Chapter 2 (The Change)

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That day was the worst in seven years when a ruined my cousins marriage by dropping the 12 feet cake on their heads. That night at bed I felt like if I was getting taller and more flexible. I normally sleep straight but that night I slept like a spiral, and I could feel my feet surpass the length of the bed. The next morning I woke up like if nothing happened in the last few days, my back was ok, I didn't feel dizzy, and I had an extreme hunger for bacon. At school everyone asked how I feel, I told them I was ok, the day was going great. Then at 2:05, in history class, I couldn't see well, I saw everything like if it had mist. And then came the most painful reaction in my body, my back twisted like hell as well as my hands, I could see my veins running with some purple stuff and my skin was beginning to change to colour purple. 

I went running to the restroom and locked myself in one of the bathrooms, I was literally changing I had to take my shoes of because my feet became too big for them, I only had four fingers on my hands and feet, I grew claws, wings, and my skull changed. I stepped out the door and looked at the mirror, I looked like a giant lizard, and the bell rang so I stayed there until everybody left the school. After half an hour I went running to class 84, sort of falling because I wasn't accustomed to this new form. I entered the class breaking the door down, I fell to the ground extremely dizzy and I saw Mrs. Helen coming toward me with no emotion on her face, and I fainted again. I woke up and I found myself in a completely different room, it looked like an old electronics store. I stood up and saw that I was still on my lizard form, I could barely stand and I was still feeling dizzy. 

I fell down slamming myself on the ground making a lot of noise and dropping a couple of DVDs, I realised that I had a tail, and all of a sudden three people came in the room I was, it was Mrs. Helen, an old Chinese folk, and a teenager similar to me. I backed away to corner of the room waiting for any answer, the Chinese old man came forth to me with a shiny light on his finger, and he touched me on the head and made me returned to my original shape. My clothes were all stretched and with holes, I could barely keep my pants on.

"How are you feeling, son?" Said the old man.

"I'm in a pickle, I mean what the hell is going on, and yawl put me in drugs, didn't you. You, math teacher or whoever the hell you are explain now.

"Ok David there is no need to freak-out." Replied Mrs. Helen

"There is no need to freak out what's the matter with you, I just turned into some lizard, I don't know where I am, I don't know who you guys are!"

"Yes of course." Said the old man. "I am Lu Chai, this is my grandson Henry, and Mrs. Helen is a friend of mine. To get started I would like to say that you now belong to an international community of unique creatures. We are not magical; because we have existed for hundreds of years it's just that we have been forgotten and considered to be fictional."

"What are trying to say to me, that I now belong to some weird lizard community that exists and doesn't exist at the same time?" I said.

"Please don't say lizard you may say it in a more similar term that you know, dragon. You will be staying here for a week to study you and to see if you can go back to your home."

This Henry took me upstairs of the place to a small room; it already had my clothes inside and my personal stuff like my phone, and computer. He explained to me that my mom got a message telling that I will be in a recuperation hospital, obviously it was I lie, he told me that everything is arranged and that there is no need to fear. I contacted my mom and she actually got the fake message, I didn't tell her the truth because I want to know what's happening to me, after that I went to sleep with a stomach-ache wondering what will happen tomorrow. I woke up at 6:00 am anxious of what I was going to do; Lu Chai and Mrs. Helen were waiting for me and Henry.

"Take a seat young man" said Lu Chai. "Today I will explain to you everything since you are one of us now. What you have is no sickness, it is your first dragon powers, there are only 855 thousand people in the world with this power, well it's not actually a power it's your true from you are an actual dragon. This ability is passed down through generations for example my grandsons powers come from me, we are trying to find and explanation for your case.

"What do you mean" I said

"Your family has no presences of dragon powers, and it's not normal you a non-magical being to have these powers, unless you drank the blood of a Qiu Lung.

"What's that?" 

   "It is the most powerful species of dragon, but the last one ever seen was 400 years ago, so it's impossible."

Henry went tripping down the stairs because he was late for his training. We both sat down in a large couch waiting for any instruction. Lu Chai told us to change into our dragon forms, Henry turned into a red dragon with black and green hair, he was about 2 meters tall. I in the other hand didn't how to do anything, Lu helped me transform into my dragon form, now with a more of patience I could see my other body, and I was purple with black hair and metal claws that was insane, but my problem was that I couldn't stand up. While I was in the ground and Henry was standing Lu and Helen looked at us with great interest.

"Henry you are unique, you are a combination of a Asian dragon and a European dragon" said Lu

"What's the difference" Henry asked.

"Asian dragons don't have wings, they breath red fire, and they're much larger than European dragons, and Europeans have wings, they are not that big, but they breath bleu fire. You David are also a combination but you more to the European side."

"Now that were steeled we must go the dragon council to present you to the court. David I know that you don't understand anything that you're saying but when we get there you'll understand everything. Your mom has agreed with us that you will be staying with us for a month; I told her that you were very sick but you're in progress. We haven't told you this but our existence must be kept secret, because there are people out there that want to expose our existence to win money or to capture us like animals to study us." 

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