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Briley's POV

I sat in the back room of the photography studio I was currently working in and tapping on the screen of the phone Wes had bought me before he left for Cleveland. We'd talked this morning but I still miss him. I mean I've been obsessed with him for more than two years an all I've wanted was to have him, and now that I have him to myself I just wanna be with him all the time.

"Briley I need you to drop off this file at the post office please?" my boss Alexa handed me the file. "And that's it for today so you can go home.

"Okay I can do that. See ya later." I gathered my things an headed for the door.

I dropped the package off at the post office then went home. Sitting alone in my apartment wasn't exactly what I wanted to be doing but I didn't exactly have a lot of friends out here. Hell I didn't have a lot back in Ohio either. There was a knock on my door so I went an peeked through the peep hole. On the other side of the door stood none other than Drew Chadwick himself. I pulled the door open an just stared at him like a freak.

"Um, hi, are you Briley Matthews? If not then this is super awkward." he shifted his weight.

"Oh my god." I shook my head. "Sorry I just had a mini fangirl attack in my brain, but yes I'm Briley." I smiled. "Why are you knocking at my door?"

"Well Wes called and asked if I would come hangout with you. Something about you moping around while he's not here and I was the only one he trusted not to try and get in your pants with you." Drew laughed.

"Well for the record my pants are almost to tight on me so there's no room for anyone else." I said making him chuckle. "Other than that you're more than welcome to come in. I was just about to watch some Disney movies."

"Pocahontas first!" he shouted then walked into my apartment.

If watching Disney movies with your boyfriend's ex band mate while he's across the country isn't normal then this is hella weird. Drew's super cool though, and he's been nothing but nice. He didn't even complain when I poured chocolate chips in the popcorn.

"What about Sleeping Beauty?" he asked. We were discussing the moral behind fairytales.

"It's clearly telling kids to enjoy naps whole they can." I laughed. "Red Riding Hood?"

"Clearly she was on a suicide mission wearing a red cape with fresh food in wolf infested woods!" he rolled his eyes making fun of my playful outlook on the stories he'd asked me about already. "Don't get me started on Jack in The Beanstalk either. Those beans clearly gave more than indigestion."

"Well you can't think Hansel and Gretel didn't have it coming too?" I laughed at his mocking of my silly outlook on things.

"Are you kidding me? They were starving children?" he said.

"If they were starving why'd they waste that bread by leaving a trail? Huh?" I asked. "Exactly!" I shouted when he didn't have a response.

"I see why Wes likes you so much." he smiled.

"Why's that?" I laughed popping popcorn and chocolate into my mouth.

"Because you're just like girl version of him." he laughed. "It's almost scary."

"Does he talk about me a lot?" I asked.

"Well..." Drew trailed off.

"Well?" I asked.

"What do you know about real estate?" he asked.

"Huh?" I laughed. "Real estate?"

"Yeah." he nodded. "because he talks about you a lot!" He bust out laughing at his own joke. This it's the start of a wonderful friendship!


A/N: Hey!! So I hope you like this story so far, um it's pretty different from my other ones and has a deeper storyline than just a girl loving Wes haha. But yeah, Police work is pretty close to my heart since my dad was a cop for like 25 years, and I think it's coming together pretty well so feel free to comment and let me know what you think. I love you and thanks so much for the love and support you're all amazing!!

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