meeting the parents

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Enzo and Jackson both lay on the couch sleeping in each other's arms. Jackson wakes to hear Enzo's stomach rumbling. Jackson doesn't know whether to wake him and feed him or to go back to sleep. After the front door opens he realizes no matter what now he's gotta get Enzo up to eat. Coming through the door was Jackson's parents with boxes of Chinese food. "Who wants cat?" Yelled Jackson's father. Enzo looking frightened was told by Jackson's mom it was a joke. Enzo thanks Mrs.Carter but she said he can call her mom and if he wants Mr.Carter dad. Hearing that mad Enzo really happy. Since Enzo was very hungry they all sat down in the living room and ate. Enzo called Mr.Carter Papa and asked for his drink which was near him. Mr.Carter stood up and stated "In this household I'm called sir". Mrs. Carter replied with "Well sir how about you do the chicken dance again?". "Or play Just Dance when you think we aren't here again"? Mr.Carter sits down embarrassed, and says sorry. Then the inevitable part of meeting the parents, the awkward questions. "So how long have you been gay" asked mom.Jackson looked mortified. Enzo told her he knew since he was a kid a little kid that he didn't care what gender someone is. Mr.Carter asked Jackson how long he'd been gay. Jackson said he can't remember when. He said it was probably around a year ago. For a moment they all sat in awkward silence. Then Enzo spoke up and asked what they do for work. Mom said she's an assistant CEO of 2K games. Papa said he's a real estate agent. Both of them went on about their job. The boys, secretly, were glad because it meant no more weird questions. After dinner they all decided to get some sleep. Mom and Papa went to bed assuming the boys would figure out the sleeping arrangements. Luckily they already knew they were sleeping in the same bed together. As Enzo got ready to go to bed he realized he didn't have any PJ's. Reluctantly Enzo asked for some clothes from Jackson. Without hesitation Jackson got his boyfriend some pants. Since Enzo was much smaller Jackson's pants were basically falling off of him. Once Jackson saw Enzo in the loose clothes he told him he had a way so Enzo didn't have to worry about how loose they are. Enzo looked at Jackson questionably. Jackson said if he layed in bed it wouldn't matter. Enzo climbed into bed and Jackson sat down on the edge of the bed, Enzo turned over to face him. Jackson was taking out his contacts and putting them up, Enzo asked "You wear contacts?" Jackson replied as he laid down, "Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to mention it". Enzo pressed his head and hand against Jackson's chest. Jackson started to curl Enzo's hair around his fingers and then he started to rub Enzo's back while Enzo began to trace circles on Jackson's chest. Slowly both boys fell asleep to the sound of each others breathing. Enzo had woken up in the middle of the night to a loud crash, his immediate reaction was to curl up in a ball. But he couldn't something was holding him. He turned over to see Jackson sleeping peacefully, he decided he shouldn't wake Jackson so he slowly got out of bed to investigate the noise. He would have never done this if he was in his old home, because when there was a loud crash it always meant his father was drunk. As he walked down the stairs he heard scampering and saw a black figure dash across the kitchen. He cautiously moved towards the kitchen to see what it was. As he enters he turns on the lights and the scampering stops. He looks where the noise last was and he was a fluffy little kitten looking at him. The cat was black all over except a little white spot on his chest that looked like a little bowtie. Enzo picked up the kitten and called for Jackson. When Jackson finally got to the kitchen and saw Enzo with the cat he just sat down next to him and pet the kitten. Jackson said "I don't think mom and dad will let us have a cat" Enzo protested "but what if they do?" Jackson finally gave in "Ya know I'm only saying well ask since you're so cute". Enzo smiled really big and looks down at the little ball of fluff in his lap, he said "I think I'm going to name him Tux" Jackson couldn't control himself, this moment was too cute. He picked up Enzo while he still held Tux and brought them both to bed. In the morning when the boys and Tux woke up mom and Papa were already off to work.


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