finally leaving

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Enzo opened his eyes to see Jackson laying in his arms. He slowly slid out of bed, carefully as he could to not wake Jackson. He decided to write a note for the boy who changed his life in just a few short days. It read 'Jackson thank you so very much. I may have only known you for a few days but you have made me extremely happy. Before you i was never happy, but since I met you i haven't stopped smiling. This isn't goodbye, I will be back soon handsome,' He laid the note down on a dresser where Jackson would see when he woke up. He left the hotel and walked to a little flower shop down the street and bought some flowers with the only money he had. They were specially made roses, they were special because they were emerald/sapphire roses. They perfectly match the color of Jackson's eyes. Enzo pulled up his translation app so we could write a note in English, the note read: Here are 6 roses to symbolize the 6 days I have known you. He then headed back to the hotel. When he opened the door to their hotel room he found Jackson reading his note. Enzo walked over to him and hugged him. As Jackson stood up Enzo handed Jackson the flowers and they touched foreheads. He whispered "Jackson Carter will you officially be my boyfriend?". All Enzo heard was a faint whisper of yes then the boy pulled him in for a kiss. Jackson pulled away embarrassed, he never thought he would kiss a boy but here he is with his male soulmate. His face turned a bright crimson red. The boys both look into each other's eyes for what felt like forever before they heard a phone go off. Jackson had gotten a text from his parents with the flight info. They had to leave at 2pm New York time which would be 8pm France time. and it was only 11am. They decided to stay in the hotel room and try and improve Enzo's english. Enzo could speak a little bit of broken english but Jackson wanted to help him improve it. Enzo askes Jackson if they could stop by his house and grab the few things he owned. Jackson without hesitation tells him of course they can, although he is secretly concerned about what is going to happen. They call another uber amd drive to Enzo's old home. On the way there they tell the authorities what they plan to do and they are told Enzo will be escorted through his house to keep him safe from his abusive parents. It stings Jackson to hear that Enzo has to be protected from his parents. When they arrive policemen are there waiting for them outside. Enzo tells Jackson to wait for him outside because it's safer there. Jackson although very worried for his boyfriend agrees to wait outside. Enzo is circled by guards and enters the house. The first thing that happens is his face is hit with spit. That's all Jackson sees before the door is shut. It takes every muscle in his body to not run in after his boyfriend so he can be there for him. Enzo walks through his house being spit on and screamed at. When he reaches his room he goes to collect the few things he owns. He grabs one book and hears his dad say something about Jackson. He stands up still holding the book and glares aggressively towards his father. He slowly walks towards him until the officers stop him from getting closer. Enzo screamed "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!" at the top of his lungs. All his dad does is spit in Enzo's face and says "he's gonna get hurt. Bad. Its karma for being a disrespectful shit". Enzo's father looks at Enzo in triumph as he watches Enzo run out of the house in anger only taking one book. Jackson sees Enzo storm out of the house. He runs to Enzo and embraces him. He sees tears and spit all over Enzo's face. He takes off his shirt and wipes the boy's face. They both fall to their knees. Jackson sees the book clutched in Enzo's arms and asks to look at it. Enzo slowly hands him the book. He looks over it and when he opens it up to the first page he recognizes the words. Enzo tells him the book is called J'étais ici, which is french for I Was Here. Jackson then explains that when they switched bodies that  the book was the first one he picked up. Shortly thereafter Enzo felt better with the help of Jackson's comforting words. They both get back in the Uber and head towards the airport, but on their way towards the airport they drive past the Eiffel Tower and they decided to make a pit stop. Once they're there they get Enzo changed into some clean clothes and take in the beautiful scenery.

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