Chapter 4

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Soon enough, gross, black creatures, with black goop dripping off of them appeared a mile away from the squad. I looked over to Rick "What the hell are those, things?" I questioned and Rick glared at me "You cut and run, and I'll blow your head off" he threatened.

"Just stay cool" he whispered to her while the creatures screeched, I looked around, my hands creeping behind me, ready to grab my katana, I was ready for a fight. With a final screech the monsters advanced and Rick yelled "Fire!" that was when I advanced.

I grabbed my Katana off my back and sliced one of the monsters in half. My hand glowed red as I absorbed the magic out of my blade and I squeezed my fist "Praemium" I muttered and a few of them exploded, the goop flying everywhere.

I checked on the squad, Deadshot, never missed a shot, Harley smashing the monsters with her 'Goodnight' bat, Katana, slicing the monsters in half, Boomerang got a few good hits before drinking his beer.

Diablo simply shook his head, backing away from the fight. "Get off of me" Rick yelps and I look at Harley. I super sped towards him because I was kind of far away and Harley ran towards him and I helped Harley kill the creatures "Everyone get behind me!" I demand.

"Harley" I grinned and she nodded knowing what I was about to do. She came up to me and I grabbed her hand, my hand and he hand glowing red. I absorbed a pretty good amount of energy and opened my eyes, letting go of her hands I threw my arms out and pushed my magic out.

The magic flew out in clear waves and made every monster in my sight explode. Harley and I looked back and the squad looked at her "Stop staring and make sure there aren't anymore" I snapped, looking at how clueless and useless this team really was.

The squad was about to start moving again, but I turned around seeing Harley bash a monsters head in with her bat "Harls, it's dead" I said slowly, "What? I saw it move!" Harley defends and continued "See! It flinched, I think" squinting her eyes to take a closer look.

"Boo!" I yelled and Harley yelped and jumped back, squealing a bit "Ya almost gave me a heart attack!" Harley exclaimed and I laughed loudly. "Hey!" Boomerang said suddenly "You were some help, princess" he said to Diablo, and Diablo shrugged.

"It's better this was, trust me" Diablo said and made a small fire appear in his hands. "Oh you're the fire bloke, eh" Boomerang stated "Yeah I was." Diablo said. Boomerang pulled a face before pulling out a lighter and setting it aflame "See, look, fire!" he said waving the lighter around in his face.

I pushed my arms around in a loop type of motion and pushed Boomerang away from Diablo "Leave him alone you big Aussie bully" I sneered and he laughed, "And what are you gonna do about it eh? Hot stuff" he smirked and I smirked back, holding my hand out a black ball formed in it "Timor pessimi", I whispered and blew the ball and it turned into a dark mist and went into Boomerang's head.

After a few seconds a terrified look appeared on his face, "What the hell was that?!" he exclaimed as the spell wore off. I chuckled "That's what will happen to you if you try me again, asshole" I sneered and Floyd chuckled "I like her, she's funny. But seriously, Rick what the hell were those things? Floyd questioned "If I told you, would you believe me?" Rick scoffed after a moments hesitation.

"Bullshit" Floyd said after a minute "That's wearing a three-thousand dollar watch, is that a person?" he questioned and Rick looked straight ahead "It was." he started and then finished "Now it's not" he finished.

The squad continued to walk through the streets and Hope falls into step with Diablo "About the whole killing your family thing, you're not the only one who has lost control" she spoke, and Diablo shook his head "What would you know about it?" he questioned.

"May I?" I questioned as she held her hand out "Do what?" he questioned "I want to show you something, but I don't have any more siphoned magic left. I only need a little, since you're a meta and everything" I spoke and he nodded, holding out his arm.

I grabbed it and closed my eyes and my hand started to glow red, I opened her eyes and they were the color of fire. I held my fists out, closed and close together and muttered, "Ignis" and opened them and a big red and black flame was present, blowing the flame I made it go up in the air, but it didn't hurt anyone.

"Whoa" Diablo states, I know he's shocked someone can actually relate to him "I hold many powers, and many secrets" I spoke and he nodded "Yeah no kidding" he states "Listen, whatever happened to you, must have been, bad" I state and he nods a little "We've all been through stuff, and as much as it kills you, you need to let it go" I state and he looks at me like he wants to yell at me.

But he stops as he see's my facial expression, it wasn't sympathy, it was empathy "I lost the most important people in my life, and yeah, revenge was awesome, but I know they wouldn't have wanted me to do that for them and they wouldn't want me down here, moping and being sad for them now"

I then pat him on the shoulder "Think about what I said, Chato" I says before quickening my pace to keep up with the squad. The squad her a bang and turned around, myself stumbling a little because I turned around too fast, but I still had my weapon ready.

They all untensed as they saw it was Harley, who shattered the window, grabbing a cute purse. "What is wrong with you people?!" Rick shouted and Harley shrugged "We're bad guys, it's what we do" and continued walking.

Concentrating on the light part of my powers I formed little butterflies and let them fly around. "Hello little butterflies" I cooed and they buzzed back a 'hi' in response. "Are you talking to those butterflies?" Floyd questioned and I nodded.

"Your bonkers" he said and I shrugged "Of course I am, but all the best people are" I winked at him and began to hum while skipping down the street. Rick looked at her and muttered "This is going to be the longest night of my life" and began going down the street.

I stopped when I saw Floyd wasn't moving, he was staring at a coat, a pink coat. "You really care about her don't you" Floyd nods. He gave me a sad smile "She would have loved this, she totally loved pink" he said and I gave him a small smile.

"Don't give up hope Floyd, you are her dad, and she's gonna love you no matter what, Zoe is a smart girl, and she knows she's lucky to have a dad like you" I said before turning around and catching back up with the squad who were crouched behind a building.



Timor pessimi: worst fear
Praemium: explode
Ignis: fire

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