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Briley's POV

"How do you know them?" Wes asked me gently rubbing my neck to keep me calm. "Be specific and try to think of anything that connects them to your dad in any way at all."

"This one's Seth, my ex boyfriend." I pointed. "We knew each other a long time because our moms were friends so Dad probably knew him from that. Other than that I don't think they knew each other at all."

"What was he arrested for? You do know these are all mugshots right?" Wes looked at me.

"Yes, I'm not an idiot." I laughed. "He was arrested for vandalism when he was thirteen. After his parents divorced I guess he had a rough time. He was a few years older than me but he got held back so we were in the same grade."

"Okay and this one?" Wes pointed to the next one. The man in the picture was about thirty and I knew him pretty well.

"That's Mr. Marshall. He was on the city counsel and he was also the football coach at the high school. He might have known my dad through counsel I guess." I shrugged.

"Do you know why he would've been arrested?" Wes asked scribbling some notes onto sticky notes and putting them on the mug shots. I watched his arm muscles flex as he wrote. Focus Briley!

"Probably something to do with beating in his wife. The man was a real dick." I sighed then glanced at the next picture. "This guys like fifty so I doubt he killed anyone, but he's old man Walters. He lived at the county jail though because he'd always get drunk and streaking down Main Street." I chuckled at the memory.

Wes wrote down why I said with a smile on his face then pointed to the last picture. "And him?"

I sighed heavily. "That's my Uncle Brent. He was my dad's brother and I met him like four times. He wasn't close with my dad because Dad sent him to jail for theft, but I can't picture Brent killing him."

"How often did you see these men in your life?" Wes asked seriously.

"I saw Seth like everyday from the time I was ten until I came here. Brent only like four times as I said before. The football coach was at the school since he taught health so only when I was in high school, and the old man was always around town but I didn't really know him." I said still humoring Wes's questions. To tell the truth I want to know why happened to my dad. The fact Wes wants to help is awesome and I was stupid to overreact before.

Wes's POV

She knew them all! I took notes and wrote everything that might be important. Keaton and I can look through it later, but now I need to get all the questions out while she's willing to answer them.

"Can you link these men to each other?" I asked.

"Seth played football for Mr. Marshall and he'd met my uncle, but that's all I can think of." she said twirling a piece of her hair. "Do you really think one of them killed my dad?"

"I don't know what I think yet, but the cops thought these four were the prime suspects." I admitted.

"Do, do you know how he died?" she asked quietly.

I nodded an looked her straight on. "Do you wanna know?"

"Y-yes." she was almost visibly shaking. "N-no. I don't know!"

"Babe it's okay." I sat the file on the floor and closed it as she started crying. Taking Briley in my arms I hugged her right against my chest. "Shhh. It's okay. We can be done, I won't push you to talk about anything you don't want to."

"How'd he die?" she choked out. "I wanna know."

"Someone injected him with heroine and caused an overdose." I told her honestly.

She stopped crying soon after and wiped her eyes pushing me away. "Heroine?" she asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. I debated telling her why her dad left her mom, but something held me back.

"I need some air." she stated simply. "Is it hot in here?"

"Let's go for a walk." I half smiled standing up and offering her my hand.

She took it an shook her head. "You're one of a kind Wesley Stromberg."

"So are you." I laughed and I couldn't hold it back, it just slipped out I my mouth again. "I love you."

Briley stopped moving and looked up at me. "Even after everything you've found out, and how bitchy I was to you?"

"Yeah, I love you even after all this." I nodded.

She smiled and looked down to hide the redness on her cheeks. "I love you too, and I'm sorry I overreacted."

I laughed. "It's fine Bry."

"Can I ask you something?" she smiled for real for the first time since I walked in here.

"Sure?" I said carefully watching her eyes sparkle with happiness.

"Did you really read my fanfiction?" her face got all red again.

I bust out laughing. "I did!"

She shook her head laughing and hugged me tightly. I can't imagine what I'd be doing if I need met her. I sure as hell wouldn't be trying to solve a murder, but I wouldn't trade this girl for anything.

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