~A Fun Chapter~

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Sorry. I first time I released this chapter, it was an accident. Again, sorry for the false alarm

Heyyo everyone! Lemme tell you what is a fun chapter... Well, it's a chapter full of humour and lack of sanity and it's also short. I thought if doing it since I have the motivations to write today!

Before even proceeding to this story, I wanted to thank you all the readers for reading this book... At first, I thought this book was not going to be a fail but looking at the amount of support I got, I think u was wrong. So thank you for making this book a success...

Please help me by continuing to support me in this book. I thank you all of you... Lof you all!!😊💕


Jimin's POV

I had a lot of fun today! It was a very nice. We went to this food court and Taehyung, being himself,  doing some silly and stupid things... He stuck fries up his nose and he used chilly sauce as the paste! Soon, his nose started to burn up and it looked so red. I mean, who is stupid enough to do that? Well, apparently, Taehyung... This boy...

Jeonghan hyung also bought lots and lots of clothes... I'm not sure why does he need so more clothings. He's closet is already full and I was sure he had at least 5 bags of them. I didn't buy so much things tho. I just bought a pair of jeans and T-shirts... Jihoon hyung bought an earphone. He already has tons of them but he said that, that specific earphone will shut people out from the world but I'm not sure if that's real or he just made up that explanation to shut me up from talking to him.

Seungkwan... I think you know how much he bought.. With Vernon's credit card, he's allowed to buy whatever he wants. Vernon really likes to spoil him. And Wonwoo hyung... I think he just came with us for food tho... He didn't buy a single thing... He said something about saving money to go on a holiday with Mingyu or something... Minghao bought something for himself and Junhui hyung... I think it was denim jackets.. He's so cute and thoughtful. Junhui hyung is lucky to have a person like him... I'm so jealous of them...

Anyway, the whole day went by pretty fast. As soon as it was 7 pm, we need to head to Seungcheol hyung's place as that's where the rest of the boys were... Why 7 pm you ask? Well, it's because, Seungcheol hyung, being the dad he is, gave us a curfew... So if we don't come back now, Seungcheol hyung will spam Jeonghan hyung's phone with texts, asking where we are and after we reach home, he will give us a very very long lecture on how going home late is bad... so... yeah. But luckily for Jeonghan hyung, he doesn't get nagged at as he's Seungcheol hyung's little angel... Ugh.. Lucky ass hyung.

In front of Seungcheol hyung's house

As we reach the doorstep of Seungcheol's house, we can already hear noises from the inside. We entered the house and holy crap, the place was messy. Bottles of alcohol were left on the floor. Pillows were thrown across the floor. The boys were nowhere to be seen, but Joshua and Dino. They were at the balcony, away from the rest of them. Jeonghan hyung searched for Seungcheol hyung and found him in the kitchen,lying on the floor. He was mumbling things and there was a bottle of alcohol on his hand... What the heck happened?

Jeonghan hyung then went to the balcony to speak to Joshua and to let him explain what had happened while he was gone... The house is a complete trash. It's as if a bunch if animals had just entered this house and just stepped on everything...

"Josh, what the hell happened here?! I only left for about 3 hours and you all already created a big mess!" Jeonghan hyung said, raising his voice a little.

"Well.. Um...they were playing truth or dare that involves alcohol. I told them not to but they were stubborn. So, I went to the balcony, taking Chan with me, knowing he was too young for alcohol... "

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