the meeting

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How? Enzo just stared at the text. That's when the realization hit him, that dream was real.He sat there and stared at the message before he realised he should respond. He decided to reply with 'Hello Jackson my name is Enzo Devaux. My phone has to translate your messages so i can read what you say in my language. I speak french what do you speak?' Enzo was under his bed covers smiling the biggest smile he's had in years.

When Jackson gets the reply from his soulmate he can read it because luckily his phone also has auto translate. He learns that the boys name is Enzo. He just holds his phone and smiles for a bit. After a bit more talking Jackson learns where Enzo lives, that his parents are abusive, and that he loves talking to him. He tells Enzo to wait a little bit. Jackson then rushes into his parents room, at 11:45pm, waking them. He tells them he found his soulmate but he lives in France so he asks if he can go there to meet Enzo. His parents tell him they'll book a flight for the next day. Jackson quickly tells Enzo he's coming to see him. Both of them get no sleep that night, also because it was already almost 6am for Enzo when Jackson told him the news. By morning Jackson is completely packed and ready to leave. He left mid day and arrived late the next afternoon. On his plane ride Jackson reads through an English to French translation book. After studying for hours he decides there is no way he's going to be able to learn this before he lands and will have to just pull it out to talk to Enzo. It takes him until morning to get to Enzos home. He gently knocks on the door and a large man, reeking of alcohol, opens the door, Jackson pulls out his translation book and asks if Enzo is home and could come out to town with him. The man who Jackson assumes is Enzo's father screams Enzo's name and he comes from his room quickly. The dad told him that he better be polite to the young, rich American boy and take his money in fast french so Jackson couldn't understand, all he picked up on was American. Enzo just nods while looking down at the floor and leaves the house. Jackson orders then a Uber so they can get into town and while they're on their way into town Enzo talks slow so Jackson can read the book and translate what he is saying. The first place they went is a store, basically a French version of Walmart, to get a handheld translator. Once they got that they could talk to each other much easier. They spent the rest of the day going from restaurant to restaurant. Jackson had full intent to give Enzo as much food as he could eat. They also stopped in a few little shopping malls to look around. They both got new outfits, because Jackson knew Enzo needed it, even though he put on his nicest outfit for the occasion. That night they stayed in a cute, little hotel. Jackson knew he was probably rushing into things but he wanted to make sure Enzo's miserable life became a happy one. Later that night Jackson told Enzo he was gonna take him back with him to New York where he lived. Enzo laughed cause he thought that was crazy but when he looked into Jackson's eyes, those beautiful eyes, he knew he was serious. Jackson's parents had booked two tickets back to America and the French police were contacted about Enzo's parents. Enzo had been set free, he was allowed to leave his abusive house and go to America with his soulmate. All Enzo could do was hug Jackson as tight as he could, which honestly wasn't much because of how weak he was. They both slept well that night, together in each others arms.

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