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A sunny day awaited Cream as she walked outside, the warm sunshine caressing over her fur like a soft touch. She walked straight into Leaf forest after covering her neck with a long scarf, making her way through bushes and moved away branches. The rabbit walked a small distance before she arrived to a flower field. Kneeling down she started picking the prettiest flowers she could think of. She picked a few bluebells, some red roses, daylilies and daisies.

"I think that is enough" Cream told herself as she stood up, walking back to where she came from. 'I hope the others will be there in time...'

It's a warm november morning and the birds sing in choir, their twittering echoing through the trees. A soft breeze made Cream's rabbit ears fly a little to the left and a pair of birds flied over her head, chasing each other like friends. A smile formed on her cheeks.

As Cream walked towards her destination, she picked up a small bright-red band to tie around the bouquet of flowers, making it look a little more decent. Walking down the leaf-covered paths, she looked around her surroundings. Kids played by jumping in stacks of leaves, or by throwing them at each other, but what made Cream happier, is to see that the kids who are playing are also vampires.

A year have passed since vampires were revealed to reality, G.U.N gave up the fight when Shadow told them off. He explained to them that vampires are just like mobians, another species. Ever since, mobians and Vampiers have tried their best on living among each other, not in secret.

The world have tried their best on making the world a living place for everyone, the stores have starting to sell more blood-containing foods and drinks, which have helped vampires the most. Mobious have become an all-accepting community, all thanks to the kindness of one simple person.

Cream arrived at her destination, slowly opening the black-iron gate, making it creak. Looking out on the churchyard, she slowly began walking towards the one grave she is looking for. To her luck, she didn't come alone. One being is already at the grave, looking down at it with ears lowered.

"Sonic?" Cream asked, standing by his side. He opened one of his ears and turned his head to look at her, smiling gently and petting her head. "Hi, Cream... The others have already been here, but they needed to leave for their own personal reasons" Sonic mumbled, looking back down at the tombstone in front of him.

A beautiful engraved writing on it, stood the following; "Miles "Tails" Prower. Let life live on, may you rest in peace" Cream placed the flowers she picked on his gave, together with lights, pictures and other plants, like a mintplant.

22 november, Tails' birthday. Everyone planned on visiting his grave and give him a present, Sonic picked out his best picture of him and Tails for today.

Sonic was the one who suffered the most after Tails' death, his worst fear have become a reality, losing his best friend. The day after his death, no one ever saw Sonic for five months. Everyone knows that Sonic never wanted to show his sadness to anyone, so many thought he ran away to deal with his feelings on his own.

Cream was the second one to have the worst impact. She couldn't sleep, eat or do anything for days, weeks. Vanilla did sometimes make Cream eat a little, but it rarely happened. Cream, the once most social, happiest and kindest friend everyone knew, is now broken and haven't talked to anyone for a year. She is getting better, but it takes a while.

Everyone else had a hard time accepting that their friend is gone forever now, but they suffered less than Sonic and Cream.

"Sonic, do you miss him?" Cream asked, looking at the picture of him and Tails hugging. Sonic smiled a little, folding his arms. "Of course I do. He was my best friend, my brother. Heck, he was the one who knew me from the inside-out" The hedgehog smiled, a part of him lit up with a never ending flame. "Tails... " Sonic sighed. "You left too soon buddy..."

Cream could only imagine how hard it is for Sonic to let go of someone so close to him. "I am pretty sure he miss you too" Cream smiled, not looking away from his grave. So peaceful, she felt no pain, just warmth.

"Right back at you, Cream" Sonic smiled, pulling her in for a short hug. "I am going now, but I'll be back to say good night to you Tails" Sonic said, petting Cream's head softly before he walked away from the churchyard.

Cream remained in silence, a soft hush covered the place. She couldn't hear anyone else, even her mind is silent. "Happy nineteenth birthday Tails" She smiled, slowly turning around. The same aching in her heart remained, a sobb got stuck in her throat. She felt tears build up in her eyes, but she let them fall.

"Thank you Cream" A voice spoke in a faint whisper, making Cream look behind her, nothing. She looked around the churchyard without moving, still nothing. A soft chuckle made Cream look behind her again, still nothing.

"Cutie, look behind you again" The voice spoke clearer now and Cream looked at Tails' tombstone. She is still the only one around. 'Am I hearing things?'

"Now, look a little up" She did as the voice from nowhere said, but this time, she looked at someone. Out of nowhere, a soft shade of blue light slowly drew out a figure, someone sitting on Tails' tombstone. Her eyes widened of surprise. "T-Tails...?" Cream asked, slowly taking a step closer to the grave.

"In the flesh, or maybe the air" He chuckled softly, his namesakes swishing softly behind him. 'He looks so peaceful' Cream couldn't hold the tears any longer, but she smiled through it. His smile faded, and got replaced by worry. "Hey..." He reached out his ghostly hand, softly lifting up her chin.

"Y-you look so happy" Cream sniffed, looking in Tails' eyes. He suddenly looked surprised, but he smiled back. "Yeah, I am"

His eyes is a different color this time, sort of. The left is blue, while the right is red. "What happened to your eyes?" Cream asked, drying away her tears.

"Well, half-mobian and half-vampire. I was bitten remember?" He smiled, sitting back onto the tombstone. "You are probaly wondering: if I am dead, how can I still be here?" Tails chuckled of Cream's shocked look. "I could choose to go to heaven or stay here on Mobious. There is still alot for me to see, to experience, so I stayed here. Only a few can see and hear me though"

Tails smiled, looking at Cream. "While I was a vampire, I lived in the castle known as the blood castle. You've head of the fairytale right?" He asked, Cream nodding as an answer.

"While I lived there, something in me changed, like the prince took over me somehow. He let me be myself; caring and lovely to the animals and mobians, but when the blood moon arrived on the sky, he took complete control over me" He lowered his ears, looking at Cream again with sadness in his eyes. "I am sorry... that wasn't what I wanted..."

Cream thought about it, looked at him and asked; "T-Tails, what was your wish then?"

This made Tails look at her with a soft smile. Something about his appearance changed, he looked more like... himself. Tails have gotten back the same soft smile, he shows more emotions.

"My wish you ask? I always wished my friends the best" He looked up towards the sky. "My friends meant- means the world to me" Tails looked back at Cream, looking into her chocolate brown eyes with his blue and red ones, small tears forming into them. He chuckled softly, smiling the happiest smile Cream have ever seen.

"A Vampire's Wish is to protect those close to them, no matter what"

Thank you for reading A Vampire's Wish! I hoped you enjoyed the story! :D
Be sure to check out my other stories if you'd like ;)
Have a great day everyone! And please! Go ahead and tell me what you think about this story :D That would mean a bunch!

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