Wedding Footage

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David burst through the door. "I found a way to save movie night!", he announced. "Super", Nina said sarcastically. David sat his computer on the table and connected it to the tv. "I found some old videos from Gwen and I's wedding!" The campers perked up, awakening from their bored coma. All the campers and their parents were invited that day to the wedding. They had an absolute blast. And of course Nina had filmed most of it. David switched on the tv.

In the film
Max sat there bored as hell at the table. "Dude this sucks", he said to Neil. "Got any ideas for this adventure?", Nikki asked them, ecstatic. She has eaten four plates of cake and she was on full sugar rush. "Ered is having a party at her house", Harrison suggested. "Her dads couldn't make it to the wedding because of work and they'll be working late." "We need to bring something!", Nina thought out loud. The campers took a glance at the liquor table. "I'm sure we could take a little bit of wine or some of that whiskey-." "Max no!", Neil cut him off. "You're 13! No!" "Well I'm 14 so I say yes", Nina protested. "I've tried tequila before." "What?" "My biological mother left unattended tequila out when I was one. It was great. Didn't remember anything when I woke up though." "Nina you were drunk!", Neil explained. "You blacked out! And why did you drink it." "We all do stupid shit sometimes." "Well we better tell Max or Nikki not to go to the liquor table-." "Too late." Max was already out of his seat. "You can do it Max!", Nikki cheered. Nina pulled him back to the table. "I thought you said yes!" "Yes meaning no meaning on my own time meaning absolutely fucking not."
The two of them were pulled aside by their mean cousins from Gwen's side of the family, Rodrick and Jill. "Well, I guess we're 'family' now", Rodrick teased. They always made fun of the both of them because they were adopted. Nina, sarcastically, smiled and widened her eyes. "I'd never thought I'd be related to a narcissistic asshole." "At least I know my native language", Rodrick responded, pushing her with his two fingers. Nina handed the camera to Max. She took a deep breath. (She said this REALLY fast). "Escucha, pequeña mierda, no engaño a cinco chicas que ya tienen amigas, así que puedes callar la boca. Y para ser sencero, creo que tu sexta es una puta y puede arder en el maldito infierno. ¡Estaría maldito si te metieras con mi hermano, mis amigos y mi novia, así que quítate las manos del culo sucio si quieres vivir!"(Listen up you little shit, I don't cheat on five girls who already have girlfriends so you can shut the fuck up. And to be honest, I think your sixth one is a slut and can burn in fucking hell. You'd be damned if you messed with my brother, my friends, and my girlfriend, so get your grubby ass hands off me if you want to live!). "Um, what?" "¿Que?" "What ever she said, you're screwed either way if you try to feed it", Max said shrugging. "Howdy official cousins!" Two of the cousins from David's side of the family, Emily and Lisa, skipped to the bunch. They both hugged their adopted cousins. It was no doubt they were related to David, they were always happy, ALWAYS. "Isn't this exciting!?", Emily squealed. "Pfft. Yeah right", Jill scoffed. "Hey. You could join us in Ered's party", Max asked them. "Sure, why not!", Lisa yipped. "Will it have booze?", Jill asked. "We meant David's nieces but yes-." Nina slapped him. "Of course not! You high?" "Guys! Help! Nikki is heading for more cake!", Neil wailed from the table. "Ah shit, we gotta go." Nina grabbed the camera as Max sprinted to where the cake was. Pulling her back, he tugged her all the way to the table. She saw his cake, untouched. "You gonna eat that?", she asked. "I don't want it. Nina just forced me so I wouldn't look like an ass to Gwen's family. They judge way too much." Nikki grabbed the plate with the cake on it, then hugged him. "You're the best!" Max blushed faintly. She let go then took the cake. "I see that." Nina was smirking. "See what? And don't say that on film." "Max, I know what you should do." Neil scooted next to him

In the reality
The tv cut off before Neil said anything. Max covered his face, cursing at Nina for filming that. Only a few campers, Space Kid, Nurf, and Preston, got the hint about his secret. "This damn tv keeps cutting off", Gwen grumbled. "I got this", David reassured her, trying to keep her calm. "What did you see?", Nikki asked Nina. She looked at Max then back at Nikki. "Oh you know us. Big sister annoys little brother." "I prefer the phrase 'younger brother'." "Just let me save you from this", Nina whispered to him. Nikki blinked, confused. She smiled and said, "Okay then!", and turned to the tv. The tv finally switched back on, but it skipped the recording a little.

What happened
Neil scooted next to him. "You could ask Nikki to dance." "Who me? Pfft." He went back to watching Gwen's family debate politics. "Debate watching later. Dance now!" She waves her hand in his face. "If it makes you feel better, I'll bring Erica with me to watch you. Neil can also come." "Who am I dancing with?", Neil asked her. "Tabii has competition with Lisa." "Wait-." Nina called Lisa over. Her eyes lightened up and she skipped to the table. "What's up?", she asked the four of them. Nina whispered what the situation was in her ear. "Of course I will!", she squeaked. "Go!" Nina pushed Max towards Nikki. He face was red as he spoke. "Hey Nik, you wanna dance?" Nikki's face was pink when he said that. "Sure I can!" Nina saw what had happened. She grabbed Erica's hand and lead her to the circle of dancing bridesmaids and guests. Lisa followed them, Neil at her side.

On tape
Nina left the camera on the table to tape the dancing.

Everyone looked at Max and Nikki then back at the screen. Nina elbowed Max, trying not laugh uncontrollably. "What Nina? What could you possibly want?" "This." She turned to each camper, asking them 'Do you get the hint?' Most didn't understand, except for the ones who got it. "Don't say anything", Nina whispered to Nurf, who was about to make fun of him.
Time Skip
The video seemed to almost be over until.
You know what guys, maybe we could bring something from the liquor table to Ered's party.
Oh NOW you say yes
"What?" Nina grabbed the remote. "We can just skip that part!" She fast forwarded the video until the remote stopped working and played the party.

On the film
"LeT's RoCk THis ShIt!", a drunk Nina said. "Maybe a little too much margarita", Neil said, taking the cup out of her hand. "ArE YoU WIth mE!", she shouted at Max, who was also drunk. "HELL YEAH!!", he yelled. They both ran upstairs to bathroom. "WOOOOO!!", Nina cheered. Half the campers were drunk. "I swear the only people who aren't that stupid are me and you", Neil said to Erica. "I not really that into alcohol", Erica said shrugging. "They're about to jump into the pool!", Nerris shouted from outside. "Oh dear." When they got outside, Nina and Max were in the air then plummeted to the pool, making a great splash. "YEAH!!!" They both passed out, their clothes soaked. "Let me get them inside." Erica hauled up Nina and dragged her inside. "I'm on it!" Nikki dragged Max inside, though it was hard for her to pull him.
The video ended from there
In reality
"Oh shit." "So that's where the whiskey went." "Ered makes great margaritas", Nikki commented. "Gotta say, it was great until the end." Max shivered. "So much, headaches." "Ah, that's why you were so tired when you woke up the next morning." "Sorry about that", Nina apologized. "If Max would've stopped asking me to get that damn liquor we wouldn't be in this right now." "Well sorry", Max apologized sarcastically. "That's enough bickering for this week kids", Gwen scolded. "Jesus", Max muttered. "Fuck you too", Nina muttered back.
This this probably my favorite chapter to write. I think I make two more chapters but yeah.

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