flying to our new life together

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Enzo and Jackson took their seats on the plane. After putting their carry ons up in the overhead bin they sat down next to each other, Jackson took the window seat and Enzo had the middle. Jackson pulled out his copy of I Was Here. Enzo rested his head on Jackson's shoulder because he was genuinely tired. Jackson began to read the book but since Enzo was there he decided to read aloud. Any time Enzo didn't understand a word Jackson would try to explain it to him. Suddenly the plane experienced a bit of turbulence and Enzo hid himself in the crook of Jackson's neck. Jackson asks what's wrong and Enzo just says he's scared, he had never been on a plane before. Enzo felt Jackson gingerly touch his face. He thought Jackson was going to push him away but suddenly he felt Jackson's lips on his. Enzo opened his eyes and saw Jackson kissing him, he was so confused. Jackson pulled away and immediately hugged Enzo, without letting him say anything. Jackson told Enzo he will protect him, forever. Enzo felt safer with Jackson and fell asleep for the rest of the plane ride. When the plane landed Jackson lightly shook Enzo to wake him. Once Enzo woke up the boys got their carry ons and they left the plane. They walked hand in hand to collect their luggage. Enzo being in a new place stayed as close to Jackson as he could. Once they collected their luggage they went to leave but Enzo caught a glimpse of someone holding a sign that read "Jackson Carter". Enzo told Jackson what he saw and Jackson turned and looked at the mystery person. Jackson told Enzo that the person was a very close friend of his. His name was Daniel, he was much shorter than Enzo and had blonde hair, brown eyes. Daniel called out to Jackson and Jackson lead Enzo over to him. Jackson introduced Enzo to Daniel and asked Daniel what he was doing there. He said he was there to give the two lovebirds a ride home. Enzo chuckled while Jackson blushed. They headed out to Daniels car and went home.

Sorry guys our doc was messin up but tomorrows will be a full one

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