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"It's taken some work, but I finally found them" Amanda Waller said to the Admiral and General as she cut into her steak. "The worst of the worst" she states, chewing the steak in her mouth. Amanda takes the binder that reads 'Top secret' and slid it over to the General and Admiral.

"There are rumors some of them have, abilities" the Admiral hesitantly states, "The rumors are true" she deadpans, no humor found in her voice. "Do you know what the problem is with a meta-human?" she questions.

Both men shake their head "The human part" she informs them. "You're playing with fire, Amanda" Admiral states, she shakes her head slightly "I'm fighting fire with fire" she tells them. "It's that Task Force X is undone" Admiral starts to pointlessly argue.

General ignores the conversation, taking a bite out of his steak. "Yeah but this time, you'll listen" she states as she's seen neither men have even bothered to open the binder. "Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot" she said as she shows the mugshot of the African American male.

"He is the most wanted hit-man in the world. They say he has elite client Intel. But everyone has a weakness that can be leverage. His eleven year old honor student in Gotham, his daughter." she informed the men "So we watched and waited"

"And you caught him?" the General asked "Not me" she said as she shook her head "I just gave an anonymous tip to the right guy in Gotham City" she said referring to Gotham's hero, Batman. "And now we have the man that never misses" she states, proud of herself.

"Where did you put him?" the General questions, out of pure curiosity "Let's just say, I put him in a hole and threw away the hole" Amanda smirks. She then shows the mugshot of a woman, platinum blonde hair, the tips dyed blue on one side, and pink on the other.

"Harley Quinn, before she ran off to join the circus she was known as Dr. Harleen Quinzel. A psychiatrist, assigned to the clown himself. She thought she was curing him but she was falling in love" Amanda further explains.

"Talk about a work place romance gone wrong." Amanda jokes, yet shows no signs of humor in her tone or facial expression. "They became the queen and king of Gotham, and God help anyone who disrespected the queen." Amanda said before continuing.

"But that was only the beginning, she's crazier than him, and more fearless." Amanda fed the information to the awaiting men. "But the bat got her too and took her to the same home as Deadshot."

She then showed a man, with a scruffy beard and dirty blonde almost brown hair. "Digger Harkness. Or as tabloids call him, Captain Boomerang. Robbed every bank in Australia at least once and came to America for a fresh target set. Doesn't work well with others. But he got tangled with the meta-human and lived to tell about it." she finished, referring to the Flash.

She dismisses the criminal and turns to the next page "Have you ever heard of the pyrokinetic homeboy?" she questions. The Admiral's eyes widened slightly "How did you catch him?" he asks curiously.

Amanda smirked a little "We didn't. He surrendered" she admitted. "Chato Santana. On the streets, he's called El Diablo. This LA gang banger thought he was the King of the world...until he lost his Queen"

Amanda pointed to something on the page "Got jumped in a prison riot and incinerates half the yard. The security video is incredible" Amanda admits before showing a male, who has scales all over his body, and yellowish eyes.

The two men jumped in disgust. "Waylon Jones. Evolution took a step back with this one. They call him Killer Croc. He looked like a monster, so they treated him like a monster, so he became a monster." she explains turning the page.

"Here we have a witch" Amanda smirks "A witch?" the General says in disbelief, clearly not believing Amanda "Yes, I'm talking about flying, spells, casting medieval shit, disappearing witch" she explains, slightly bored.

"Doctor June Moone. An archaeologist, wandered into the wrong cave, she opened something she shouldn't have releasing a meta-human more powerful than we've ever encountered." She says then pauses.

"The Enchantress" she finally continues after a second "She inhabits Doctor Moone's body now" she explained. "Where is she?" the curious Admiral asks and Amanda smirks "In my pocket" she states "She had a secret heart buried somewhere in the cave. Whoever has it can control the witch. We found it, though." she continues.

Amanda pulled out a brief case and put her thumb over it, once it unlocked she opened it and showed the two men a green pulsing black and hay covered 'heart'. "That things her heart?" the General questioned, slightly disgusted it.

"She's vulnerable without it" Amanda shrugs, slamming it shut and locking it. "There's one more person I think you should see" Amanda reminds the men flipping the page to a very beautiful women, with grayish-blue eyes.

"This is Hope King also known as The Tribrid" Amanda explains, smirking at the men's awe struck faces "She wanted revenge after her family was killed, after she found the murderers she took things into her own hands" Amanda explained.

"She hunted them down and killed them all, one of each faction, werewolf, vampire, and witch, killing two more innocents in the process." Amanda said, having no remorse for the gorgeous woman. "Before she went bonkers she was a dancer, a good one at that, but that doesn't matter anymore"

"What is she?" the General asks and Amanda smirks again, "She was born a werewolf, and a witch, made into a vampire, she is The Tribid" Amanda explained and the Admiral looked confused.

"So what is she?" he questioned "She can turn into a werewolf, her face morphs into red eyes with black veins crawling down when she show's her vampire side, and she can cast spells but she has to absorb others energy before she can, or other objects" Amanda explained the best she could "She's more powerful than The Enchantress, and thats the downfall to her witch powers she has to take the energy from another human or object, basically siphon it away and The Woman of Steel caught her" she smirks.

"We have a collar to keep her powers away and her wolf dormant, but the vampire side can't be repressed." Amanda states and the Admiral pipes up "Why does it say to not look at her eyes?" he questioned confused "She's also a Temptress, they were ancient beings that lure them in with their eyes" Amanda pauses.

"Her eyes can trap you into her spell, she'll end up drinking your blood" she continues before closing the binder. "You want to put our national security in the hands of a witch, gang bangers, and a crocodile?" Admiral asks.

"Don't forget about Joker's girlfriend and the freaky girl" General pipes in. "What makes you think you can control them?" Admiral asks, ignoring the General. "Because getting people to work against their own self-interest for the national security of the United States is what I do for a living" Amanda states proudly.

"Take the finest special forces officer this nations ever seen. Colonel Rick Flag" she continues not waiting for either men to say something "I assigned him to watch Doctor Moone and just as I hoped, it got personal. I have the witches heart and Doctor Moone has his" Amanda says proudly.

"He'll follow my orders" she continues. The men look at each other, as if talking through their minds, complementing weather this is a good idea. "In a world of flying men and monsters, this is the only way to protect our country" Amanda finishes, knowing she's won this argument.


Here's part of Hope's backstory and stuff, also the official prologue of The Tribrid.


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