Chapter Seven

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- A Few Moments Later-

     After Jotaro's mom, Holy, finished patching up Kakyoin's head wounds, we all stayed in the room with him. Holy, Mr. Joestar, Avdol sat around Kakyoin, talking to each other.

     Jotaro and I stayed at the side, Jotaro with his head down, his hat covering his face while he leaned against the door frame. I sat across from him with my sketchbook, drawing a picture of him.

     He then looked up and noticed I was staring at him and then went to scribbling in my book. He got curious and leaned to see what I was drawing.

     I smiled blushing a little and quickly pressed the book to my chest and scooter away. "You can't see it yet..." I say lowly.

     He made a slight smile as he stood straight and looked over at the others. 'That was close.' I sighed and went back to drawing.

     "I've never even liked the idea of sleeping on the floor!" I overhear Mr. Joestar shout as he repeatedly slams his hand on the floor. I looked up closing my book. "Replace the futon in my room for a real bed!" He demands.

     'Is he complaining about sleeping on the floor?' I thought as I watched them bicker.

     "Papa, you're in Japan, so please get used to the Japanese way of doing things." She says hitting the floor the same way he did. "Oh, and call me Seiko."


     "Holy comes from the word "Holy", which means "Seinaru", in Japanese." Holy explains, "So all my friends call me "Seiko-San~". She says, giggling and clapping her hands together.

     "What the hell is that!!" He yells angrily. "Holy" is the wonderful name I gave yo-"

     "If you don't call me "Seiko" from now on, I won't answer." She says interrupting him.

     Mr. Joestar gets angrier screaming "HOLY!" as she ignores him. They continue like this as Jotaro walks out of the room.

     I laughed a little to myself watching them argue. 'These two remind me a lot of Grandma and me whenever we argued.' I thought. "Oh yeah... is there a phone I can use?" I asked, getting up.

     "There's one in the other room. Is everything okay? Are you alright, hon?" Holy asks.

     "I'm fine. I wanted to call my grandma to let her know where I am. She might be freaking out." I said standing up.

     "There's no need." Mr. Joestar speaks up. "I already called her and told her you were here. She said she's on her way."

     "You did-" I pause hearing loud footsteps from down the hallway. It sounded like the person was running. 'Is that who I think it is...' I thought as they got closer and louder. The person suddenly appeared in the doorway. 'Of course...' I sweat dropped realizing who it was and prepared myself to be tackled.

     There stood my grandma, panting like some wild animal with tears in her eyes. As soon as she laid her eyes on me, she immediately pulled me into a tight hug.

     "OH MY GOODNESS, YOU'RE OKAY!" She cried as her hug got tighter.

     "N-nice to see you t-oo grandma," I said as she squeezed the air out of me. 'I can't breathe...'

     She lets me go and wipes up her tears. "I'm sorry. When I heard that you were hurt, I dropped everything and rushed over here as fast as possible. How are you feeling?"

     "I'm good. I just hurt my hand." I said holding up my bandaged hand.

     "Let me see it." She takes my hand and starts to take the bandages off.

     Once she was done, she gasps at the small hole in it. Her eyes, once again, were filled with tears. 'Oh no.' I thought as she pulled me into another hug.

     "Who did this to you?!" She cried loudly.

     I looked over at Kakyoin, who was sweating nervously. I stayed silent for a moment thinking if I should tell her that the person who did this was in the same room as us. 'She'll try to kill him if I tell her but-' I decided to lie and say that I didn't remember. Unfortunately, before I could say anything Kakyoin confesses.

     "I-it was... my fault..." He began.

     "It was YOU?!" She snaps. I watched as her sadness quickly turned into anger. She stomped her over to him, and I got up to hold her back. Mr. Joestar then got in her way.

     "Emily, wait listen!" He said holding her by her shoulders and pushed her away. "Before you go on your rampage, I want to tell you that it wasn't all Kakyoin's fault that (Y/n) has a hole in her hand. Dio was influencing him."

     "Wha- Dio? But I thought he was dead?" She said confused and a little scared. "How is he alive?"

     "I'll tell you about it later." He said but then smiled at her. "It's been a long time Emily. You look good."

     "And you look old." She laughed before hugging him. I sighed in relief seeing that she calmed down.

     She then goes around him going over to Kakyoin more calmly. "Sorry about earlier. I'm Emily (Y/n)'s grandmother." She says holding her hand out.

     He hesitates before shaking her hand and giving her a nervous smile introducing himself. "Noriaki Kakyoin."

     She greets everyone else, and Mr. Joestar tells her more about the Dio situation and explains what Stands are with help from Avdol.

     "So that's what it is." She says then tells him that's she has one too. "But I don't know what it does yet." As she's saying that her Stand appears and floats over to me.

     I swat at it to make it go away, but my hand goes through it. "Grandma, can you get this thing away from me." I say, annoyed as it flew around my head.

     "Sorry, I don't know how to control it." She says laughing a little. "But it looks like it likes you."

     "Ugh! Get it away from me!" It flys around me for a bit before stopping in front of my face and points at my hand that had a hole in it. I raise an eyebrow while lifting my hand.

     We all watch it as it taps my hand. Soon my hand began to tingle and to glow lightly. "Um what did it just do?" I ask as my grandma shrugs. After a while the glowing stops. I quickly unwrapped the bandage and gasped. "Whoa the hole is gone! Look!" I say shocked and shoving my hand in my grandma's face.

     She then takes my hand and looks at it closely. "Well, I guess we know what it does now. It heals." She says looking up at her Stand as it floated around us a little more before disappearing.

     Holy then pokes her head in the room telling us that she's preparing dinner, and grandma offers to help, and they both leave to the kitchen.

-Later That Night-

     We ended up staying the night at their house after Mr. Joestar explained it would be safer for us to stay together. Grandma went home to get me a change of clothes and a fresh uniform. When she got back, we ate dinner and said our goodnights before heading to bed.


Quick A/N❤️
Sorry if this chapters a little crappy 😭
I haven't been sleeping well these past few days.... I feel like shit 😷😫
But the next chapter will be WAY better I promise😘
I'll probably fix it in the future

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