Chapter 7 (A trip back home)

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Three days later after the attack, everything went back to normal. Classes continued, 70 food restaurants were available, and we three continued with our training until we had an unexpected guest. One night we were all playing cards in our room when suddenly we herd our door knock, when we opened it it was Helen with a 15 year old girl by the looks of it.

"Good morning students, this is Vanessa she's a new dragon for our society and shill be part of your group." Said Helen

She entered into our room with a bleu bag, she was about my size, she had blond hair and blue eyes, and she had a very positive face with a smile.

"Hi I'm Vanessa, I'm the fourth dragon from Denmark, and it's a pleasure" She said

"The pleasure is all mine, I'm David" I replied

"And were Henry and Kiah" Said Henry bumping into me.

"So tell me about you guys" She said.

We talked for a while, and then heed to our daily training, were we found G and Helen waiting for us.

"David, it's been a long time, how've you been." Said G

"You know everything is great, learning and working." I answered

"Don't worry young one today is you final test after 3 months, I hope you've practiced."

"Shure I just hope everyone is ready."

The test was actually pretty hard, we had to fly and fight our way through a lot of obstacles. We all sat down to plan how we were going to pass all of that, G sat with us to hear what we were going to say; we came up with a great idea with a little of help from Vanessa. By the looks of G's face he liked the plan, until Henry just ran away and did the test all fast to impress Vanessa, typical. In the end he got knocked out of the sky, and fell into the dirt scratching your arm real good.

"Listen students I'm in a hurry and I've decided that you've all passed the test. Why, well because most of you worked as a team and you included your new student immediately" Said G

"So how did I do?" Said Henry

"Henry I will be going with Helen to investigate about the attack on last Friday, you will go and stay with David, maybe he can be your new master"

"Nonsense, yo my G"

"I'm sorry Henry, but if you don't change your attitude in the next test, you might be assigned a new master because there are no bad students only bad masters. It's very typical when you're a teenager, but when you become like me, you will see thing clearly."

"You also were a teenager you know."

"Yes but I'm an umm.......................!Do not question your dragon master!"

"You will al leave tonight get your things ready and go to Henry's home" Said Helen

We all went to our rooms and started packing our things up, Vanessa was felt upset because you only just got there. We went to the place's airport, were inside of the plain I found once again Kara and Sara sitting on the floor. The plane took off and we started to chat for a while, when the plane was already on the air Kara and Sara left it automatic and went back to talk to us.

"So you fellow are going to Henry fancy pants house" Said Kara

"Here that Vanessa, fancy" Said Henry

"O please, yo manners don't go with fancy, unless you have hot fudge, do you have hot fudge?" Said Kiah

"Sure do."

"? How did you know that we were going to Henry's house?" I said

"Well we haven't told you, but I and my sister are oracles." Said Sara

"What's that" Said Kiah

"That means that we can predict the future, Sara always sees the good stuff, and I always see the bad stuff" Said Kara

"Wait so that means yawl can tell the future of someone, wright?"


"Do me. Do me!" Said Henry

"Your house will burn down in 12 seconds" Said Kara

"But you're cavity free this years" Said Sera

"My what will what, wait cavity free, yes!" Shouted Henry

"That's interesting, do me please." Said Vanessa

"Your hair will lose some of its strength in a for a while" Said Kara

"And you and South American boy are going to tie the knot" Said Sara

"Wait she and, that's for another time, Henry we can't go to your house, it off. Hey why don't you crash at my place?"

"Well that is possible, I'll change the coordinates." Said Sara

I went to the back of the plain to think what I might say to my mother about everything. Way back in the plane I saw pale lady with white hair and with a small red flower tattoo on her face, I sat down with her to talk.

"Who are you again?"

"I'm just another passenger joining this flight." Said the stranger

"I mean who are you, who are you."

"I am the one that comes and goes, I am the one that fell and flew, and I am the one that comes for you." She finished banishing with a demonic smile into the thin air.

The flight went on for two hours; I spent all that time thinking of what she meant and who she was. I assumed it was the Lacemaker, but I didn't want to tell Kiah about it since it would just make thing worse. 

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