Confess You Dumbass(Part 2)

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Gwen managed to sneak their stuff over to Neil and Nikki's house. Max and Nina were treated fairly by Nikki's and Neil's parents. And Max has to admit that Nikki's mother was the best cook. Now they were planning who would sleep where.
"I'll sleep on the sofa", Nina said. "That way Neil's way of sleeping doesn't have to change." "Then where will Max sleep?", Nikki asked, tilting her head. "Oh Max?", Neil said slyly. "Max is gonna share the bed with you." Nikki's face suddenly flushed. Max was almost as red as satan. "Sh-Sh-share???", she stammered. Nina and Neil nodded. Nikki never really shared the bed with a guy before, especially with MAX. This was going to feel real awkward. "Then it's settled", Nina said. "I'm sleeping on the couch, Neil sleeps in his bed, and Max and Nikki are sharing." Nikki blushed hard. What if something happens? Then what?
Silence was Overruling the house. Well except for Neil's snoring in the other room and Nina's constant footsteps because of insomnia. Max and Nikki slept back to back, wide awake. It was all quiet until Nikki spoke. "If you ever had your first kiss, what would it be like?" Max seemed to blush and jump at that question. "Th-that's w random question to ask!", he stammered. "S-sorry!", she quickly squeaked. He suddenly heard her turning over. "Hey it's kinda chilly", she said. "My dad doesn't like wasting heat." She seemed to hesitate at the last thing she said. "Will...will you..." Max knew what she was about to ask. He turned over and held her close, her head against his chest.
Nikki hesitated at her question. But she was really cold and didn't feel like slowly turning into ice. "Will..." Say it Dammit! "Will you..." She squeaked a little at the you. Suddenly Max roller over with a grunt and wrapped his arms around her. Nikki rested her head on his chest as she listened to his heartbeat. She suddenly felt safe. Comfortable even. "Are you warm now?" Nikki nodded but she didn't reply with the words I'm always warm when I'm with you. She only thought it in her head. She felt her eyes droop and she relaxed a bit in his hood before falling asleep.
Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit was all Max could rapidly think in his head as he internally had a heart attack. But it was very..nice. He could hear the soft breathing of a sleeping Nikki. Calming down a bit, he closed his eyes to go to sleep.
Nina walked past Nikki's room and saw her younger brother cuddling with his crush. She smiled warmly and decided to leave it until the morning where she could trade him about it.
The sun rose as the morning woke from its slumber. Max woke with a yawn. He looked down to see the teal hair of a certain girl. Then he remembered what happened. Then a light flashed in is face. He turned and saw Neil with a camera. "Oh this is so going to be posted on Instagram", he snickered. Max, flustered, jumped out of bed and took Neil's phone. But the nerd snatched it back before he could delete the picture. "Your loss!", he teased. "Neil I swear to god!" Nikki was awake. She must've woken up first because she marched across the room to Neil like she had been awake for hours. This whole shenanigan lasted for about 40 minutes.
Probably on Thanksgiving maybe Thursday or something.
Rodrick pushed Max into the wall. Dizzily, Max tried to get up. Nina suddenly grabbed Rodrick, who was twice her size, by the ear and dragged him across the room with one hand on his ear. "Take this you fucker", she grumbled as she flung him across the room and watched him knock into the table. She lender a hand out for Max and pulled him up. The doorbell rang suddenly. "I'm on it", Nina called. She held the door open for the visitors to come in. Erica skipped inside, giving Nina a kiss on the cheek before standing beside her. Neil followed behind her, rolling his eyes at Erica. "Do you have to set me up with someone here right n-." "H-hi Neil." It was Emily. She looked nervous and was shaking a little. Max knew she had a little crush on Neil but he was too thick-headed with science to get the signs. Erica patted both of them on the shoulder. "Bond you two." With that she skipped away. Nikki was the last to walk in. Max looked away, blushing, and he could tell Nikki was doing the same thing. "Oh hey there, Nikki." Rodrick, dizzy from smashing his head in a table head, lumbered over to Nikki, who backed away in discomfort. She smiled nervously. "Hi Rodrick", she said trembling. Max turned his head to Nina and she nodded. Her random but helpful life lessons ran through his head. But the most important one was...
He pushed Rodrick away and flipped the bird at him. He heard Jill gasp and go "Aunt Gwen! Max is being a dick!" but he didn't listen. He grabbed Nikki's hand and headed to the backyard where the NICE cousins were. There were only two accepting cousins, but they were 4 and 5 so they didn't understand the concept of adoption or anything like that yet. Ryan and Kaylee, two little girls who were very much like Max. Well except the cynical part, which mainly he wanted to keep them away from because they were still pure children that haven't faced the harsh reality quite yet. They sat down with them. Ryan was looking up at a tree. "What are you two up to?", Nikki asked cheerfully. The two sisters looked up. "Uncle Barry says that you swing from the thin branches of a tree, you can reach the the yard next to the one on the other side." Kaylee pointed up the tree in the backyard. It's branches hung over the neighbor's backyard. Max found one branch that was thinner than the others. He stood up and headed for the tree. "What are you doing?", Nikki called up the trunk when he was halfway up. "I'm testing it out!", he called back, winking at them below. Nikki glanced up excitedly. "You got this Max!" He climbed and climbed, grabbing one branch after the other until he was at a good distance above the ground. He was up in the leaves and found a thin branch amongst the others. "Yay yay yay!", Ryan and Kaylee squealed. He held tightly to the branch and swung, pushing off the bigger branch for an extra push. He was high in the air, determination burning through him. He was so sure he was going to make it. Until he heard the ungodly sound of something snapping apart. The branch had broke. Airborne, he panicked. "Holy shit!" Nina and Neil's startles gasps were all he could hear before he crashed into the pool in the neighbor's yard. The water chilled him to the bone and he splashed around as he struggled to find a surface. Why do they have a big ass pool?
Nikki could hear Nina and Neil yell in unison, "Holy shit!" as the branch Max clung onto snapped in midair. She heard a large splash as he landed in the neighbor's pool. Nina ran inside and screamed to Gwen, "MAX FELL IN THE NEIGHBOR'S POOL!" Neil looked over the fence. Nikki looked over it too. "Max!", they called. Max's head was bobbing in and out of the water. He was in the middle of the obnoxiously large pool. Nikki followed Nina inside, Neil right behind her. People asked questions to Kaylee and Ryan, who followed quietly inside. "Uncle Barry said that if we swing from a branch in the tree-." "Uncle Barry lived in a time where EVERYTHING seemed safe." Aunt Shrilly glared at her husband, who was startled awake by the commotion. Nikki grabbed the towel from Erica and both of them followed Nina and Neil out the door. They jumped the fence and raced to the pool(no one was home). Nikki skidded to the edge and found the broken branch. She leaned forward towards Max, holding it out. "Until it fell out of her hand and she almost fell into the pool. Erica caught her in time, pulling her away with the collar of her shirt. Nina dove into the water, quickly pulling Max to her and climbing up the edge. He was shivering. The water seemed to be very cold because she could see tiny specks of frost on it. Nikki wrapped the towel around him to keep him warm. "What made you think that was a good idea?", Neil asked condescendingly. "Neil, now is not the time", Nina scolded. "We need to bring him inside quickly.
When they had gotten back, Max was sat on the couch, still shivering from the plunge. The towel wasn't helping in warming him up, but it was the only good choice to do since the blankets were still in the wash. Nina has brought down some clothes right when they arrived and he had already put them on, but he still felt a bit cold. "Guess not all children like you come with a brain", Jill mocked him. "Fuck off Jill", Nina grunted. "Go and fuck your seven ex-boyfriends." Max could tell Jill was still pissed at her boyfriends dumping her at the same day, but that bitch deserved it. Now he was huddled on the sofa, sitting by a fire Nina had started since the thermostat was N O T to be touched by any human being. Nikki sat next to him, rubbing his back. "Well now we know Uncle Barry's observation was false", she said. He knew she was trying to keep his mind off the fact he was freezing.
Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass
The turkey was now being set on the table. They still had a couple of minutes before eating so everyone went off to do their own thing. Nina and Erica said they wanted to take a walk together outside and Neil decided to take a nap. So surprisingly, Max and Nikki were the only survivors. They decided to watch some YouTube videos on Max's computer(vines, people doing stupid stuff, just the norm). It was all quiet until. "Max, could you tell Rodrick to stop bothering me?" Max turned his head to her, surprised. "He won't leave me alone. While you were trying to warm up, I was outside with Kaylee and Ryan. Then he backed me into the fence. Nobody else except Kaylee and Ryan were outside. I tried to get him to go away, but he wouldn't listen-." "Did that fucker touch you?", Max snarled. "I swear to god, imma take his ass to hell-." "No Max", Nikki said shaking her head. "He almost did. Then Nina saw what was happening and stopped him. They were talking in low voices so I couldn't hear them Rodrick when straight inside." Nikki was shaking when she spoke and Max could tell she was still shocked at what happened. "I will try and stop him, but he doesn't listen to anybody", Max stated. Then it hit him. Rodrick doesn't talk to Nina the same way he talks to Max. He wasn't targeting him because of him being younger and vulnerable. He was afraid of Nina. Who wouldn't be. She'll be sadistic and scary when she wants to. She carries and pocketknife that has been sharpened by the trees at camp. If he were as intimidating as her, he'd listen. "He will listen to me if I copy Nina's interactions with him." Nikki tilted her head in confusion. "Remember at school where nobody wanted to mess with me?" Nikki nodded. "Because of Nerf right?" Max shook his head. "Everyone is more afraid of Nina than they are of Nerf. She scares them so bad, they don't want to get on her bad side my messing with her little brother. If I act like she does, then he'll have to listen." Nikki's face lit up. "You always have the best ideas, Max!", she said, hugging him tightly. Max felt like his heart was beating out of his chest. He hugged back. "Hey, I wouldn't have the courage to say anything when Rodrick was bothering me. You're the bravest person I know." Nikki giggled slightly. "I wasn't the one who swung from a branch and fell into a pool in mid air." They both looked up. "And I didn't steal a wolf pup from the forest." "Well, I mean, Nina and Erica has some kind of pet of there own they thought as their child." "We're not dating." "I know." Nikki gazed up at him. Max looked into her eyes. But maybe...what if they were dating. Their faces were so close, he felt like their noses were brushing against each other. Soon they got closer until he closed the gap for only a short moment. A short moment because they both quickly pulled out of their hug and looked away from each other, their faces red. "I-I'm sorry", he apologized. "Y-you Just had a scare with Rodrick. And I..I didn't meant to-what I'm trying to say is." "No you're fine!", Nikki said to him. "Guys! Food is ready!" "We should get downstairs!" "Yeah. Yeah."

Howdy do everybody. I. Feel. Terrible for the wait! But hey. Happy New Year. I'll be writing my ass off today until the clock strikes 12 for 2019! Ima push it to the fucking L I M I T!!!!

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