Chapter 2

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After a few seconds Rick demanded "Take the collar off". Griggs gaped at him "After they almost killed me, you want me to take the collar off!" he exclaimed, not-so-secretly scared. "Yes." Rick deadpanned, knowing the girl wouldn't do anything stupid, at least not now.

Hope smirked a little, knowing Rick's thoughts, and knowing he was right. Griggs grumbled as he came up to me and took the key and unlocked it, after putting a finger print. When the collar came off, the rush came to me all at once and my eyes turned a deep red color.

Everyone gasped as I fought off my vampire face, I didn't want to lose control. "Who can I siphon off of?" I questioned Flag, and he raised an eyebrow "Griggs" Amanda said and I laughed. "Don't go overboard" Flag warned and I nodded, gritting my teeth a little.

"You. Want. Me. To. Do. What?!" Griggs exclaimed in disbelief as he cautiously walked up to me "I need some of your energy to cast spells, or else it won't work, even though I am a vampire, someone cursed me so I can't draw my energy from my vampire side, because vampires are an infinite energy source" I explained and they all nodded.

"It won't hurt, you'll just feel really weak after" I said and he nodded "What do I have to do?" he questioned "Give me your arm, roll up your sleeve" I said and he did as told. Grabbing his arm, I used my siphoner magic and my hand and his arm glowed red as I took his energy away.

Once I had enough I let go, and turned to the target, my pupil turning a grey color as I used my light powers. Swiping my hand out a large white blade flew out cutting the heads of the targets out. Grabbing Griggs arm again, I took a little bit more of his energy, and he was visibly sweating.

Letting go, I did a loop with my arms and pushed Griggs back into a chair that was placed behind him. Turning back to the targets I brought my hand back then turned my palms around pushing them down "Liquescimus" and the targets slowly started to melt.

When the targets were halfway melted, it stopped, and grabbing hold of the daggers, I absorbed the energy and put them back on the table. Closing my eyes, I concentrated and held my hands out, then opened my eyes, my pupils black as I used my dark magic, a black portal formed under the daggers and in front of the table as they transported and got thrown at the target.

It hit the remains of the target perfectly and I dropped the magic, breathing heavily, getting hungry. I felt the collar get put back on and I closed my eyes as the magic drained out of me completely. Deadshot slowly clapped "Whoa you're powerful as shit" he laughed and Amanda nodded, proud that she had someone so powerful.

"Anyway I have a few demands" Deadshot said as he turned to Rick, and I nodded, as if saying 'me too' Rick nods "First I want full custody of my daughter. Okay her mom can have supervised visits but her stank ass boyfriend can't come. Darnell, can't come." Floyd says and Rick snaps his fingers "Darnell's out" he states.

"Also I want her to go to one of those schools, like Harvard, Yale-" he was cut off by Rick "Ivy league?" Rick asked and Floyd nodded "Yeah, and if her grades slip I want y'all to white people that thang" he said and Rick scoffed.

"Yeah, and I would like a bag of you know what because I'm starving and I don't want to eat any of you, also I want a book or something to read, like your girl is bored just sitting in that little ass cage all day" I said, thinking about how bored I am in that stupid magic free cage they keep me in.

"You are in no position to be making demands" Rick said and Floyd smirked "You think we were talking to you? We were talking to your boss, those are our demands sweetie" Floyd says as they drag him away and I nodded in agreement.

Soon enough Griggs came and dragged me back to my 'cell'. They brought me 2 blood bags and I quickly drained them. I quickly went into my hammock after that and fell asleep, drained. Using my magic drains me still because I haven't used them in a long time so it put a toll on my body, due to the curse on me, but that's a story for another time.

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