The Thunderstorm

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The rain poured from the sky. The campers had to sit inside to wait it out, which was going to be all day because it would stop at 3 in the morning. "Cheer up guys!", David said cheerfully. "Gwen and I gathered a few board games from the cabin that we could play." Nina looked in the box they had brought with them in the car on the way to the camp. She looked through to see the one she had packed. There it was. "Oh Max!", she called, smiling mischievously. "What?" Max turned around on the bench. Nina held up the game. The Game of Life(my fav board game). "That's a wonderful idea Nina", David said. "It's only a four player game though." "Oh don't worry David. We could do it in partners." She turned to wink at Neil;it was their idea. "I'll go find anyone else who wants to play the fourth player. You all find partners while you're at it." She finger gunned at Max and Nikki as she said that and unusually skipped to the other campers. "Max!", Neil whisper called, motioning him to slide over to him. "What's up?" "You should totally asked Nikki to be your partner", he then whispered to Max. "Are you sure?" Max said that while blushing. "It's only a game, she won't think it's too obvious." "I hope you're right." "Alrighty then!" Nina was pulling Harrison and Nerris with her to the table. "Let's play this shit!"
The people were partnered up, Nina and Erica, Nerris and Harrison, and Max and Nikki(obviously and also Neil decided to third wheel it.)

This part of the story is sorta inside the game but they are aware they're playing a board game still. Also I might tweak a few things or events in The Game of Life board game so it's gonna be different front the actual one.

"So which path are we taking?", Neil asked. Max thought for a moment. "Lets say it on three and we'll vote on it", Nikki suggested. "Working!" "Working!" "College-Wait what?" "We get a better head start", Nikki told him. "And a lower salary-", Neil reminded her. "Whatever", Max cut him off. "Nina and Erica are taking that path too, so it's best we travel together. And it's just a game." "Are we ready!", Nina called from in front of them. "Yup!"

They drove for at least an hour(which was like 40 minutes into the game). Max had gotten a job and so did Nina yadayadayada to the interesting stuff.

Back to reality
Nikki read the card aloud after they moved five spaces. "Your girlfriend is now pregnant." "Damn", Nina said, trying not to laugh. "The fuck did you and Max do in that car?" Max and Nikki both blushed. "Stop it!", Nikki scowled. "Really guys? While I was in the car", Neil played along. "Neil, your single and this doesn't involve you!", Max said, flipping him off. "Nina stop this I swear!" "Why? It's fun. Shit got real just now, let it get even realer."

Inside the Game
Nikki walked into the car. "Neil, say hi to your niece!" "About time!", Neil said. "Let's get going so we can get married all ready." They drove off. "Max! Max!" Nina's car was stopped by a sign that said.."

In your reality(DDLC anyone?)
"You are now getting married, jump three spaces to what type of couple are you." "Obviously a same sex one!", Erica blurted out, jumping three spaces across the 'Same Sex' pathway. "How far are we from the marriage event?", Max asked them. "Just a few spaces." "Neil roll the damn dice already!", Harrison complained. "It's all about the timing!", Neil argued, shaking the dice in his hand. He rolled them. "Six. Alright!" Max moved the car up six spaces, stopping at the wedding event. "Finally! We can get married!", Max exclaimed. "Wohoo!", Nikki cheered. They suddenly noticed what they had said and both of them looked away, their faces red. "Um..I meant the..the game! Yeah the game." "Yeah..I meant the game too." "I could be your best man!" "No! I am!" Nina said while pushing Neil away. "You're a girl!" "Does it matter?!" "Honestly, you both could be my best men. It doesn't really matter anyway. It's just a game!" He repeated it to everyone at once. "Okay jeez!", Harrison said after the last 'It's just a game'.

Back in the Game
Harrison and Nerris had graduated college and joined the two cars in the ride of life. Nikki was pregnant for the second time and they had gotten a house. Neil had finally gotten a job. And Nina and Erica adopted a child. Things were going smoothly until...
In Reality
"I got fucking fired." Max read the card. "What did I tell you?", Neil grumbled. "Meanwhile, Nina is in a damn mansion!" Nina sat back, putting her hands up as Max was pointing at her. "That's because I got a better job and was smart about it!" "You're always smart about everything!" "Because I have the IQ of over fucking 160!" "Guys, let's not fight", Erica said as calmly as she could. "Do they do this at home?", Nerris asked Gwen. She nodded. "Yup. Don't think too much about it. It'll tire them out." "Max why the fuck are you even mad?", Nina had finally said, pinching the bridge of her nose. Max stopped talking. "It isn't because.." She looked around jokingly and smirking. "You want to show Nikki you can be responsible enough to take care of each other in real life so this game is just a test because you lov-." "Shut up", Max interrupted, blushing. "The game is getting boring anyway. Let's just do something else." Nina shrugged. "Fine then." When she put the game away, everybody sat at the table to think of something to do. "We could play a song on your ukulele", Erica suggested, glancing at Nina. "I left it in the tent. It's too windy. I'll be blown to Everest." "David brought his guitar before the storm started", Neil realized out loud. "Nina could play it." "What the fuck do I play?" Everyone shrugged. "Whatever you're feeling", Nikki replied to her question. "Right now I'm feeling bored. As. Hell." "Hmmm." "Maybe we could practice that song you recorded." Nina had said it while winking at Nikki. Nikki glanced at Max and then blushed. "Nah. I don't think so. I don't know much Finnish and-." "What do you mean you don't know much Finnish, you fluently spoke it in that song", Max protested. "How do you know-." "Hey let's tell some stories from our classrooms!" Max exhaled in relief when Nina saved him from embarrassingly explaining himself. He whispered a 'thank you' to her and she held up a thumbs up. Nikki fell for it. "Okay!" She thought for a bit. "Hey", Max said snickering. "Remember when we snuck out of the school dance and tp'd the school?" "It was pretty lethal to be honest." "We it wouldn't be lethal Harrison hadn't set it on fire." "It was an accident!" "I mean, we didn't get school the following week after because of the damage."
Flashback to the memory
Max leaned against the wall, the rest of the Campbell crew standing bored as hell in heir clique. "This is lame", he grumbled. "It's bad enough we have to wait literally two hours for the afterparty the Flower Scouts are hosting at Sasha's house. I want to go but dammit Sasha won't leave me alone." "I got an idea", Nina said after five more minutes of boredom. "We could.." She leaned in to whisper what she had in mind. "Not too much, but enough to leave our mark." Everybody nodded and snuck quickly as possible into the hallway. They all rushed into the bathrooms, grabbing every toilet paper rolls in sight. Nikki managed to find the janitor's keys to the storage room and stole the spare rolls. They all checked what they had raided and ran outside. "Camp Campbell BITCHES!", they all shouted, the tp'ing the school. "Nina you dropped these!" Harrison was handing her a box of matches. "Damn, I was looking for those." She noticed smoke coming from the box. "Harrison! It's on fire!" When he looked down, the box was sparking. He threw it out of his hand when he got burned and the box landed on the toilet paper. Flames soon took over the roll and the fire alarm screamed inside and out. They could hear the principal over the intercom. "A fire has started outside! Students please evacuate the area!" "Oh shit!", Max yipped. "We gotta go!" Agreeing, they fled from their crime.
Nina's and Max's house was the closest so they all hid in there. Neither Gwen or David were home so it was just the group. "Do you think they'll find out what we did?", Nikki asked. Max shrugged. "We were all dressed in black like it was a funeral, as long as they didn't see us, I think we're good." "Well, the after party might start in at least an hour", Nina panted, tired from running. "I think we can just chill for a sec. Unless Erin texts me that they'll be starting it early, we've got time."
In the present
Everyone laughed. "Good times." "Yeah." They all looked outside, watching the rain fall. "You know what?", Neil said. "This wasn't boring at all." "Entertaining for us when Max and Nina bickered for a bit", Nikki laughed. "Never thought that neither Gwen or David stopped it." "They're daily." Max felt Nikki scoot closer. "Is it getting cold in here or what?" "The rain must be messing with the heater. Here." He handed her his hoodie. "Don't you need this?", Nikki asked him. "Nah. I'm fine." Nikki hesitated before putting it on and leaning on Max's shoulder. "Aww", Nina suddenly muttered. "Better be careful with my sister", Neil said to him. "Fuck off. Both of you. I'm just being nice." "To her." "Nina for the love of god-." "Okay jeez."

Sorry I haven't been active with this story. Thing keep coming up and arrugg its so much. Hope you liked this chapter

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