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Briley's POV

"Honey are you alright? You sound worried." my mom pointed out.

"It's nothing." I said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to call an let you know that Seth found out where you're at and he's losing it. I wouldn't put it past him to do somethin stupid." Mom told me. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Um, yeah Momma I'm fine. I just love you is all. Is everything okay at home?" I asked locking my bedroom door to keep Seth on the outside.

"Sure, why wouldn't it be?" she asked. "Are you taking drugs?"

"No Mom." I laughed. "I gotta go I'll call you back later." I hung up and went to my closet.

I may not have know my father long but in the time I did he taught me one thing. You can never be too safe. I pulled out a lock box from the back of the closet and opened it. There sat my 9mm nestled in the box. I loaded it and put it down the back of my jeans making sure my shirt covered it. Once I'd done that i took some deep breaths, and I texted Wes telling him I believed him and to call the police. I didn't know what exactly to tell the cops when they got here, but Seth defiantly needs to go one way or another.

I opened my door and went to the living room to find Seth sitting right where I left him. He looked up and smiled. "Where's your bags?" He asked.

"I called Mom. She said she's fine." I said keeping my distance. "Why're you here Seth?"

"You've never been dumb Briley. Maybe a bit gullible but never dumb." he stood up. "How much do you know?"

"About what?" I asked.

"Me Briley! I know that boyfriend of yours is poking around. Now god dammit tell me what you fucking know or so help me..." he trailed off.

I'd never seen Seth so upset. It was scary. "I, I don't know what you're talking about Seth."

His hand made contact with my face. "He tell you about the herion?" he snarled. "About the drug ring and how I was moving it in the schools? Well news flash baby that money is what paid for everything we did!"

I'd never been one to shy away from taking a beating. I got in lots of fights in high school. I looked up and saw my front door open slowly with Drew sneaking in an he held up his hand showing me that he was recording what happened. He motioned for me to be quiet. "Wes never said anything about drugs, and he wasn't looking into you. He was looking into what happened to me dad." I said putting my hands behind my back.

"Your dad was an asshole Bry." Seth said. "He ruined everything. He ruined your life at home and mine. He was nothing more than a homewrecker."

My face was still stinging and Drew was moving closer. "Why'd you do it?" I asked.

"Do what Briley? The drugs?" he screamed gripping my upper arm no doubt leaving marks.

"No Seth! Why'd you kill my fucking Dad?" I screamed in his face.

I saw his jaw clench and he open palm slapped me again. Before I could react he was pulled off me and thrown to the floor. Drew grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the door but the idiot in me took over. I pulled away from Drew and pulled out my gun. I pointed it at Seth and asked again. "Why'd you do it?"

Seth smiled wickedly. "See this is the girl I loved in high school. You don't take shit from no one."

"Answer me!" I yelled.

"See the trouble with that Bry is I know your one flaw." he stood up and took a step toward me. "I took you shooting a ton of times, and I know that you're a hell of a shot. But I also took you hunting, and you can't pull the trigger when something livings at the other end."

"Don't push your luck Seth." I said. "Why?"

"He fucked my mom Briley! After he left yours. Then in middle school I started moving the drugs for the football coach, and your dad started messing around in my business. He was getting too close!" Seth shook his head. "He was gonna take down the mayor, the coach, all of us and I couldn't let that happen!"

"What's wrong with you?" I was shaking. "I was thirteen when he died Seth."

"Yeah and I was fifteen when I killed him." Seth admitted just as I heard the loud shouting from the LAPD.

"Drop the weapon and get on the floor! Everyone get down!" they shouted.

I dropped the gun and laid down on the floor. I felt Seth move closer and the police yelled again for him to get down. He moved again and bent down grabbing the gun.

"I really did love you Bry." was the last thing he said to me.

Wes's POV

I was speeding as fast as I could until I got stuck in traffic on the 101. There was no way around it to get to Briley. I groaned and pulled out my phone to call Drew. I gave him the short version and he said he'd go check on Bry for me. Not long after that Briley texted me back telling me to call the police that she believed me. God I need to get to her!

Once I was around the traffic I got to Briley's in about ten minutes. The place was swamped with cops and local news crews. I looked around seeing an ambulance as well making my heart sink. Someone had been hurt.

Just as I was about to walk inside the police pushed me back an they rolled out a bloody body covered with a sheet on a stretcher. Someone was worse then hurt. Someone was dead!

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