Chapter 10 (A revelation and a Change)

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We knocked two soldiers down and took their uniforms, we went closer to the cage but a truck pushed it in the boat. We had no choice to walk inside and blend in. After a while, the cage was left alone, I began to break her out of their with my claws; she was very wounded. We got her out, but everyone heard us because Henry threw the door in the air. Henry grabbed Vanessa because she was unconscious, and I stayed to hold the guards of. You know, a grabbed them, threw them, but I would never kill one. Suddenly a guy came in with a shot gun and shot me three times, I decided to run but I encountered Cyrus is the way out.

"Not a bad move, I give you that." Said Cyrus

"This game is over" I said flying away

"It has just begun David, you hear, I'm coming for them all!"

I went back home, I came in and went to my room, and I found Vanessa still in her dragon from bleeding on my bed. I heard the door open, I saw my mom coming in the house with suspicions of the fixed doors and walls.

"Ok explain, I've just came back from work and I'm not in the mood for problems." Mom said

"We came back from school and we saw a bike stuck in the door." I said

"And you fixed the door yourself."

"No the guy helped us." Said Henry and Kiah coming down the stairs

"Where is Vanessa?" Mom said

"She's in my room."

Mom walked into the kitchen with a little suspicious, just when she left us we three went running upstairs to see how Vanessa was holding. When we came in my bed was all red in blood, we quickly treated her with stuff we learned in the dragon temple. Kiah did a special technique that she learned that involved her type of dragon. She touched Vanessa wounds and with a bright blue light she cured them all. The next morning she woke up like nothing, it was a true miracle, what happened last night. The house doorbell rang; I proceeded with caution this time with one of my hands in dragon from with my metal claws. When I opened the door, it was G and Mrs Helen.

"Long times no see David, how've you've been." Said G

"Good and no so good at the same time." I said

"Were you seen?"

"No, but I saw someone that wanted to buy Vanessa"

"What!!!" Said G and Mrs. Helen barging in my house

"Wow you people came come in my house, I don't even now you. I must get myself a clone to watch over the house if it were possible."

"Actually it is possible; there is this potion....." Said G "Yea but that is a thing for another time science teacher" I said interrupting G

"As I was saying we need to see Vanessa, she has been failing in a couple of my topics and I need to speak with her, with your permission young lady." Said G

"Young lady, only because of that, go ahead." Mom said

We all went upstairs into my room, Helen and G rushed to Vanessa and told us to wait outside. After a while Helen came outside and told us to sit with her in my living room to talk about a hidden truth.

"I want all of you to understand that Vanessa's real name is Aileua. She is not like you three; she's one and probably the last of the most important pupils in all our dragon species. She is the daughter of one of the five dragon lords that once ruled over all. Now, what makes her unique besides her ancestors is that inside of her she has pure energy, which many people and things seek out there. By energy I mean that she is a living 4000 year lasting battery that can power up anything." Said Helen

"And the man that you saw David is far the worst dragon hunter that is trying to get her." Said G

After a while Aileua came down and sat with us for a while, she thanked Kiah for the save and told us to keep naming her Vanessa. Out of nothing mom came in the room and told me to go with her to the bank to withdraw her money. I stood up and went with her, but before I could leave G told me keep my identity completely secret, even from my mother. We went to the bank and made a huge line to get to the ATM.

 While I was there I was hearing the conversations of other people, they spoke of what they were going to eat, about family stuff and of money. After hearing a couple of conversations I decided to just wait like any other man, suddenly I heard a timer go off. With pure instinct I decided to cover my mom with the form that I had, in that moment I was human. A huge explosion went off and destroyed most of the bank and killed many people in the line. 

After the smoke cleared, I woke up and I was in my dragon from, almost everyone left the building except a group of people that shot me with a sleeping dart. After a while I woke up in a dark room chained to a wall with only a small window lighting the room with the moon.  


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