Chapter One

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     "Where am I?"

     I wake up in a strange dark room that had a few candles lit and the moonlight shining through the window near the door from the bed I was laying on. I started to sit up and feel around the bed. I couldn't see but the sheets were soft. They felt like there were made of silk.

     The door slowly starts to open and I begin to panic.

     The silhouette of the person that seemed to be a male, stood in the doorway.

     I moved back on the bed as far as I could until my back touched the headboard.

     The man finally steps out of the shadows. He was super tall with blonde messy hair, shirtless, and wearing a pair of weird pants. His face was still shadowed but I did notice a scar on his neck.

     "Who are you? How the hell did I get here?" I asked him with a shaky voice.

     He just ignores me and starts moving closer to the bed. I panic and throw a pillow at him. He catches it chuckling.

     'W-what the hell is going on?!' I thought as he crawled his way on the bed towards me, stopping at my legs. I fought back the urge to kick him in the face and run, but I was too scared to move.

     "There's no need to be scared..." His voice ringed in my ears. It only made me more scared. He then grabbed it as he slowly caressed it before rubbing it on the side of his face. "Your finally mine." I shivered. 'His hands are so cold, and does he mean I'm his?'  I thought as took in a deep breath and built up the courage to snatch my leg away.

     "Who.Are.You?" I asked demanding an answer. He looked up at me a smirked, his face still hidden by shadows.

     "My name is... Dio Brando-"


     I shoot up in my bed quickly looking around.

     I sigh in relief, "It was only a dream..." I say to myself turning off the alarm. I get out of bed and make my way towards the bathroom.

     "(Y/N)? Are you awake?" I hear my grandma call from the other side of the door.

     I open the door. She had a warm smile on her face.

     Her name is Emily Sato or by her English name Emily White. She was born in London, moved to America as a teen, then moved to Japan after she got married and had my mom. My mom was never around to take care of me and I never knew my dad, so I was always with my grandma Emily.

     "Oh, Good morning." She said cheerfully. "How did you sleep?" She asks going over to my bed and sitting down on it.

     "How did I sleep..." I started thinking of the dream again. "I slept fine." I lied giving her a small smile. I go over to my closet and pull out my school uniform.

     "Wait... I came in here to tell you something..." She says to herself.

     I laugh a little going into the bathroom to get dressed. I brush my teeth and my (h/l) (h/c) hair going back into my room putting my socks on.

"Hmm... What was it...? Oh yeah! I was going to tell you that you were going to be late for school!" She says happily.

     "Hm? Late?" I look over at the clock and freeze and started sweating. 'I only have ten minutes to get to school...' I stare at the clock for another moment before panicking completely.

     "NOOOOOO! NOT AGAINNNNNN!" I scream grabbing my bag and leaving my room with Grandma following me.

     I quickly get to the front door struggling to get my shoes on. "Why didn't you tell me I was gonna be late sooner?!" I asked her finally getting my shoes on.

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