Ch. 2.1 RenFests and Dragons

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Alex's current Society for Creative Anachronism sword instructor, Jason De Toit, was tall and thin. She had learned to be wary of this, for he was all speed and wiry strength.

He had a black belt in Kung Fu but it was his Krav Maga that she was hot to learn: all the quickly learned and effective street fighting skills.

They traded a few jabs with the practice swords and Alex saw that he was going easy on her.

It crossed her mind to administer some painful swats as punishment, but then remembered that she was going to ask for Krav Maga lessons, so she should be nice.

"C'mon, Jason. Do you think Cla will be this easy on me? She nearly cut my heart out."

"Who's Cla?" Jason stared at her.

Alex cursed herself. "Uhm . . . role playing. Seriously, step it up."

Alex saw that Jason was good, but he had never fought for his life.

His use as a swordsmanship instructor is over. At least there's still Krav Maga.

"Alex, I need you at RenFest. Lenica dropped out, but she said you could wear her costume. It'll be fun.  Surely, you've been to a RenFest before. There will be a morning sparring session and then the big battle is at noon."

"Okay, but don't call me 'Shirley'. I'll trade you for Krav Maga lessons," Alex replied.

"Great, I'll get the costume."  


Alex stared at the leather brassiere and skirt that Jason was holding up and then laughed.

Either laugh or belt him one.

"I am not wearing some hormonal teenage boy's idea of what a female warrior look like. I want chain mail," Alex said.

"I'll loan you a chain mail shirt if you wear the skirt," Jason countered. "Remember how hot it will be." Gauging her look, he added, "Five free Krav Maga lessons."


Walkingthe RenFest, Alex wore a ferocious look on her face, although no one knew itwas because of the short leather skirt.

She prowled in close proximity to Jason so that they looked like a couple. Alex was afraid she would blast some drunken tourist who pinched her rear, but the RenFest crowd was well-behaved and the other SCA members were courtly.

The first sparring match was well received by the crowd and Jason announced the noon battle.

After watching the comedians and short Shakespeare spoofs, Alex walked to the designated battleground, a large, grassy, picnic area of the park.

She squared off against her designated opponent and won, as planned.

A man in a tunic and pig-faced bascinet helmet stepped in her path, sword out, clearly wanting a fight. He hadn't been on her schedule, but Alex shrugged and took a stance.

He rushed her and in two minutes, it was clear that this was no SCA member. Alex stepped up her sword-work, only to find it matched.

She ratcheted up again with power swings and again was matched.

She wound his blade for two revolutions and he flung off her sword. Alex hung onto it and evaluated the swordsman opposite her.

Her opponent reached out with his sword and flicked it across her arm, just below the chain mail, and a fine spatter of blood sprayed out.

The crowd gasped and the nearest SCA members turned in shock.

Alex entered battle mode and now there was a real show for the crowd. She slammed an overhead chop full force and he flung her off.

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