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The campers are now 19. Ered and Nina are 20. A kid from the Camp Campbell that Nina and Max are now counselors in tagged along with them. Her name is Nora

Everyone sat around the campfire, laughing at the story of Max and Nikki's relationship. "Man, that was the most funniest moment", Max chuckled. "Everyone trying to keep all the students out of the gym for us." "Your love story is nice", Nora said to the couple. She looked at Nina and Erica. "But I'm curious on how you two got together." Everyone groaned in unison. "Well I mean, if you want", Nina said shrugging. "We could totally tell it", Erica squealed. "We heard this Goddamn story since the beginning of fucking time!", Max groaned. Nina shushed him. "You told your story! Let me tell mine!" "Just shorten it please!", Neil begged. "Well since you love this story so much", Erica said mischievously. "We'll tell the whole thing!" "Oh my god!", everyone groaned. "Yay!", Nora cheered, getting comfortable for the story.

"It all started when I was 12...."

Thank you so much for reading! This epilogue is actually referring to the story I'll be working on the most now that I'm done with this one. It's called Their Story and it's talks about how Nina and Erica fell in love and their backstories! But it does have some serious topics. The warning is in the description but I'll say it here.
Topics are
Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Self Harm, Mental Illness, Strong Language, Suicide, Child Abuse, Cyberbullying, Bullying
If you are sensitive to those topics, don't read it. The book will be very angst especially on the Nina chapters. But anyway thanks again for reading. This story is finally complete.

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