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Briley's POV

"I love you butthole." I rolled my eyes as Wes stuck his tongue out at me.

We were walking down the beach hand in hand and he was kicking sand up on my wet legs making it stick. He could be a really annoying jerk sometimes, but I didn't mind because he's my annoying jerk by some lucky twist if fate. It's been five long months since Seth... shot himself. I moved into a new apartment closer to Wes and he practically lives with me now honestly. We still haven't had sex though, not that I haven't tried, believe me I want to, but he insists on making our first time together very special. He's such a girl.

"I love you too baby." Wes bumped his hip against mine. "Let's head home. Remember we have that concert tomorrow, and you're going to be front and center for me to sing to."

"You're fans hate when I come." I sighed.

"I don't care." he squeezed my hand. "I need you there."

He knew I'd never skip something so important to him, but I did hate that I was so unwelcome by his fans. The fact that I was a fan made it so much worse. "You know I won't skip out." I assured him.

"I was thinking we could take a vacation together." Wes changed the subject. "Just you and me."

"When?" I laughed. "You're always so busy we don't have time."

"Well I'm taking some time off. After tomorrow's show I wanna go somewhere." he told me.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked.

"We can road trip! It'll be so fun with just me and you driving." his eyes sparkled with every word he spoke. How do you shoot that down? "That sound fun?"

"Wesley everything sounds perfect as long as it includes you." I smiled as I felt blood rush to my cheeks.

His fingertips grazed my blushing cheek making me giggle. "You're so damn cute." He groaned leaning down to kiss me.

Wes's POV

The show started at eleven on the dot and I was sitting behind the stage curtain with Keaton. He was warming up and getting in his zone, but I was peeking out at Briley in the front row. She was getting cold looks from other girls and seemed annoyed, so I texted her and told her she looked beautiful. I watched her read the message and she instantly smiled. God I love her!

"It's time big bro!" Keaton smiled.

I jumped up and we went onstage. The show seemed short but for reals it was over an hour. Once the last song ended I walked to the edge of the stage and held my hand out to Briley. She timidly took it and I whisked her up onstage with me. Her body crashed against mine and I swear I had to hold back not making out with her right here.

"Smile!" Keats demanded pointing his phone at us.

We obliged and he took a few pictures. Then we took some pictures with lingering fans. After that we went backstage and packed up the stuff.

"When are you leaving for the road trip?" Keaton asked.

"Right after this." I said.

"Wes are you sure," I cut Briley off seeing as we've been over this a hundred times.

"Yes baby." I shook my head. "I wanna just get away for awhile." Only Keaton knows this trip is more for her than me. I want her to relax some.

"Well call me when you can, and I don't want y'all coming back with me being an uncle so use protection." Keaton laughed hugging Briley lightly.

She smile and hugged him back. "Bye Keattycat." she teased pinching his cheeks.

Once we said our goodbyes we picked up our luggage from Bry's and I loaded a cooler in the backseat of her car. Since our cars were identical we just took hers since it was closer. Then I took her hand in mine and we started driving.

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