you're what?

3 0 0

Everything was going well until they heard a knock at the door. Jackson stood both him and Enzo up. He walked over to the door and peeked through the hole, it was Rosaleen. Jackson unlocked and opened the door. Then suddenly Rosaleen frantically told them London was in the hospital and that they needed to come with her. All three of them immediately piled into Rosaleen's car and headed to the hospital. The group of worried friends soon arrives at the hospital and rush to see London. As they are approaching her door a doctor stops them and asks who they are. Rosaleen explains that she's the girlfriend and Jackson and Enzo are her closest friends. The doctor allows only Rosaleen in. Rosaleen runs to London's side but she's not awake. The doctor told Rosaleen that she was just experiencing morning sickness and that it not food poisoning as they'd thought. Rosaleen spun around quickly as almost yelled, "she's pregnant?!" The doctor explained that she was about two months along. Rosaleen left the room and got into Jackson's face, obviously angry. She asked if he knew would could have been the person who got her pregnant. Assuming Rosaleen knew who he was talking about he suggested Mikey Smith. Rosaleen asked who that was but Jackson thought he had said too much so he told her to ask London when she could. Rosaleen goes to wait by London's side. Jackson and Enzo sit down in the waiting room. After an hour London wakes up. Rosaleen immediately asks her who Mikey Smith is and if she was cheating on Rosaleen with him. "I'd never cheat on you Love. He was the person i was with right before you. He was abusive. One night after he forced me to have sex i was able to get away from him and that's when I found you." London said very gently. After a few moments Rosaleen was calm and the boys were allowed to come see London. Rosaleen explained everything to them and Jackson immediately embraced London, she had always been there for him so now it's his turn. Enzo told her he'll help in anyway he could. London asks them if they'll help her come out to her parents and explain the whole mess. Jackson asked where they were and London explained they were out of time but are rushing to the hospital now. London told the boys exactly what to tell her parents, first about her being pansexual and that Rosaleen isn't just a friend. Second to explain about Mikey Smith because London tried to keep it a secret from her parents since she was a minor at the time and Mikey was nineteen. Third they need to tell her parents that they are going to be grandparents. Of course they suspected something between London and Rosaleen for a while now and her father said he knew that Mikey was a crappy person to begin with. Jackson asked them to be gentle with London as her emotions about the whole thing are everywhere. Luckily they understood and was very polite with her about the whole thing, since it really wasn't her fault because she was raped.

The next few days were rough because London fell into a bout of depression because she knew she wanted to keep the baby because it was a part of her, but she also had to deal with the fact her rapist is also part of the child. Rosaleen supported her the best she could being they've only been together for a little over a month, they are soulmates after all. Rosaleen understands that London needs her space and time to think about everything but she also knows that she needs support from her friends and family. While London is in this bout of depression Rosaleen starts asking Jackson about proposing to her and getting married before the baby gets there. Jackson of course thinks it's a wonderful idea and suggested she do it on their 3 month anniversary, which is June 14th, because it will be after all the craziness of graduation.

********TRIGGER WARNING***********

Sexual abuse**********

The day after her trip to the hospital she stayed home from school to rest and her parents decided that they wanted to press charges against Mikey so they called the cops and asked them to make a report. When the cops showed up London didn't know what was going on since she was home alone. The woman, her badge said M. Butler, asked if she could come in and ask London a few questions about her ex boyfriend, London said yes even though she was scared that he would do something to her later. She told the lady the majority of the truth, she told her about how they have non consensual sex and she ended up pregnant, she didn't tell her about how he physically and sexually abused her for over 6 months before she finally left him because she was so terrified that he would hurt her if he ended up for some reason not going to jail. And she left out how he made her go buy the plan-b pill after he came in her unprotected every single time he had sex with her, this past time she just prayed she wouldn't get pregnant because she couldn't afford the pill anymore. She halfheartedly answered all the questions because her mind was someplace else. London was so upset that she showed no emotion, she has cried about everything that happened so much to the point she can't cry anymore about it. After the lady cop left she sat down on the couch and thought about what she just did, "I should've told the truth.." London whispered to herself, she immediately regretted the decision so she got up, heart racing because "What if she's already gone?" "My driveway isn't very long of a walk" London's mind was racing but thankfully when she ran out the door the cop was still there, London screamed "WAIT". The officer turned around and looked concerned. "I didn't tell you the whole story" London breathes out through her pants after running. The cop came back in and London just let it all out, things she's never told anyone, not even Jackson or Rosaleen. She told the cop about how she has taken over 30 plan-b pills and how many times she had to use spermicide after Mikey raped her. London kept a hidden journal of every time he raped her and what she used to prevent herself from getting pregnant. While she was telling the cop everything the cop pauses and says " You two were only together for 6 months? That's about 24 weeks?". London slowly shook her head up and down, tears slowly streaming down her face, "that means he did this to you multiple times a week?", London shook her head again, she never really thought about it like that. The cop was absolutely shocked at the fact a 19 year old boy was raping a 17 year old girl multiple times a week for 6 months. London gave the cop her journal of all the rapes because "I don't need it anymore, I've found someone way better and hopefully will never do this". Later that night while the cop was filling out the paperwork for the case she had to include the evidence so she opened up the book and actually read it for herself, it brought her to tears. London kept up with everything, the date and time he came in her, what she used to make sure she didn't get pregnant, and how much it cost her to do it. In some cases he did it twice a day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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