Outside the diary (1)

365 21 5

Jimin's P.O.V

What am I gonna do?

I found out I have a tumor. I cried every night, knowing I can die anytime.

They told me to do operations but, there is only have a 4% chance of the operation being successful.

With that, I declined the offer.

I can't go yet. Not just yet.

I need to make sure Yoongi is 100% happy.

Just when I thought I could be alone at the canteen...

"hey Jimin~!" Taehyung sang and also shouted while running to my table.

I always enjoy Taehyung's presence. He never fails to make people laugh but, he could be very annoying sometime too...

I looked up and gave him a smile.

"hey Tae" I answered back.

"where's Kook?" I asked him.
He's usually with jungkook because they are a very clingy couple. A day without eachother and they might loose their sanity. Sometimes I wanna be them. It would be greater if me and Yoongi hyung- wait, what am I thinking? I should be over him. I have to stop hurting myself. I have to let him be happy.... Even if I don't get happine-


"hello... Earth to Jiminie." Tae's voice snapped me out if my thoughts..

"oh, sorry, " I apologized...

"Anyway, My kookie is sick today. I'm gonna miss him so~~ much... Like, I don't think I can breathe right. He makes me feel so right.."

Taehyung just kept on babbling about how he missed Jungkook and how he want to kiss him and blah blah blah....

I just rest my head on the table and wondering what is Yoongi hung doing...

"Oh, there he is... Kissing Ji Soon... " I said in my head as I took a glance at the door when I saw a mint haired male(too cliche?)
With the long haired girl...

It burns.

From head to toe.

I keep telling myself to get over him but I can't and I don't know why..

Why am I doing this to myself?

I only have an amount of time to live.

I need to enjoy this time but instead, I'm crying at home, thinking; am I not good enough for him?

My mom... My mom... Do I even have a mom?

I know I have  abusers at home but not a mom.

She wasn't always like that...

Flashback (6 years ago)

"Don't hurt our son!!" My mother screamed when my father hit me with his belt.

"My son is not a homosexual!!" My dad screamed back.

Yes, i'm gay but my father does not approve of it.

He imagine me getting married to a woman, have kids and take over his business...

But I don't want to. It's just not me...

My father continue to beat me brutally, not even giving a damn about me.

I cried.

I didn't stop...

I couldn't stop..

The pain was aching all around my body.

Red marks was seen on my slightly pale skin...

My mother on the other hand was pulling my father back trying to stop him, begging for him to stop but it was useless.

My father got annoyed and albowed her away..

"mom!!" I screamed, as I saw her fell on the ground.

I ran to her and hugged her tight, on the floor.

Unlike my father, my mother is more accepting.

She doesn't mind me being who I am right now..

She's like an angel... My angel specifically...

"just stop it!" My mom screamed at my father...

"You know what?... " My father stopped before finishing his sentence..

"take this shit with you. I'm leaving this place... " he points at me.

"n-no.. Please don't leave us!" My mom begged as she clinged on my father's leg.

Tears running down her reddened face...

All my father did was shake his leg and walk out of the house, leaving us....

After that day, we never saw my father again...

It's over...

End of flashback

Soon, my mom started drinking...

From drinking, to drugs...

From drugs, to abuse....

I couldn't live like this but where do I have to go... Where??

*Bell ring*

hmm....why do i have to live like this???

I stood up and just continue with all the classes...



How was this chappy??

I'll try to write longer at the next chapter.

Thx for reading!!💜💜

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