiah with pure instinct grabbed the bully and threw him against the roof. He stood up but decided to go to another seat; he stared at Kiah with anger and disgust. We arrived at school and went to my math class, and weighted for the teacher.

"Good morning students, I'm Miss Zoe; I will be your math teacher while Miss Helen recuperates." Said the new teacher

"Teacher these are two students coming from Texas as an exchange camp, just for you to know." I said

"Ok, good to know."

We began working on some new topic when my old friend Jack came and said hello after so long. After class I introduced him to Kiah and Henry, we hanged out like any regular day until the bully from the bus came and ruined it all. He first didn't let us go to our next class, he's like 2 meters high and he hanged out with five other guys even bigger than him.

"You marrons owe me something, isn't that wright you immigrant" Said the main bully

"Immigrant, how dare you!" Said Kiah with a killing face

"Wow lest cut the chase here, you want get yo immature revenge, that's ok hit me as hard as you can. I dare you." I said

They all laughed and with a huge impulse the bully hit me with all that he had. His hand sounded like it cracked when it him my face, and I didn't feel a thing. His arm looked like it broke, I felt sorry for the poor immature fellow. Jack asked me how I did it, I lied to him that I got a metal transplant in my jaw; the truth is that my dragon form silver bones, I learned that at the dragon academy. After a while we were in our next class when I got called to the director's office for a personal matter, I fist thought that it was because of the bully thing. When I arrived into the room the director left telling me that is was something with my uncle in private.

"I see that you are not a very skilled player, but at least you tried." Said a man in a chair, he turned around and it was Cyrus for the third time with a sort of sailor outfit.

"I thought it was you" I said

"Nice to see that your one step ahead, but I cannot give you too much, I've come to thank you for your help in my project." He said putting his hand on my back.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, just thanking you for telling your group of friends about my presence here, I knew that would strike her fear, leaving her completely alone at your house, easy prey. In a game people as pieces, are expendable, but no one is irreplaceable."

I was left thinking for a while and suddenly I thought of Vanessa, she stayed at alone at home. After school went home and she was gone. The door was all broken down, some windows were shattered a couple of blood drops in the floor, but no trace of her.

"Ok let's go find her!" Said Henry

"Wait, wait, you can't just come to my house and leave it like this" I said

"It wasn't me."

"Shut it Henry, lest just help and then we can go." Said Kiah

We worked really fast using our powers to fix it all up, and just before we finished, mom arrived. She said hi to all of us, but didn't notice some of the damage left. I told my mom that there was a night party at school so we could go, she said we could, but we had to return at 10:00 pm.

"So where to?" Said Henry

"Cyrus had a navy uniform; he's probably going to the port near the lake." I said

"Ok let's fly, no one can see us at night"

"Yea about that, I can't fly yet, I'll stay here watching the house." Said Kiah

Henry and I went flying to the port; it felt weird flying the first time in the city. Vanessa was in her dragon form locked up in a cage, and Cyrus was talking to a man on the boat. We got a little closer to see what was going on, suddenly a man in a suit came running to Cyrus telling him that he would like to buy the dragon for 10 million dollars. He refused, but even after that the man tried to open the cage, Vanessa was sleeping and she suddenly sneezed fire burning the man's butt.

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