First Impression

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"I know mom, I'm a big girl already" Your mom caressed your cheek. "My baby is all grown up now" You held her hand. "Okay, mom gotta go," You said and hugged your mom tightly. "Take care Y/N" Your mom waved and smiled, pushing the trolley with your luggage on it.

After you went through the gates and got on the plane, you went to find your seat. You sighed 'i wanna seat beside the window' You said mentally as you saw there was a hot looking blonde haired guy looking out the window.

You went to your seat and sat. He turned his face to look at you. You looked at him as he smiled sweetly.

"H-hi" You smiled awkwardly. "Hey, beautiful. My name is Jimin. Park Jimin" He held out his hand. "I'm Kim Y/N" You shooked his hands and sat back after fastening your seat belt.

"This is your captain speaking, we will take off in about 10 minutes"

Y looked out the window. 'I wanna take pictures!' You groaned mentally. He looked at you as he saw you were struggling to look out the window. Yeah, you're a shortie.

"You wanna change seats?" He asked. "'s okay, I'm good" You smiled even though you want to change seats so bad. "Come on, I know you want to sit beside the window right?" He said as he took off his seatbelt and you did the same.

You stood up for him to move over to your seat. You went slowly in front of him but he didn't move. "Uh...Jimin?" The plane moved suddenly. You fell on his lap and he instantly grabbed your waist.

You were shocked and quickly stood up. He moved to your seat. "S-sorry" As innocent as you were, you apologized as you felt guilty. You sat on the seat beside the window.

"No need to apologize" He smiled. You bowed your head slightly and looked out the window. You sighed as you didn't have the mood to take pictures anymore. You shut your eyes ready to go to your dreamland.

Suddenly, you felt a hand squeezed your thigh. You instantly opened your eyes. "Wh-what are you doing?" You pushed his hand away and looked at him. He frowned his brows as he stared at you with his confused look.

"I thought you liked it" He laughed slowly. "What? No!" You widened your eyes as you whisper-yelled at him. "My bad. Well, all the girls liked it when I do that" He put his hand on the armrest and smirked.

"Well, not me okay" You turned your head away and tried to calm yourself down. What the hell is he thinking?! You shouted mentally and shut your eyes and ready to doze off.


"Hey, wake up" You slowly opened your eyes and saw Jimin shook your arm slowly a few times. You sat straight back as you were panicking.

"Whoa whoa, chill. What's wrong with you?" He asked as he saw you looked around the plane. People were passing by, getting off the plane. You took a deep breath and let it out.

"I had a nightmare," You said. 'wait, why did I even tell him?' You took your phone and look at the clock. "I thought it was 3 a.m" He laughed. "Come on, let's get outta here" He walked away and you walked behind him.

"Which one's yours? Let me get it for you" Jimin said as you two stood in front of the baggage claim area. You smiled and went closer to the belt.

He's not that bad, he's kind of a nice guy.

"That one and that one" You pointed. He carried your luggage and put it on your trolley. "Thanks, Jimin," You said and smiled at him. "You're welcome" He smiled sweetly.

"Are you a student here?" He asked as you and Jimin walked out of the airport. "Yeah" You answered. "Which college?" You frowned your brows, tried to remember the name. "I think it's called BigHit College?" You said, unsure of your answer.

Jimin was surprised. "No way! So am I!" He said. "Wow really?" You were happy. At least you already had a friend.

"Yes. I went back to my hometown last week and I had to come back because I am getting a new roommate" Jimin said. The two of you exchanged looks.

"Waaaaiiitt a second. You're that Kim Y/N?" He laughed. "That Kim Y/N?" You asked, confused. "Yeah, my new roommate!" He said in excitement.

You gasped and stopped. "M-my roommate is a boy?!" I was surprised and covered my mouth.

"Why are you so shock?" He laughed and looked at you. "I-i never had a boy as a roommate before" You stuttered, feeling nervous.

"You'll like it," He moved closer. "Especially when it's me" He winked and you winced, giving him a disgusted look. He laughed as he looked at your expression.

"So how are we going to the apartment?" You asked, feeling tired from the plane ride.

"My friends are supposed to fetch us," He looked around and "Ah, there they are" A tall man approached the both of you and hugged Jimin. He smiled sweetly, showing his cute little dimples.

You smiled back. "Hi I'm Namjoon" He took out his hand. "Hi, I'm Y/N" You shook hands and bowed your head a little.

"She's obviously younger than us right?" Namjoon asked Jimin. Jimin shrugged "I think so" Namjoon eyed you up and down. You were getting awkward from his gaze but it was not for long until-

"Bro! I missed you!" A brown haired tall boy came running towards Jimin and hugged him. His fake cry was so cute. They seemed so close. And what I mean by they were- another four hot looking guys appeared.

Oh shit trust me they're so hot that made you feel like you're on fire.

Beads of sweats started to form on your forehead as you were awkward with the situation. You didn't know what to do and felt you were being left out. They were talking to Jimin and didn't talk to you. You turned your back and ready to walk away even though you didn't know where to go.

"Where are you going, babe?" Jimin grasped your wrist. You instantly turned back. "Wow, it took just a plane ride for you to get a girl huh?" A  green mint haired guy spoke. "Wh-what? I'm not his girl!" You pulled back your hand harshly.

"Woah, is she serious right now?" The brown haired tall guy said with a surprised look. Actually, they all were surprised by your reaction. I rolled my eyes and looked away. "What are they so shock about?" You mumbled slowly but it was audible to them.

"Because no girl can ever resist our Jimin and he never got rejects," Namjoon said as the others nodded.

Jimin looked at you. "Yeah, never" You sighed, obviously frustrated with them. You turned to face Jimin. "Then, let me be the first one to reject you Jimin," I said. He smirked.

"We'll see princess"

Thanks for reading!
I'm starting college next week I'm sorry if I can't update as usual.
But I promise I'll update whenever I'm free😊

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Be strong and ILY!💜💜💜

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