Chapter Eight

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-The Next Day-

     I woke up to the sound of Mr. Joestar screaming Holy's name. I yawn and sit up rubbing my eyes. I looked over at the empty futon next to me. 'Grandma must be awake already...' I thought. Next to my futon, there was a nicely folded and clean school uniform. "Ugh, she's making me go to school after what happened yesterday?" I mumbled getting up and got dressed for school.

      "HOLY!" Mr. Joestar called out as he passed by my room. 'Geez! Would he stop yelling!' I laughed. I put some socks on and grabbed my school bag headed towards the door. I slid it open and started walking out only to stop seeing Jotaro leaning against the side of the door with his head down.

     I was shocked for a moment. 'Was he waiting for me?' I thought as I smiled. "Good Morning Jotaro." I said getting his attention.

     He looked up and stood up straight. "Good Morning." He said walking over to me. "I was gonna ask if you wanted to walk to school together, but I wasn't sure if you had already left so waited to see if you would come out." He said looking down at me.

     I blushed a little. 'Aww~ He was waiting for me!' I mentally screamed in excitement. I shook off the blush saying, "S-sure, let's go!" Skipping passed him as he followed. "Have you seen my Grandma by the way? I wanted to say goodbye before I left be she was gone." I asked turning to look at him.

     He shook his head no. "Haven't seen her. I haven't seen my mom either." He says as we reach the entrance.

     We slip on our shoes and began to head out until Jotaro stopped looking back into his home.

     "Jotaro?" I asked raising an eyebrow and moved closer to him. He seemed to be in deep thought before he turns to go back inside.

     "Go on without me." He says as he walks away.

     "Wha-" I began but before I could finish my sentence I was hit by a strange presence. 'It's coming from inside the house...' I thought as I ran back inside kicking my shoes off. I rushed down the hall passed Jotaro and I hear him pick up his pace behind me.

     I got to a door where Mr. Joestar was already standing looking into the room with a mortified look on his face.

     I stood by his side as Jotaro stood behind me. I gasped seeing Holy on the floor unconscious with my Grandma and Avdol by her side.

     "H-Holy..." Mr. Joestar says faintly as Jotaro stays silent.

     "Grandma, what happened?" I asked going over to them.

     "I-I don't know. I was helping her clean when all of a sudden she fainted, and now she has a fever. I tried to heal her with my stand, but that didn't work, so I ran out to get the closest person for help, which happened to be Avdol." She says, a little panicked looking up at me then back at Holy.

     Mr. Joestar then screams and grabs Jotaro by his collar, slamming him into a wall causing me to jump.

     "This is the one thing I feared the most!" He started. "My daughter finally has a Stand. I knew she didn't have the power to withstand it. I knew she didn't have the power to deny the curse from Dio's soul." He says.

     "Stand?" I sad looking down at Holly. Behind her neck, on her back, were vines that moved and looked a little transparent. "She can't control it?" I asked.

     My Grandma shook her head before she got up and walked over the Mr. Joestar putting a hand on his shoulder getting him to calm down as Jotaro pushes him away. "Joseph, how are we supposed to deal with this?" She asks him as he looks at her then at all of us.

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