Chapter 3 (An Amusing flight)

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We all went to airport, at the check points we all had a little problem, Helen told me that we all had cold blood and we didn't appear in the infra-red scanner. She told the post guy that we were all from Alaska, he bought it perfectly. Lu got us a small private jet that was all bleu and fancy. I've never flown in a private jet before; Henry told me that besides that he knows how to fly with his dragon wings, he is terrifying to fly in a plane. When I entered into the plain I checked the whole place out, it was actually pretty cool I went to say hi and thankyou to the two pilots. In the door was written two names "Kara and Sera", when I entered into the cockpit it literally saw to dragons one yellow one pink playing poker.

"Are you the passenger from Mr. Chai's flight?" said Kara.

"Yes I am." I answered.

Henry also entered into the cockpit and very directly began to play strong boy in front of the two ladies. He got kicked out of the cockpit like a bullet, Sera told me to sit down wherever I liked including the cockpit. I went to sit at the back side with Henry and Lu, Lu was asleep since he kind of was at his 80's or 90's.

"Yo why didn't you go with the hot chicks" Henry said.

"No way, they very aggressive and you didn't know when they're going to kick you out like a bullet."

"Shut up. This flight is of 6 hours so want to talk about something?"

"Yea, tell me everything about you, I just met you yesterday."

"Well there is not much to say, I lived in Canada for 12 years then I moved to New York , I got my dragon powers when I was 13 that same year I kind 'a made a little mess with my powers at school that got me kicked out. I never knew my parents, they also were dragons, and I've been living with my grandpa. You know it kind of bugs me when you call him Lu, his my grandpa so you can call him "G", if he doesn't like it tell him it was me. Where are you from again?"

"I'm from Ohio but I lived in Uruguay for a couple of years"

"You know what that means, that means we're freshmen. I'm the first Canadian dragon, which means that you're the first Uruguayan dragon"

After a few hours of talk we went to sleep, then by turbulence we all woke up including G. the plane landed a couple of minutes later in the most majestic place I've ever seen. It was a temple wider but as big as the empire state made of gold. When the plain stopped Kara and Sera went running outside to get get some air after a 6 hour flight, they told us that we all have to see council immediately,  that they were waiting.  

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