Confess You Dumbass (Part 1)

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Three months passed. Erica was right. It was a girl, therefore, they named her Ivy. Nikki looked up at the sky. Summer was almost over. They were on the bus. Nina and Max stayed behind because David and Gwen were still there. It was just the rest of the campers. Neil saw Nikki's disappointed face. "What's wrong?", he asked. "Summer went by so quickly", she sighed. "Well hey", Nerris said cheerfully. "We don't have school tomorrow at least. We have time to look for clothes." "In this case, clothes to impress a certain someone", Neil snickered. Nikki gave him the death glare. "Don't push it." Neil stopped immediately. "Nina says that they'll be hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas at their house this year", Erica reminded them all. "I think I can set up Neil with their cousin's family friend, Emma-." "Erica that's a hell no for me!" "Lighten up a bit, Neil", Space Kid chirped. "Please", Erica pleaded. "No!" 

The school days had started and went. Max was shaken awake by Nina. "Get up. Lets go!" Max. November 20th marked the calendar. Break had started. "Gwen wants to get that turkey before the family comes." Max pushed her. "I'm up." He could tell Nina was pretty annoyed with him not confessing to Nikki. He was annoyed himself. He put on his regular outfit, black jacket, dark jeans, and black shoes. He followed his older sister into the car. Gwen waited impatiently, tapping the car wheel. "Pick up the pace, would ya", she scolded them. "We're trying to beat the traffic." When everyone was ready, they hurried to the store. David insisted they didn't wait until Black Friday. And it only took four days for the turkey to thaw. Bored, Max looked out the window, closing his eyes and listening to the utter silence. "Stay in the car." I was jolted awake. Nina shook me by the shoulder. "Get down!", she whispered, pointing outside. Max looked back at the window. It was none other than Jill and Rodrick, their mean ass cousins. Half was Gwen's family were total dicks except for the elders of the family, which Max and Nina were glad that they were still alive. He lowered into his seat, pushing down his fluffy hair(PoOfY HaiR) to make himself fully hidden. They stayed hidden until Gwen had come back. Nina tapped Max on the shoulder, letting him know it was okay. Even Gwen had the look of terror on her face as she shut the door as quick as possible. "DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!", Nina exclaimed as their mother stepped on the gas and pulled from the parking lot. Suddenly, they stopped at Neil's and Nikki's house. "You guys don't have to go through the hell I have to go through", Gwen said sympathetically. "Go inside. I'll tell them you had community service." Nina hugged Gwen tightly. "You're the best!" Nina had always been this close with Gwen. She was practically the mother she truly wanted. Max hopped from the car. He didn't realize he was trembling until Nina set a hand on his shoulder. "Stay calm. You're not out of the woods yet. You've still got a chance." She leaned in. "Keep an eye on Rodrick. He has a thing for Nikki." Max nodded and confidently marched to the door. Nina rang the doorbell and Neil opened the door. "What are you two doing here?" "Escaping our hell", Max casually explained. Sounds of somebody rushing down the stairs made him jump. Nikki pushed Neil out of the way, excitement glittering in her beautiful magenta eyes. Max blushed. "Hey Nik." "Max I have to show you something!", she yipped enthusiastically. She was literally jumping. She pulled him up the stairs, not even noticing Nina or acknowledging her. She must've found something good. He was thrown into her bedroom as she shut the door. "I got you a gift!", she chirped. Whimpers suddenly made him flinch. Nikki pulled out a wolf pup. A WOLF PUP! "Tadaa!", she announced. "A new addition to your family! I named him Magic!" Magic sniffed Max's face before licking it. Wiping spit, he took the wolf pup and sat him on the bed. "What is it?", Nikki asked him. Max didn't realize he stared off into space before she asked that. "Family. Cousins. Rodrick. FUCKING Rodrick." "That's always your answer." Both of them jumped when Nina suddenly came out of nowhere. "When the hell are you gonna stop doing that?", Max groaned in annoyance. "Never", Nina said shrugging. "It''s a habit." She glanced a Magic, who chased his tail on the bed. "Nice!", Nina gasped. "Ryker can have somebody to play with!" Max rolled his eyes at his sister. "By the way", Nina said in annoyance. "They're on their way." "Who?", Max asked. "The cousins. Aunt Marie is picking us up once they get settled in the house. Gwen says we can spend the night here." "Wait here-?" "This is wonderful!", Nikki exclaimed. "Neil!" She raced out the room, leaving Nina alone with Max. Nina nudged Max. "Well what'd ya know?", she said slyly. "Looks like somebody's getting lucky today(UwO Nina's very goofy when being an actual big sister)" Max, blushing, pushed her away as she laughed her ass off. "Nina shut up, she'll here you!" When Nina caught her breath she turned back to her younger brother, who was flustered and looking at the ground. "I'm still your wing-man", she said winking. Max looked down. "So far she hasn't got anyone to look under the stars with this year", Nina said ominously. Max noticed she was looking off in another direction, to where Nikki disappeared. Max looked back there but nobody stood at the doorway. Then he remembered Nina was pretty much good at knowing wherever you are even if she can't see you, she had a pretty good sense of hearing. She then looked back at him, pulling him to her as if they were getting out of earshot. "Don't forget you have competition with Rodrick", she muttered in his ear. "There is still time. Trust me, a kick in his heart would be better than kicking his ass. He'll finally respect us and you'll get your girl." She pulled away, suddenly flashing her gaze in the other direction. "How do you know I won't get rejected?", Max asked her. Glancing back at him, she smirked. "Because I know what is going to happen", she said ominously. "Sometimes, the truth will be revealed with other truths. Trust me." She then walked out the room. "Hey take that pup to the bathroom!", she called over her shoulder. Max looked at Magic. He was almost positioning into action. Grabbing him quickly, Max charged downstairs and headed for the back door

le plot thickens >:3

Sorry for the long wait, I had a whole month of tests because of all the breaks and a parade I had to attend. Anyway Yeah Part 2 is what I'll be working on, get excited

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