Outside The Diary (6)

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AHA! I made a chapter by suprise! Didn't expect this chapter, did ya? Hehe.. Enjoy this chapter, popcorns!🍿


" The weekends was so fun!" i exclaimed to Yoongi and Hoseok...

Hoseok started talking to me... I knew he wouldn't resist me..hehe.. I asked him why he was like that but he just said that he was having a very bad day...well, sometimes, I intend to be like that when i have a bad day too so, I forgave him when we're friends again!

I still can't forget about that time with Yoongi, tho... It seemed so unreal...

When I told them that, they didn't really gave me an enthusiastic look. More like a "Why didn't you go out with me" kind of look.

"Look, I'm sorry i didn't go with any of you but i already promised my friends"

That was when I knew....I....Fucked....Up....

"Freinds?!" They said in as unison way...

Right, I told them I was going with a guy....hehe, oops

" Ehe, I was just messing with you guys... I went with a group of friends whom already have their partners... Plus, why would you care if i'm going on a date or if i am actually dating someone in particular?" That question is always floating around in my mind. It's not that I mind it. I'm just a very curious person.

They both just look at me while i'm still waiting for an answer.

"Well...I..-" Hoseok started...

" I just want to be careful. Don't pick the wrong partner, okay? I really care for you, Jimin-ah... I just want you to be mindful about who you want to be with... I don't want anyone to be hurting more than you already are" Yoongi cut in...

I nodded in respond even though on the inside, I was awe struck by that answer...It satisfied me but what thing that concerned me was when he said 'more than you already are' . D-does he know something? Ish...probably not... I didn't tell anybody about this...

I looked up from my food and look at Hoseok giving Yoongi a death glare. Yoongi being....Yoongi  just continue eating his food not caring... I sighed... When will they ever get along?

Gee, why am I such a mess when i'm eating?

I was just about to wipe my mouth when i felt someone's thumb rubbing against the side of my lips... It was Yoongi's... And there goes my face... It's all red..

" Gosh, Jimin, you're such a messy eater" He said and chuckled. I just faced down, embarrassed, at the fact that i'm blushing so madly right now..

" I think i'll go now... I need to do some extra... studying... My grades are dropping... See you later..." Hoseok said bitterly... What's wrong with him? I really don't want to make him mad. I just said goodbye to him and me and Yoongi started convosations that was going nowhere..


In the middle of me and Yoongi's conversation, a wild Taehyung came out of nowhere and attack Yoongi with a tight hug. Yoongi gave him a disgusted face and pushed him away... I just laugh, knowing that, that is the result when hugging Yoongi...

"Aweee, Yoongi hyung is so no fun! You always let Jimin hug you, but not me! Why!?" Taehyung whined like a baby...

Yoongi kept quiet for awhile, before answering...

"Well, Jimin is cute and NOT annoying , unlike you..Plus, you have Jungkook to hug, right?. Who's gonna hug Jimin, huh?"

" I AM cute, according to Kookie... And i'm sure he have his parents to hug him, right Jimin?"

" U-uh..."

"So! Where is Jungkook at?!" Yoongi said cheerfully, changing the subject. Did he read my mind or something?

" He's buying the food." Mind if we seat here with you guys?" Of course we allowed it. No matter how annoying he is, he's still our friend.

Soon, Jungkook came along and we just started to chat...

I felt Yoongi staring at me tho... He came closer towards me..what's he gonna do!?

He then whispered " After school, meet me in the park... You're gonna explain to me everything..You KNOW what I mean.."


The next chapter is gonna be..uh...intense af? Idk...lesse what will happen at the next chaper. Hehe... I'll probably edit this tomorrow...



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