Chapter 5 (A new family)

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I walked further in the building everybody stared at me, then bursting out of nowhere I see my flying companion Henry. He told me about a couple of thing that happened to him when he got there like transforming flying to the third floor and slamming into some statue and falling over everybody's luggage, ohh Henry. He took me to room 337 that was in the third fool, also known as the freshman's room. We entered and we saw some nice African girl by her dressing, and nobody else. The freshmans were short this year, only me, Henry and the girl.

"Hi, I'm Kiah the first South Africa's dragon, pleased to meet you." Said the African Girl

"I'm David, Uruguayan dragon."

"I'm Henry, one and only Canadian dragon"

"There are three dragons from Canada here, which makes you the fourth." Said Kiah

"So when did you get your powers?" I asked

"About three days ago, it gave quite a shock; the gene skipped my mom's generation that leaves me as the freak of the house."

"You shouldn't worry, I got them two days ago, and I'm the first in my family to get them, they don't even know."

"How do you look like transformed." said Henry

"Like a fish" she answered.

Henry and I laughed a little, but when she transformed she looked like the queen of the ocean destined to rule over the the seven seas, until she cut the glory when she fell on the floor like I did when I first transformed. She told us that she couldn't fly because she was made for water. She changed back and we all three chatted till 11:00 pm and then we all when to sleep scared and anxious of our next day. We all woke up at 7:00 am and we were taken with a guide to the main cafeteria, there were all sours of food from all over the world.

 I and Henry took one of each country and Kiah took only from France, she told us that here dream is to go Paris one day. We all searched for a table to hang with new guys but they all rejected us I had no idea why, until we found an empty table. We sat there quietly eating while the surrounding tables were looking at us with curiosity or annoyance.

"Man, we are getting pushed" Said Henry

"My parents sent me here about a week ago besides I got my powers three days ago, these people don't like new dragons." Said Kiah

"Why?" I said

"It's because in training we darn slow them down since we don't know anything, all of them went through that but they don't care of others, do any of you have sharp claws to open me this package."

Henry tried first but he couldn't, his claws were as smooth as a pool stick, I with a little help of Kiah managed to transform my hand and cut open the package.

"Dam boy, you got yourself a couple of razorblades in yo hands, tell you what if you owe me one day all put you to calm my hair." Surprised said Kiah

We ate for a while, Henry and I didn't feel very well since we mixed up all of the foods up, then Helen, after a long time, came to us three and took us to our first training season. We went into a large sort of Chinese training room to practice; we were the only ones with fresh powers. She told us to first transform to our dragon form, I typically did it well but I fell for the third time to the floor as well as Kiah, only Henry had more experience with his form. Helen helped us to stand for a while and then we began to walk slowly, it's like being a baby trying to walk again, that killed me. After our first freaking step we spent the whole day doing all sorts of stuff like breathing fire, Henry and I had red fire but Kiah had blue fire that was awesome. We also learned to fly after smashing fifty times with the walls.

 After 12 hours of practice we were exhausted, Henry and I felt sick after eating the 70 meal breakfast; we had to go puke to the bathroom. In the after the puking, a couple of large guys walked towards us, they began to bully us because of our training this morning, they told us that we didn't belong there. One of the guys grabbed Henry and the other two came and pushed me into the corned, without hesitation I changed into my dragon form to intimidate them, which was kind of a bummer because it didn't help at all. Those guys in their other form were 3 times larger and stronger than me, one of the guys with no warning hit me in the head with his fist at all speed, I'm saying this part with no biggie because guess what happened to them next. 

The guy broke his hand when he punched me; I felt it like if some of threw me an eraser, almost nothing. The three guys left taking their friend to the nurse office, which was completely ironic; the bullies get to go to the baby nurse office jaaaa. We went back to our room and found Kiah crying; we asked her what was going on, she just told us that it was memory about her brother nothing more. 

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