Confess You Dumbass (Part 3)

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Thanksgiving came and went. Rodrick did get what he deserved from Max, so he sorta fears him now, but not as much as he fears Nina.

Things got awkward between Max and Nikki after what happened on Thanksgiving. Even more awkward in December also known as a month of:

And most importantly

Just gotta love em vines!

David's family visited for Christmas. But it wasn't that many. Just the main grandparents, great-grandmother, aunt and uncle and the three cousins. Even a family friend who had eyes for Neil.

On with the story!

Max sighed as he stared at the clock. Class was almost over. RIIINNGG. Neil and Nikki stopped by his desk. "Let's go", Neil said. "We're all heading to McDonald's and I'm starving!" Max followed them out. Nikki seemed to avoid eye contact. She's been doing this since that moment in his room. Max was so stuck in thought, his jumped when Nina did her usual way of greeting them. "Waddup suckas!", she hollered. She saw Max jump in fear when she said that and laughed her ass off. "Jesus Max!", she laughed. "You okay man?" Max nodded briskly and headed to the front of the group with Nina. It's kinda like in the movies, that badass popular group of kids where the leaders and founders of the group lead them through the hall. Yup, that was the Campbell group for ya. They had competition with another group of kids that Nina once knew in her orphanage. Those kids were also popular, but it was the Campbell group that was on the top. Nina and Max led, Neil, Nikki, and Erica by their sides. The rest followed through.
Time Skip
The group went to their favorite spot. Out in the park. Max and Nikki were just now talking like it was a normal conversation. Erica handed out fliers. "The fuck are those for?", Nerf asked her, grabbing one. "Christmas dance is on Friday." "That's tomorrow." "Exactly." Nina nudged Max and winked at him. "What?" "Ask her", she whispered. "It wouldn't hurt to try." Max glanced at Nikki. Erica was also talking to her. He wondered if she was talking about the same thing.
When he got home he threw his bag to the wall. "Oh thank goodness." He and Nina looked to see that David was tangled in the Christmas lights. "Could you help me out." "Hold on a sec", Max snickered. He pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of David tangled and hanging from the tree. "Send that in the chat while I untangle him", Nina said after five minutes of laughing her ass off. When I got upstairs I got on Nikki's contact.

Bold is Max
Bold Italics is Nikki

Yo Nik

What's up

So uh. You wanna go to the dance with me?

Max threw the phone across the room when he heard somebody coming up the stairs. Nina slammed the door open. "I heard texting", she ominously said. "What's happening." "Nothing!" Max glance at the phone when a ding rang from it. "Get out!", Max told Nina. Putting her hands up defensively, she backed away. "Holy shit man fine." When she was gone, Max picked up the phone.

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