Nina's Description

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Info: Nina was born in Mexico but not in the most pleasant family. She had a younger brother who's name is unknown at this point and her parents hated her. The only person who didn't was her grandmother and her brother. She actually has a scar on her cheek from when her mother beat her with a knife. After her first birthday, her mother shot her grandmother because she was planing on moving out with the children. When she was 1 in a half, her mother abandoned her and her brother for dead. For two years she had lived alone, alone because nearing her 3rd birthday, her brother was hit by a train. She had no one left but herself and the clothes on her back. One day an American social worker found her whilst on vacation. She took her to the Sleepy Peak Orphanage after she found her. But life wasn't all that great for Nina. She was bullied there for the rest of her life, even by the staff too. She was overwhelmed by the stress she had cut herself on her arm and cut her long hair short nearing shoulder length. When she was 12, she was kicked out by the staff for no reason and sent to Camp Campbell to live out the rest of her life. Knowing that nobody will never love her, she has a sort of salty attitude and hates her life...until she met the campers.

Extra Info
Personality-Smartass, Asshole, Clever, Friendly(only towards Max because he reminds her of her younger brother)
Likes: Knives, Revenge, Nature, Solitude(will often disappear at random just to be alone in her thoughts)
Dislikes: Large Crowds(Claustrophobia), Herself(She suffers from Low Self esteem because of her mother and the orphanage), People in general
Age: 12
Skill: Knife Throwing(And I mean VERY skilled)
Fun Facts:
-She knows a lot of Japanese and can fluently speak, read, and understand it
-She has a rare condition where she is more sensitive than others and can feel their energy, negative or positive and the energy can affect her as well, and it makes her have the ability to talk to and see entities. She can also feel if a demon or spirit is within an area
-She's an asshat for a reason, personality and emotionally. She secretly seeks comfort from a motherly like figure but doesn't want to admit it
-She is Bisexual, though she is mostly interested in girls. She was interested in a boy at her orphanage once, but a girl at the orphanage who knew took him and had her brother sexually assault her. Out of panic Nina stabbed him with her grandfather's old pocketknife her grandmother gave to her. She's terrified to this day so she never wants to talk about it.
-Nina is a night owl. She'll most likely be awake till 4 and lives to walk around camp a lot, this is also due to anxiety issues causing her to stay awake for most of the night.

Okay then. Also, she was adopted along with Max by David and Gwen so they're siblings now. Sorta

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