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The morning was sorta peaceful. Gwen and David had to go to a doctors appointment for the baby. Nina was told to watch the camp because she was the oldest. "We should figure out a name", she suggested to the friend group. "Nina, it's been 16 weeks", Max said. Why should we find out the name early when we don't know the gender." "Do you plan on calling it fetus for 9 months?" "Fair point." They all thought for a second. "How about Ivy, if it's a girl", Erica suggested. "What if it's a boy?." "I just have that feeling it's gonna be a girl." "Yeah same." Then Nina got an idea. "What do you guys plan on doing in the future?", she asked. "Marrying you of course!", Erica answered sweetly. "Probably third wheeling Max and Nikki." When he said that he eyed them both. "W-Wait what?" Max blushed. "What about you Max? Anything in the future you want to share." Max knew she was only doing that to get on his nerves, so he changed the subject. "Let's go knife throwing!", he suddenly said, sweating. Thankfully, Nina took the hint. "Watashi wa anata no kotae o shitte iru"(I know your answer). Max looked back at her. "Watashitachi ga oite ite katainaraba, anata wa shinzō hossa kara watashi o korosudeshou"(If we're old and stiff, you're gonna kill me from a goddamn heart attack).
"Hello?" An echo in the woods spooked Ryker and he ran to the Mess Hall. "Hello?" Nina took out her knife. "Who's there?" A boy, a same age as Nikki, pushed through the bushes. "Brad?" "Nikki!" "Oh my god!" Nikki hugged him. "I haven't seen you in years! How's it been?" "Great!" "What are you doing here exactly?", Neil asked him. "I got lost a while ago. My parents' home isn't far from here, I think." David overheard him. "Maybe we can have you stay here until they show up!", he suggested. "I mean, they're out on errands and might have to work late." He was quiet for a moment. "Why not." "We can finally hang out like we used to!", Nikki exclaimed. They both raced each other to the Mess Hall. "Let me know if you get jealous, okay?" Max looked up at Nina. "What are you talking about?" "I warned you, okay?"
Time skip
Nina waited by the Mess Hall as Max hauled in the obnoxiously large computer. "Why aren't you helping?" "Because you need more strength. Don't be a baby." She glanced over to where Nikki and Brad were hanging out. They were both laughing. Max saw it and suddenly began carrying the computer as if it was just a light feather into the Mess Hall. When he slammed it onto the table, almost everyone jumped. "Max, isn't that heavy?", Neil asked, surprised at the sudden strength. "What's heavy. The computer, or the feeling Nikki is spending a little too much time with Brad." "Are you sure you're not jealous?", Erica asked. "Jealous? I'm not jealous! I'm fine!" "Here", Nina sarcastically said sympathetically. She handed him a snickers bar that Nerris gave her. "You're not you when you're hungry." Max smacked it out of her hand. "Sarcastic asshole!" "Wow! You're pissed aren't you?" "I'm pissed at you!" "What did I do?" "And they bicker", Neil said in the background.
Nina was editing the songs the campers made for the dance. "Did you make one?", Brad asked Nikki. "More like resang it if that's what you call it." Next to them, Max and Nina were playing rock paper scissors to see who would carry the computer back. "Rock, paper, scissors." "You sound very beautiful!" "Thanks." Max kept smacking is fist on his hand. Nina already had her hand out in a peace sign to make scissors. "Maybe I'll just go ahead and take the computer inside", she insisted. She grunted has she carried the large computer outside. "Um..Max-." "What Neil?! What?" "Are you sure you're fine?" Max rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to keep telling you? I'm fine!" Nina had gotten back by the time Max had said that. "Let's just drop it", she said reluctantly. She really wanted to help but he was being stubborn at this point. "Maybe we could talk about something else." "Like what?" Neil looked around to see if Nikki was near. Thankfully, she wasn't. "When you tell Nikki you like her, commit to it." "Oh good lord", Erica groaned. "He practiced this whole thing this morning." "It's all about the commitment, Max! If you hurt my sister in any way, I will hunt you down..and kick your ass." Max stared at him, confused for a moment. Then he started laughing. The whole table laughed. "What? I'm serious." Max laughed harder. "I'd like to see you try!" "At least you're in a good mood about the whole thing." Nina turned to Neil and gave him a thumbs up. "Good job!" "I wasn't joking. We should be upping our ass-kicking game when it comes to Nikki's boyfriends." "Well, I don't think you can up your ass-kicking game", Nina teased him. "Be mature would you?", Neil grumbled.

Nina napped by the wall while Erica leaned on her shoulder. Max decided to ask her about the time where she was jealous for the first time. He sat in front of them. "Hey, Erica?", he asked. She perked her head up. "What's up?" Max looked around to see if anyone was hearing. He looked back at them. "Were either Nina or you jealous at one point? I'm just asking." Erica looked up at the sky as she thought about it. "I mean..I don't often get too over the top with it. But, Nina has been at that point before." Max remembered Erica's old friend from elementary school. Nina didn't talk much at that time and didn't seem very pleasant around her. "She was so livid when she found out my old friend had a crush on me. Fortunately, her jealousy died down. That was when I knew she truly cared about me." Nina woke up suddenly. She shook her head, yawning. "What'd I miss?" "A chance for a pep talk", Max said before walking away. 

The day seemed long and VERY slow now that Brad seemed to be everywhere Max went. He couldn't stand him. He sat under the tree next to her and their usual group. Nina had went to play with Ryker. Brad climbed up the hill with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "I picked these for you", he said, handing the flowers to Nikki. She took the flowers. "Aww, thank you, Brad." She hugged him. "You're the sweetest." Suddenly feeling the anger again, Max trudged down the hill towards the Mess Hall. He spotted Nina wrestling with the fox. "Can I borrow your pocketknife?", he asked. Nina looked up, confused, and gave him the knife. He snatched it and headed to the first tree he saw. Not caring about his aim, he threw it hard. The speed was so fast, the knife sliced a thick branch right off the trunk. "Okay, I think now's the time to be concerned." Nina ran to the spot where the knife landed and put it back in her pocket. "Max, for the love of all things Holy, talk to me!" "That Brad is getting way too close to Nikki!", he blurted out. "Go ahead. Shame me. Shower the guy with love and protection because of course I'm the asshole here-." "I don't like the guy." Max was surprised to hear her say that. Nina, of all people, had said she didn't like a person she had no history with at all. Was she agreeing with him. "Wait, why?", he asked. Was she doing this to make him feel better? "Racist. And his eyes don't stay at Erica's face when she's talking to him." She picked up Ryker. "I've been teaching him how to attack." Max glanced at the tired fox. "I'm about to put him down for a nap." She walked away. "Whatever you do, be bold about it, but smart." Max watched her leave. He stared back up at the hill. Everybody was gone except for Neil. As he walked back up the hill, he heard Neil muttering something. "Damn asshole." "What happened?", Max asked the science nerd. "An argument." He looked up. Nikki was hiding in a tree. "Brad aggravated Erica." "Why?" "Rude comment about Nina. Let's just say racially." "Don't say the ''joke'' out loud", Neil warned Nikki. "That girl has the temper of a dire wolf and the ears of a bat." "Where the FUCK is that bastard!" Nina, fuming trudged up the hill to the tree. "I'm about to kick that puny runt's ass! How dare he insult Erica and I like that!" "Guys wait!" Nikki jumped from the tree. She cleared her throat. "I have an announcement." She looked at Max, then at Nina, who nodded at her. What was going on? "Max, don't get mad." "Okay?" The hell was going on? "Brad has been acting very...weird with me. I've been trying to avoid him a little. And he keeps getting in my personal space." Max remembered what Nina said. Be bold, but be smart.

Time Skip cause Im a lazy bean

Just when Max was about to confront him, David had gotten a hold of his parents. Now they pulled up to the camp in their car and waited for Brad to hop in. "Ay Brad!", Max called. He flipped the bird and said, "Sick fucks like you don't last very long here. They end up getting thrown into the garbage truck where they belong. Just remember that you sick piece of shit!" Suddenly, as the car pulled away, the campers around him started cheering, "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" Brad must've irritated them too. When the sun set, Nina yawned. "That's enough advice for one fucking day, don't ask me for shit 'cause I'm sleeping." She them sleepily made her way to the tents.

I accomplished my goal! TvT I finished the chapter!

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