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Wes's POV

Briley and I walked into the bar and she sat next to me in the tall stools. I ordered our drinks and the bartender didn't even give us a second glance. I took a moment to look at Briley. I could tell she'd lost weight and she's not been sleeping, but overall she's still gorgeous. I don't get why she flipped out so bad an dumped me. I only wanted to help her.

"On your tab mister Stromberg?" the bartender asked calling me by name.

"Yes sir." I nodded.

Briley looked over at me raising an eyebrow. "You come here a lot?"

"Only the past couple days." I shrugged. Only because I missed her and was hoping to run into her on this side of town. I picked up my shot and slid her hers. "I only drink when I've got a lot on my mind."

She looked down at her shot glass and back at me. "What is it?"

"Drink it and find out." I smirked holding my glass for her to clank hers against.

She sighed and did it then downed the tequila. Her face mirrored mine I'm sure, but the bartender sat down a bowl of limes just in time. I gestured for him to bring us two more shots and he nodded.

After a few hours of drinking Briley was smashed off her ass and I was pretty close to drunk. I'd tried to stay somewhat sober though so nothing stupid happened. I hadn't drank as much as her that's for sure. Briley slammed her empty glass down and looked over at me.

"You brought me here to get me drunk huh?" she slurred.

"Nuh uh." I shook my head making the floor look like it was shaking. "I brought you here to make you like me again." I said honestly.

"I never stopped liking you Stromberg." she hiccuped.

I smiled as she gestured for more drinks. "No no no, you're cut off. Let's go." I held my hand out to her standing up.

She stumbled then giggled at herself and took my hand. "You're so hot oh my god." she was babbling as I tugged her with me toward her apartment. "I have so many pictures of you on my fan accounts. Did you know I wrote tons of fan fictions about you. Most of them are all about sex. Just father my children already!"

I laughed and pulled her into her elevator. "Wow you really are drunk huh? There's no way you'll remember this tomorrow."

"I love you." she hiccuped again. "Say it back." she pouted.

She looked so sincere this just wasn't fair. "I, I love you too babe."

She giggled and pressed her body against me leaning up to whisper loudly in my ear. "I'm gonna ride you so hard."

I almost lost all will power, but like a sign from god the elevator doors opened on her floor. Tugging her along I unlocked her door with her keys then handed them back. "Goodnight Briley."

"Come in." she argued.

"I can't." I sighed.

"Can't or won't?" she crossed her arms.

"As much as I really really want to, and believe me I do, I just can't." I said. "I know how drunk you are and I won't take advantage of that."

She smiled and a giggle escaped her lips. "Goodnight Wesley."

Briley's POV

When I woke up I noticed I was on the floor in my room and my head was pounding. Shit I got drunk last night! Oh god, I hope I didn't take my clothes off or something stupid. I need to call Wes. I got up and took some Advil then looked around for my phone. I found it in the bathroom on the floor, and dialed Wes's number.

"Hey boo what's up?" Wes asked giggling like a little girl.

"Oh god don't call me that! What did I do last night?" I groaned at the sound of my own voice.

"Other than begging to bang me like a screen door in a hurricane? Not a lot, but listen I'm gonna come over if that's okay. I wanna show you something." Wes said.

"That's fine." I sighed. "Did I really say that?"

"No, but you did say you were gonna ride me, and might I add that your accent is waaaaaay hotter when you're drunk off you ass." He laughed. "See ya in a few."

When Wes arrived he was holding a single white rose and a folder that looked official. He handed me the rose and smiled as I let him come in. He's so sweet why'd I have to blow it?

"So why're you here exactly?" I asked sitting down next to him on the couch after putting my rose in the kitchen.

"I know you're probably still pissed at me, but I don't care. I decided I wanted to help and that's what I'm going to do." he smiled and laid the folder in between us on the couch.

I sighed. "I'm not mad Wes, but I just think this is a bad idea."

"Just humor me okay. Wait, you're not mad anymore?" he looked relieved.

"I can't stay mad at you when you're so god damn perfect." I admitted looking down at my hands.

He lifted my face back up with his hand an smiled. "I'm far from perfect Briley."

I rolled my eyes. "Show me whatever you needed me to see before I change my mind Stromberg."

He laughed and handed me the folder. When I opened it I was greeted with four pictures of four different people. "Do you know these guys?" Wes asked. "Any of them at all?"

I looked closely at the pictures and suddenly there wasn't enough air in the room. My chest ached and I felt the need to throw up. "All of them." I choked out. "Do you think they have something to do with how my dad died?" I asked. Wes's silence was answer enough.

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