Back at it Again with Camp Campbell

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Max had fallen asleep sitting by the oak. It was VERY early in the morning. He was dragged here along with his adopted sister, Nina, by David. Gwen came too, since they both worked there, but she didn't feel like waking up at literally 5 in the morning. Nina sat next to Max, blinking multiple times because she was falling asleep. "Aren't you guys excited?", David asked cheerfully and surprisingly awake. He'd been repeating that question ever since they got out of the house. But it was only to see if they changed their minds about coming. "David", Max said, very tired but annoyed. "It is 6:30 in the fucking morning. Do you know how much sleep we've could've gotten?" "Oh come on, Max", David reassured him. "It's nice getting here as early as possible. And could you please call me dad?" Max shook his head. "Hell no. Not even in my lifetime." "There was that one time, when you and Gwen went out for a while, he started to miss you and calling you Dadd-." Max glared at Nina. "I did NOT!", Max said irritably. "Oh yes you did", Nina said. "Big baby." As she said that, she rubbed his hair before moving away when he smacked her hand. "And stop touching my hair!", he said. "Like I said", Nina continued, rolling her eyes. "Big baby." "Stop calling me that", Max told her. "Or what?", Nina challenged, not phased by it. "You're gonna tell our parents?" She then strolled off, picking up Ryker, who was 2 years old now, on her way to the Mess Hall. She then started quoting what he had said the last few days after he was adopted 3 years ago. "I just want to be noticed and I really do miss my daddy! I want my daddy!" She turned as she backed down the hill. Max flipped her off. She rolled her eyes and broke into a run to the Mess Hall. David opened his mouth the say something about the situation, but Max stood before he said it and followed Nina to the Mess Hall
Two hours passed. An excited Max bursted through the door and into the dusty clearing to wait for the bus. "Jesus you're excited", Nina said. She was still a little tired, but more awake and her usual self. "Aren't you?!", Max said, ecstatic. "Are you high or something?", Nina said, confused. "I'm just excited that-." He cut himself off. It would seem too obvious to Nina if he said what he was really excited about. Nikki was coming back, again. She always did. She loves this camp. And he loved her. But she didn't know. Nobody knew except Neil and Nina, but they'd known 3 years ago. Surely they'd forgotten. But Nina noticed and then smiled. "Still?", she asked. "How'd you know?", he replied. "First off", Nina started. "Have you forgotten we have a group text? I can hear my phone blowing up on my nightstand every night. Also, I want you to remember I stay up until 4am. I've walked past you're room several times at two and you're still awake." "Is it that obvious?" "You running at full speed to your phone every time she's calling you, I'd say yes." Max pulled Nina my the collar of her shirt. "God knows what will happen to you if you tell", he muttered to her. "Jesus Max okay I won't tell!", Nina yipped. Max let go of her shirt. "Shouldn't it be time you did tell her?", she asked after he looked away. "I mean. She just got out of a bad relationship two months ago." Nikki had been with two guys who treated her like shit. One guy who'd they knew from school, dated her in the beginning of the year but cheated on her and never told her until Erica had found out. Max had punched him so hard, he wore an eyepatch for the rest of the year. He promised him out of fear to never tell a soul, nobody knows to this day except him Max and the crew about how he got that eyepatch. Now this guy mentally abused Nikki until in Max convinced her to break up with her abusive boyfriend. Trying to avoid her statement, Max glared. "The bad relationship you never told me about until four days before their breakup", he snapped. "Max, remember Kenneth", Nina snapped back. "He's okay. The doctors said so." "Max his eyeball busted and he had to get it taken out!"(I squinted my eyes to write this part btw dear god). "You would've been fuming if we told you goddammit." Her brown gaze relaxed after that. "But it's sweet you cared so much to make somebody's eye bleed for her. You would've been the best boyfriend for her." "Shut. The fuck. Up", Max scowled, blushing. The bus rolled up the hill and pulled up into the clearing. Same people from every year, Nurf, Ered, Nerris, Harrison, Preston, Dolph, Space Kid(I think I got everybody, if not let me know). But the person he was really waiting for was Nikki. The three of the crew hopped from the bus. The first one was Neil, he was wearing black jeans and a yellow sweatshirt. The next one was Erica. She she was wearing a pink shirt, light blue denim jeans, and white and pink shoes, and a white and black striped choker. "I see you're wearing that choker I bought you", Nina said. "Of course I did. You think I wouldn't forget." She hugged her. The two have been dating since the seventh grade when Nina finally admitted she was truly in love. Max always had to invite his friends over when she was around just so he wouldn't be the third wheel. Then, the one and only, Nikki. She pretty much wore that yellow shirt, just a different size, and overalls, though they were denim instead. She wore the same green high tops and the bandaid on her cheek. Her magenta eyes gleamed at his sight. That wonderful glow. "Yo bro." Nina tapped him on the shoulder. "Ya done?" Max started blushing when he realized he'd been staring. He turned his head away. Nina exchanged glances at Neil. "Still?", he whispered. "Yup." "It's been forever, Max!", Nikki exclaimed, giving him a hug. "We just saw each other yesterday", Max said as casually as he could. "I know that but it felt like years." Nikki rolled her eyes when she said that. "Anata wa puraibashī o hitsuyo to shite imasu ka?"(Max do you need privacy or can we go?), Nina suddenly said after five minutes of hugging. "Alright don't rush", Max replied, letting go of Nikki(Nina taught him how to speak and understand Japanese). On the way to the Mess Hall, Nina was giving him the 'You sure you guys don't need privacy?' look when Nikki walked side by side with him. "Anata ni fakku"(he said Fuck you),he muttered to her, annoyed. "Jigoku ni iku"(she said go to hell), Nina muttered back to him playfully. They always had that sort of sibling relationship where they playfully hate each other but they still love each other as brother and sister. And since David was always on them about their language, they cursed at each other in Japanese. So Max wasn't too annoyed with her because he knew she was only joking around with him. They always did that. When they walked inside, Gwen was nowhere to be found. "Wasn't she sitting right there last time we checked?", Max asked pointing to the last place they saw her. "Nina", David whispered, peeking out the door. He motioned her to come with him. Confused, she walked with him out the door. Max shrugged. "What do you think is going on?", Nikki asked, still looking at the door. "Probably something related to Gwen and why she was so sick this morning." "Wait Max", Neil said as soon as he had stated that. "It's a possibility Gwen could be pregnant. You never know if it could've been morning sickness." "I don't think David would ever do it that hard", Max joked. Nina slammed open the door. "Alright fellow asshats!", she announced. "Gwen isn't feeling good and David is off to the Walgreens so I'm gonna be in charge here. For now just stay here and sit the fuck down or something!" Everybody looked at one another, trying to figure out whether to ask what was going on with Gwen or why David was going to the Walgreens nearby. Nina walked past Max and winked at him, smiling excitedly. "What?" "It's a surprise!"

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