Chapter 7

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"Yeah you just put this here and this here" I explained to my little sister as she nodded and did as I said "Okay what's next?" she questioned eagerly and my parents chuckled at the little sister bonding moment and I continued to tell her and help her.

I heard a crash and mom ask my dad what was happening, and he left to go check it out, and feeling a presence behind me, I went to whip around but I heard a scream and everything went black.


"Mom? Mom what's happening?" I questioned as I woke up from my unconscious state. "They are here" she said and I knew what she meant, these ancient Vampires, Werewolf's, and Witches are after my family because my Hybrid father had us with a witch, making me and my sister powerful.

"What do you want from us" my dad screamed as the witches held their hands out, using an aneurysm spell, making me and my dad crouch down screaming, as it only affected us vampires.

My mom moved her hands around and a huge gust of wind blew back the witches and the fight started.

I pushed my little sister back as my fathers yellow eyes glowed and black veins crawled down his eyes as he sped, killing every creature that he could. My mom used her magic to attack and rip the hearts of each person out of there chest.

A vampire sped to me, and I grabbed his neck, pulling him to me, and ripping his head off, throwing it to the side. A werewolf ran up to me, and I let my hybrid face show as I bit him, then ripped his heart out.

The witch tried to cast spells, but I muttered "Clypeus" and a shield covered me, and he couldn't break through. Having taken a second to think, I sped to him and savagely bit into his neck draining him of his blood.

I did the same to a few other witches, but then heard a scream, it seemed as time went in slow motion as a vampire my dad 'killed' but apparently wasn't dead, I turned my head as his hand went into my baby sisters, chest and he ripped her heart out.

I turned my head to the right to see the same thing happen to my mom, and while my dad got distracted looking at the scene, his heart was ripped out and his head was ripped off. Tears streamed down my face and I fell to the ground, screaming.

A big wave of power burst from my body as I screamed for my family. I got up, savagely ripping though any one of them that I seen, they would pay for this, I would make sure they would pay. Speeding through the huge crowd of the species I slowly killed all of them.

Tearing out hearts, and ripping off heads, draining some of blood, and in some vampire's cases, biting them giving them a nasty hybrid bite, which would slowly kill them. I held my hand up and focused "Ignis" I muttered and blew fire at any being I could see.

I continued to kill each and every single one of them, but before I could finish killing the witches they held their hands up and chanted a few time together "Magicae usus ad esse necesse est ab aliis furantur" and I felt a change, it felt like all the magic was being drained out of my body, ignoring it, I slaughtered the rest of the remaining people and collapsed.

Using my fire spell I burned all the bodies besides, three of them, one of each faction. My fangs came out and I realized how hungry I was, even though I just drank from all those witches and others. Speeding out into the town I picked up two humans and brought them back to the warehouse those stupid ass people put us in.

Draining them quickly, I put them along side of the other dead people, and I put my hands on my family, muttering a spell so that they disappeared, a tear falling out of my eye, but I wiped it away as began to walk away. "Freeze" it was then I heard a voice.

"If it isn't you" I sneered and faced Wonder Women "People heard others screaming, was it you?" she questioned, holding her shield up "Who do you think it was?" I questioned, sarcasm lacing my tone.

"Well then it's my duty to stop you" she held her shield up higher and I raised my eyebrow and raised my fist, and the fight began. She swung at me, but I blocked her and aimed a punch to her gut, but she blocked me with her shield. My fist dripped blood and she smirked, but was shocked when my fist healed.

I shook my hand out and aimed a punch at her face, in lightning speed. She dodged and turned and kicked me in the face. I spit out blood as black veins crawled down my eyes and my eyes glowed yellow as the white part turned black. The beast was awake.

I bared my fangs at her and went to charge but she pulled out some lasso and whipped me with it, I grabbed it with my hand and felt my hand turn red and I looked down in it in confusion, the only way I could do this is! Those damn witches.

When I was looking down at my was red and now is normal hand and felt magic coursing through me, Wonder Women took the opportunity and pulled me in with her lasso and slammed her shield over my head, and I fell limply into her arms. "There was no other way of ending that fight." Wonder Women muttered before she picked my legs up and shot off.


This is Hope's backstory, it's not the best but it's whatever.
I know the fight scene with Wonder Women wasn't that great so I decided to edit it, here you guys go!

Key(Also might not be exact because I'm using google translate:
magicae usus ad esse necesse est ab aliis furantur: T
o use magic it is necessary to steal it from others
clypeus: Shield

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