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-Ben Solo...-Maz sighed when she saw him coming into her castle.- Welcome back kid.- she said when she came close to him.
-Hello Maz, its nice to see you.- Ben said, nervous and nostalgic on the inside but rough as a rock on the outside.
-How many years have passed..? Im glad that you made your mind up.- Maz said sadenned.
-I know, Maz. Its been a long time. Im just sorry I...
-I know, kiddo. I can see it in your eyes, you regret it... all.
-I didnt know what to do, i was left alone and nobody would believe.
-I understand how hard that must have been, and I'm sorry that i couldnt take care of you.
It was late at night, many moons ago. Maz was closing the cantina and cleaning the mess that left a fight a couple minutes ago. Suddenly she heard a ship coming closer.
It was Ben Solo's X-Wing.
When she saw it she ran outside to meet him but she didnt expect to see what she encountered.
It was not the Ben she knew since he was a child, it was a different Ben, one that had blood on his hands and clothes, and one that his eyes where filled with tears, regret and disapointment.
She ran to him, to help him, but when she was about to get to him he fell.
He was in the ground, shaking, crying. He was trying to talk, but couldnt.
Maz was desperated, she didnt know what to do,  where that blood came from and why did he come to her at that hour.
She understood later, when Ben woke up in one of Maz's beds, all cleaned up.
-Ben?! Ben!
-Wh-what? Where am i?- he said confused.
-you dont remember what happened?
-I... i dont know.
-You came last night. You had blood. You were crying and shaking in the groung after you came out of your X-Wing. I dont know what happened.
-I was sleeping... i was just sleeping- he said looking down, so low that Maz couldnt hear him.
-I was sleeping!!!- he yelled, remebering what happened.
-Ben! Calm down! What happened!
-Luke. He tried to kill me.
-What!? Are you sure?
-I was sleeping, and he came into my hut and raised his lightsaber, i picked mine up just before he could strike me down and murder me- he said crying.

What!? How are you here? What happened to Luke?

-I used the Force to destroy the hut over him and came out, then some other padawans came, and I.... i can't Maz, im sorry.
-No, you can. What happened, what did you do to them?- she asked, but she already knew the answer.
-i had to...i- i had to kill them.- he said burrying his head in his hands.
-Oh my Force, Ben! What did you do!-
-I dont know, Maz!- he yelled, desperate.
Maz was shocked after what Ben told her. Did he kill Luke? Why had Luke try to kill him?
Maz snapped out of her memory, trying to control the tears that filled her eyes.
-I was so worried about you! You left so abrupttly! I didnt know what had happened to you and then i heard the news of a new order... and i inmediatly knew it was you the one that was behind that mask.- Maz said hugging him. She had promised herself six years ago that she would apologize to Ben if she saw him again, because Kylo or Ben Solo, he was just a kid that the sircumstances had pushed to suffering.
-Mmhh?- she said releasing him.
-Why didnt you come after me when you realized I was gone?- he said looking at the ground. People were still entering and leaving the castle while they were talking. Maz took his sleeve and started walking and Ben followed.
-Before I left you in that room to sleep I saw your eyes. They were sad and filled with regret, so I decided to let you sleep and rest, letting the sleep take away the confussion and anger out of you so you were ready to talk the next morning. When I was in my room trying to sleep and figure it all out i heard a noise and ran outside, this part you remember, it was your X-Wing and you were in it. In that moment I could only see anger in your eyes, I could've done nothing.- she said looking down, embarrased of her dessision.
-Im sure you heard about my father...- He said looking down, trying not to look at Maz's reaction to that question.
-Yes.Poe Dameron, that resistance pilot, contacted me after Starkiller base collapsed and told me about it. I tried to give Leia a message but they told me she had an accident and was unconsci- Maz couldnt even finish when Ben interrupted her
-What! She's alive!?- Ben remeberd how he almost killed, and decided not to, when another TIE-fighter did the horrible desission for him.
-Yes, my dear, she somehow used the force to get back to the resistance's ship. She was unconsious until before the battle of Crait.- she stopped talking and looked in the eyes of Ben Solo, the lost boy, and only saw hope in that moment, when she told him about Leia.- She's fine, kid. You have another chance.- she took Ben's hand to show him that she cared, but that moment didn't last that long.
Then... she felt it. It was the one and only Jedi that was in her castle. Ben must've been to focused on his reunion with Maz to realize that his enemy was there.
-Rey of Jakku!!!!!- Maz yelled taking her hand off Ben's. He froze when he heard her name, she wasn't supposed to be there, she was with the resistance, right?
The music stopped and everyone was silent, he still couldnt move.
When he came to his senses he put his cloak on so Rey couldn't recognize him.
The music and the noise started again.
Maz was already with Rey.
He couldnt see her face, his back was the only thing that Rey could see.
He started to move.
Suddenly he heard his name- his old name.
Suddenly he was saying her's.
And then everything happened so fast. He was unprepeard. His daydreams were not like this, it wasn't suppose to go like this.
But it happened like the Force wanted it to happen.
-Have a good life, Rey.- and that was it. That were the last words he said to her. That were his goodbyes.

Hey! It's been a while!  im so sorry I haven't got time of updating, but here I am, at 1:56 am doing it. I'm trying to think of where this story is going before writing any of it, and its kind of hard... but im trying!!!! 

see you around, kid

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