Chapter eleven

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As they all made it outside before the soldiers reached them, they appeared to be ambushed by G.U.N afterall. More than one thousand soldiers covered their way out, they were trapped.

"You have no idea who you are messing with!" A male vampire were about to shoot himself at the soldiers, before a woman grabbed him.

"They are way too many for us to take on alone!"

Tails, Sonic and Cream looked at each other with worry. "Give up now and no one needs to be harmed!" A soldier shouted in a speaker. 'I can't find any way out..'

By looking at the few vampires they have helped out, Tails knew that they have no chance against the soldiers, he knew that giving in would be better than death at the moment...

 "Yo! G.U.N trash, up here!" Most of the soldiers and the vampires moved their heads to look up towards the building's rooftop. Including the trio.

"Yo! Why don't ya mess with someone your own size!?" A cocky guy shouted from the rooftop, together with a couple more people. Tails could see from the ground that they have red eyes. 'More Vampires?'

"You think we will retreat to just twenty vampires? There is about one thousand of us! You have no chance!" The soldier spoke again. 

"Think before you speak man! Do you really think there are just twenty of us?" He asked to the soldiers, the wind increasing, revealing the moon hiding behind the clouds. The light from the moon made more places around them visible. Behind almost every tree, corner and object, there is a movement. One person after the other walked out of the shadows with dark red eyes. They smiled and looked at the soldiers with a challening expression.
Some of the soldiers started to look scared by this.

They are surrounded by vampires sitting on balconies, leaning against walls, hanging in trees and in any other place around them.

"You mess with some of us, you mess with all of us!" The guy smirked, standing up. "There is nothing called every vampire for themselves in this situation!"

Tails felt more than stunned. 'Other vampires are helping us? Have I been mistaken for all these years?'
But no matter how confused he felt, he is more than happy for the help.

"Don't just stand there! Do something!" The soldier shouted at the other soldiers, who didn't budge. They looked like to be very unsecure if this is how they are going to solve things.

"Think about it bucket heads! Most of us aren't here to kill you!"

"Most of us just wants to be a normal mobian, like all of you!"

"Is it the right thing to start a war with someone who doesn't want to hurt anyone?"

Many vampires started asking questions to the soldiers, making them even more unsecure than in the beginning.

"That's it, fire now!" One of them shot in the air, startling the soldiers, but making them move and attack the vampires.

Luckily, they were ready for this one, so every vampire from every corner shot themselves at the soldiers.

"You asked for it!" The guy from the rooftop jumped down and hit one of the soldiers dead on.

"Sonic!" Cream clenched onto Sonic as a soldier ran towards them, but Tails were faster and kicked him out of the way.

"You two need to leave, now!" Tails screamed at them, but none of them moved. "Not without you! I lost you before Tails!" Sonic shouted back holding Cream close as the battle raged behind the fox.


"Just go! Protect the mobians! You have done enough for us, our time to return the favour!" The woman who distracted the guard in the cell area spoke to him. Which Tails only nodded to and mouthed 'thank you' as the trio ran away from the battle, the vampires making sure that none of them got hurt.

As they ran away from the raging battle, Tails felt a prickly pain in the side of his belly as he ran, which nearly took the breath out of him, but Tails kept on running behind Sonic and Cream as a vampire took the person who hit him, down.


"A-Are we far enough away from the fight?" Cream panted, looking at the boys as they all hid behind a rotten house.

"Hope so..." Sonic looked at Cream, petting her and making sure she is ok. 'I hate running away from a battle like I have my tails between my legs... but Sonic and Cream is more important'

"H-hello? I heard voices...?" A young girl, around Tails' age looked around the area where they are hiding. 'Do these people ever give up?'

Tails slowly walked over to the girl and she saw him at once he peeked out. "Oh! Y-you're a vampire too?" She asked, her eyes the same color as his, Tails felt relieved.

"Yes. Are you lost?"

"I am trying to find my way back to my husband, but I lost track of where I am..." She sighed, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Wait, are you that girl from the news?" Cream asked, she have walked over to them. "Y-yes... Those soldiers were doing tests on me before the alarm went off. That gave me a free path to get out" She smiled.

'Dang, they were thinking of going that far?' Tails thought.

"When I didn't come home, I felt that my husband got worried. I don't want to worry him any longer..." Her ears dropped to her sides of worry.

"Don't worry, we can help. Can you describe the house?" Sonic asked, having walked out of the hiding spot as well.


"Sophie!" A brown panther ran down the street as the trio along with the girl, named Sophie, walked along the street. "Lance!" Sophie almost screamed, but she ran towards the panther with arms out and a smile. "Oh, I have been so worried!" Lance hugged his wife close, kissing her all over the face. Which made her giggle.

"Worry no more my love, because I am back" She smiled as he cupped her cheek, kissing her softly on the lips. The action made Sonic stick out his tongue in disgust and look away. Tails and Cream only giggled.

'Watching others reunite with family and friends sure is warmth to the heart'

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Sonic?! There you are!"

"C-Cream?! You are back!"

Many voices of surprise closened in as the trio turned around. Only to be met with many familiar faces running towards them.

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