alone in a new home

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Once Enzo heard the door open him and Jackson raced to the door hand in hand. They stopped Mom before she got more than a few steps into the house. In unison the boys asked "Can we keep the kitten we found?" Mom just stared at the boys confused. Jackson ran into his room and looked for Tux. Jackson could hear purring but couldn't see him. He looked under the bed and he found Tux. He slowly grabbed the kitten and brought him out to Mom. The boys told Mom they already bought him the stuff he'll need and they'll take care of him. Mom pulled the boys close to her and whispered "Only if you dont tell Dad and we can scare him", with a sly smile on her face. Jackson and Enzo both lit up and hugged mom, gently so that they didn't squish Tux. After eating dinner they all went to get ready for bed. As both boys climbed into bed Tux ran under the bed. Oh shit. School was all Enzo heard as Jackson sat up quickly. "What?" Enzo questioned Jackson."I forgot how I have to go back to school tomorrow" Jackson said throwing his face in his hands."So while your at school what do Ido? Just stay home?" Enzo said, a little harshly."I guess you do whatever. I'll write mine and moms numbers on a piece of paper and give you an extra phone we should have. We Also have a bike you could use if you wanted to go somewhere, there's a Starbucks a few blocks away."Well... I was kinda thinking about staying home",Enzo whispered"That works too baby." not noticing Enzo's change of emotions. Enzo blushed from being called baby. Jackson relaxed and decided to not worry about school and focus on his beautiful soulmate. Enzo laid his head on Jacksons chest and they each told each other they love them and the drifted off to sleep.

Enzo's POV

The next morning Enzo woke up and Jackson wasn't there. He looked around the room and saw a note on the door. It read "Dearest Enzo I'm off to school. Please take care. I'll be home around 3ish. Have fun and check on Tux every once and awhile. Love, your boyfriend xx". Enzo smiled and whispered "I love you too" to himself. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed the box of poptarts off the counter and made some for himself. He decided to watch something on the T.V. He turned on the T.V. and looked through the channels to see what he could watch. He picked YouTube but wasn't sure what to watch. He looked around till he found the phone and numbers ,Jackson talked about, on the kitchen counter and texted him. He asked what he should watch on YouTube. All Jackson replied was "FOB". Enzo found out that was short for Fall Out Boy, a popular pop-punk band. He listened to one of the songs and fell in love. He listened to song after song after song. After a while he began to dance and lip sync some of it till he felt his phone vibrate. It was Jackson asking how to curse someone out in French. Enzo smiled and replied with "call them a Enfoiré". Jackson said thanks and sent a kissy face emoji. Enzo laid down and realised Tux hadn't moved from the couch all day, but neither has he so hee picked up Tux and walked into the kitche. Enzo looked through the cupboards and found crisps. He ate some and tried to give one to Tux but he didn't want it so Enzo got his bowl and filled it. Enzo looked at the time and saw it was only 1 o'clock. He was unsure of what to do. So he choose to look through Jackson's books. He found a book titled "The Hunger Games". He thought it looked interesting so he began to read it. As he read time flew by and soon enough he got the text from Jackson saying he'd be home soon. Enzo suddenly had the idea to scare Jackson. He looked around the house to find a place to hide. He settled with the behind the door trick. He hid behind the boys' door and waited. After about 10 minutes Jackson arrived home. He called for Enzo but he got no answer. He thought "He must be asleep". Jackson walked into their room and Enzo jumped out from behind the door and scared Jackson. Jackson screamed high pitch and jumped back. Enzo fell down laughing and after a second of horror and anger passed Jackson began to laugh as well. They crawled to meet each other in the middle of the floor. They held each for quite some time They both got up they silently went, got food, and watched T.V.. Jackson was sitting up properly and Enzo was laying down with his head in Jackson's lap. Things were going well until they heard a knock on the door.

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