from paris to home

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Jackson grabbed Enzo's hand to lead him around. They looked at all the beautiful admiral blue flowers planted in honey yellow planters. Since it was spring the flowers were fresh and had a entrancing design. Enzo pointed at the ocean blue and emerald green flowers and looked in Jackson's eyes and said "those flowers are gorgeous, but they are uncomparable to you". Jackson's face turned a rosy red. Enzo took the boy around to show him more of the tower, he had only been there once when he was a young lad. They both agreed to not go up the tower so they wouldn't be late for their plane. As they walked around Jackson calmed down from his embarrassment and began to walk slower and move closer to his boyfriend. Jackson saw a baguette in a cute little bakery and went in and bought one, since he's in France he has to buy a baguette. He pulled out his phone and told Enzo to put one end of the baguette in his mouth. Even though he had no idea what the boy was planning Enzo did as he was instructed. Jackson bit the other end and snapped a few selfies. Enzo asked what for and Jackson told him for memories and for his parents, who at this point hasn't even seen his face. Without hesitation Enzo started to eat the bread from Jackson's hands. Jackson didn't know how to react. He just stood there with his mouth agape as Enzo slowly ate the bread Jackson didn't wanna look too weird so he ripped it in half and gave the half Enzo had started back to him. In Enzo's mind he was thinking of a plan. First, he walks around the Eiffel Tower a little more. Then, he finds a place under the tower alone. Finally, he kisses Jackson. It all sounds good in his head but he knows it's the courage to do it that is gonna be hard. Enzo mentioned to Jackson that they should set an alarm for when they need to leave so they can make it to the airport in time. They both agree. Jackson makes the alarm, however, by mistake, he gives them a little too much time. Enzo and Jackson walk around to look for a place to sit and chat and Enzo smells a very familiar aroma. As they approach Enzo's face lights up as he sees a familiar face Jackson sees Enzo and an old lady running the cafe smile at each other. Enzo goes up to her and hugs the older lady. He sees Jackson's puzzled face and explains that this woman was his old neighbor, the only women to ever be nice to him and used to give him baked goods which is why he noticed the aroma. She's also the one who fueled his passion to read. The older lady, who was introduced as Granny Abby, and Enzo talk for a bit then she tries to talk to Jackson. He fumbles to find the translator and Granny Abby realises he's not French and asks Enzo what language he speaks. Enzo quickly tells her that Jackson speaks English. Then Jackson hears Granny Abby speak a little bit of broken english. She tells him she is a woman who loves reading. She slowly explains that she learned some english so she could read more books. Jackson notices the cafe is a cafe with loads of books in it. He asks if he could buy a book and Granny Abby says no. She tells Jackson that she has a book that is in English she wants to give him. Granny Abby goes behind the counter and opens a hidden safe. From within the safe she gets out a small book bound in leather. Jackson can tell it has been through a lot. She looks at the book and smiled as she hands it to Jackson and tells him that it's the only English book in her possession. Jackson takes the book and reads the title. The title reads I Was Here. Granny Abby then tells Jackson to take good care of the book, because it is her most prized possession. She kisses both boys foreheads and sends them outside to the tables where they both order a cappuccino . They both sit down and Enzo pulls out his copy of I Was Here. They begin to talk about the book. Then Jackson's alarm goes off and he looks at the time and sees they are going to be late if they don't leave immediately. Jackson freaks out and  tells Enzo to hurry because they are running late. They quickly grab all their items and run. Enzo knowing a little bit more about the area takes the lead. They run to airport security and somehow manage to get through in record breaking time. Also thank the universe that their gate was the closest one to security. They got to the the gate just as the airport workers were about the close the gate, luckily they let them on the plane. Time for the ride home.

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