tux the cat

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Sorry for the wait. We've had crap like internet problems and trips and now school but we'll try our best for regular updates

Jackson and Enzo got out of bed. Enzo did not let go of Tux nor did Tux want to be let go of. He was such a cuddly kitten. As Jackson was getting down a box of cereal Enzo spoke up and said he wanted to make breakfast for Jackson. Jackson asked if Enzo knew how to cook. Enzo told him "not one bit". Jackson finally gave in and let Enzo make breakfast. Before leaving the kitchen Jackson gave his phone to Enzo. He told Enzo to use the phone to look up recipes. Once Jackson left the kitchen with tux he looked up how to make american breakfast. After a bit of searching, he found a Sausage, Gravy, and Biscuits recipe. Once Enzo made breakfast he brought a plate of it to Jackson and gave a biscuit to Tux. They all ate the food and then got into Jackson's car. They drove to the nearest pet store and looked around. They bought a litter box, litter, food, feeders, scratching post, got all the shots and paper works, and tags. Then they decided to get lunch. So they went to a fast food restaurant that Enzo had never heard of before, and ordered burgers for themselves. Afterwards  Jackson drove them to a strange building that Enzo had never seen before. Jackson told Enzo to stay in the car with the kitten. Jackson went into the store, Barnes and Noble, and bought Enzo "Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone". He wrapped up the books in plastic bags and headed back to the car. When Jackson got back into the car Enzo asked about the bag and the building but Jackson just told Enzo he'd tell him later with a sly smirk. When they got home they set all Tux's stuff up and went outside. Enzo used a little pocket knife to make a simple face in a stick he picked up in the yard. Jackson then used the knife and tried to carve but accidentally cut between his thumb and pointer finger. Jackson began to panic because he had never done that before. Enzo calmed him with his soothing voice and warm touch and then assessed Jackson's cut. It was a small shallow cut but it bled a decent amount. Enzo reassured Jackson he could take care of it. He told him that he took care of all the wounds his parent's inflicted like bruises, cuts, and broken bones or dislocated joints. Jackson winced at the thought of Enzo in such pain. Enzo got the first aid kit out of the downstairs bathroom and began to tend to the cut. He began by cleaning the blood up and then disinfecting it. After which he wrapped Jackson's hand with bandages. Jackson felt so bad for Enzo being hurt so much he began to cry forgetting about his own injury. Enzo pulled Jackson into his arms and played with Jackson's hair. Through the sobs, Jackson promised to keep Enzo safe to the best of his abilities. Although the boy he loves is crying the fact he is crying for him made him a little happy. They stayed like that until they heard the door open.

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