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(Three months ago)
Briley's POV

I had just gotten home from the doctor and was walking up the long driveway toward a hard oak door. I knocked twice and waited. My heart was pounding in my chest. I can't believe I had jumped so quick to conclusions. It's embarrassing to have to admit this mistake.

"Briley, oh my god, what happened? When are we telling our parents? Is everything okay?" Seth asked closing the door with us both on the outside.

"Seth, it was a false alarm." I sighed almost relieved the I wasn't actually pregnant with his baby. Call me a bad person but I'm happy, thrilled even!

"So no baby Lola?" he asked.

"No and we weren't naming her that." I laughed.

He breathed a sigh more of sadness than relief making me feel worse about all of this. "At least I still have you." Seth took my hand and smiled. "Do you still wanna get married?"

"Seth you know what people will say." I shook my head. "I don't wanna hold you back either. What about football?"

"I'm not leaving home for that scholarship. Babe I wanna be with you, and only you. Briley, baby or no baby, you're the only girl I ever wanna love." Seth hugged me and I felt myself being trapped.

Now don't get me wrong I love Seth, but what if I love someone else and just don't know it yet? How will I ever know if I just stay here with him? I won't!

"I think we should break up." I said softly.

"Why?" he asked looking sad.

"How do you know you love me and only me? You've never loved anyone else." I explained. "So let's finish senior year happy and then break it off for a few months. Then if we still love each other we can get married I swear."

No one finds true love in their ten year old crush right? I'm not being unreasonable!

"You wanna replace me with that dude in your fanfictions?" Seth teased.

I laughed. "No, I just want to make sure we'd both really be happy." I said honestly. This has nothing to do with Wesley Stromberg. I don't even know him for reals.

"Briley I'd wait for you forever. If this is really what you want then, okay." he took my hand and kissed it.

That's exactly what we did too. We had a great senior year. He took a local scholarship and I decided to travel to California. Hell who knows maybe I won't even come back.

(Present Day)
Wes's POV

Keaton and I were driving down the 101 and traffic was backed up worse than normal. I guess there was a wreck or something. Not that traffic isn't always bad, but it was worse today. Keaton was jabbering about some new song he heard and stuff but I was pretty focused on the car with the top down two people ahead of me.

It was exactly like mine only red which was cool. Not to mention the fact that I saw the girl driving when she passed us a little ways back, and she's hot as fuck! Add the fact that Wiz Kahliffa is blaring from her stereo and it makes her the woman of my dreams.

"Dude Wes are you even paying attention to me?" Keaton asked me.

I nodded still looking up at the girl. The car in front I've me moved over a lane so now there was only one car between us. Her dark hair was in a long braid. Probably because she was driving with the top down.

"Oh my god Wes! Seriously what are you so spaced out on?" Keats laughed looking around in front of the car.

"Hear that music?" I asked.

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