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Wes's POV

I watched Briley sleep peacefully in the bed after my shower. She was so gorgeous. I'd wait a lifetime for her to be ready. Hell I'd swim across the ocean for her if that's what she wanted. This girl has me wrapped around her finger and she barely knows it. It was time to check out but I didn't want to wake her up yet.

"Wes you're starring at me and it's creepy." her voice said softly as a smile formed on her lips with her eyes still closed.

I laughed. "Babe you have to get up. It's time to check out."

"You aren't gonna deny that you were starring?" she asked opening her eyes.

"No, because it'd be a lie." I smiled kissing her forehead. "I'll go check out and you can get dressed."

When we got in the car Bry was behind the wheel driving easy on the highway. Her dark hair was whipping in the wind with the top down. We had no destination but she kept asking me for directions. Silly girl.

"Take the next exit." I sighed contently laying my hand on her knee.

She tensed at my touch. "Wes I'm driving stop it!"

"Why? Do you find me distracting?" I smirked squeezing her leg.

"Oh don't flatter yourself honey, I just don't like being touched while I drive. I'd hate to wreck my baby." she said referring to the car.

Lightly moving my fingers up her thigh I leaned closer to her. "So it has nothing to do with me? I'm not distracting?" I asked tracing a pattern on the inside of her thigh.

Her breath caught and she flipped her turn signal on to take the exit I'd told her to. "Wesley Stromberg stop it!" she squealed as I tightened my hand on her leg.

I laughed and let go moving back into my seat comfortably. "I bet I can distract you without touching you." I wagered.

"I'm driving Wes." she groaned annoyed. "Knock it off!"

"Do you know what you do to me when you wear these damn yoga shorts? It's like a fucking push up bra for your already heavenly ass." I smirked watching her cheeks get pink. "What kind of underwear do you wear with those things anyway? Or do you wear none at all? That makes me want you to wrap your long tan legs around me while I hold you up so I can shove you up against a wall and kiss you until we can't breathe."

"I'm ignoring you Stromberg." she rolled her eyes.

I smiled as the song on her plugged in iPhone changed. "I gonna ride on you baby on you lady all night!" I sang obnoxiously off key.

"Wesssss, STAAAAHP!" she whined.

"You stop!" I teased. "Stop pretending I don't distract you."

"Oh my god fine! You make everything impossible! You make me want to rip all my hair out sometimes because you're annoying as shit, but I love it at the same time. You don't even have to touch me to affect me. Just sitting near me with that strong ass cologne on is more than enough to drive me nuts. I'd love nothing more than to make out with your face, but incase you didn't notice I'M FUCKING DRIVING!" She yelled. "Now where am I going?"

"Take that country looking road up ahead." I pointed.

She was driving way over the speed limit down the empty dirt road. The dust was flying around us and her hair was still whipping around. How the hell can one person look so good all the damn time?

"Stop here." I told her.

She did as I asked then shut the engine off. "Why here?"

"So I can do this." I smiled unbuckling my belt and leaning over cupping her face and kissing her.

Her lips tasted like strawberry Chapstick. They were smooth and molded perfectly against mine. God this has to be heaven! I took her bottom lip between my teeth gently making her gasp just like always. The inside of her mouth tasted like the ice tea I'd bought her this morning when we started driving. I moved my hand down her neck holding her closer. Sliding my other hand up to her chest. She moaned into my mouth which is one of the single hottest things this girl does when we make out. Briley bit my tongue just enough to make me pull back.

"What?" I panted pressing my forehead on hers.

"Sorry I was distracted." She smirked.

"You little shit." I chuckled placing my lips back over hers.

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