Chapter 15

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*3rd Person P.O.V.*
Last night you accidentally fell asleep on the couch next to the window. You had been organising some stuff in your room and just wandering around, because you didn't want to go outside. You had sat on the couch again and let your thoughts flood your mind, until you fell asleep.

A loud noise wakes you up abruptly making you fall off the couch.
"What the hell?" you say slowly opening your eyes., and trying to sit up by leaning on your elbows- You see Steve standing in front of you with an alarm clock on his hand. I guess that was the noise. "What are you doing?!" You ask a little louder. You were annoyed at how people kept waking you up.

"Come on, it's time for your training session." he says offering you his hand to help you stand, and surprisingly you take it. Then you remember Tony talking about being trained to keep fit and you roll you eyes.

"What time is it?" you ask, followed by a yawn.
"6:30 am" Steve says and you widen your eyes.
"Why so early?! Can I at least have some breakfast? I'm really hungry."
"Sure, but quickly." he says as he starts walking out of the room. You catch up to him and then he looks at you up and down. You give him a weird look.
"What?" You ask.
"Don't you have pajamas?" he asks raising an eyebrow. And you realise that you slept with clothes from the previous day. That was normal to you, but apparently not to him.
"No. I only have three outfits. One is the one I came here with and I was given the other two here." You answer.
"Well, I'll ask Nat, Gamora and Wanda to go shopping with you." he says. You were going to protest after he said their names, but you were tired of fighting all the time.
You and Steve kept walking until you reached the kitchen. You quickly drank an orange juice and ate a few biscuits. After that, Steve indicated you to a changing room outside the sports hall where you changed into some sports clothes. When you were done you put your hair up in a ponytail and walked inside the gym.

"Alright, we're going to start by running ten laps around the hall." Steve says. You start running slowly to get warmed up, but Steve is running very quickly. Every time he runs past you he says:
"On your left." and he keeps running quicker. He says that around four times until you get tired of it. You quickly speed up, surprising Steve with your speed. After all, you are like a Winter Soldier but with magic, so you are able to outrun Steve. You keep speeding up until you are running extremely fast and finish running all the laps within seconds. When you finish you stretch a little bit without showing any sign of fatigue. After a while, Steve jogs until where you were standing. You can hear his heavy breathing, he leans down and rests his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"You okay?" you ask while stretching your arms.

"Yeah" he says, starting to recover while he stands up straight. "Just not used to someone beating me at running." he smiles. When he smiled a small light lighted up in your heart, it felt like you were starting to gain their trust and they weren't so scared of you anymore.

"Well, gotta get used to the competition." you say smiling back. "So, what's next?" you ask impatiently. Steve drinks a sip of his water bottle before answering.

"Hand to hand combat." he says.

"Wait, no magic?" you ask. He shakes his head and you groan. At first you were a little scared, he was Captain America, a super soldier. You weren't sure if you would be able to beat him on this, but you weren't going to show you were scared either.

"That should be easy." you say with a smirk while stretching your fingers and cracking your neck. He smirks back. This is gonna be fun... You thought.

Before you know it, Steve throws the first punch, but you easily dodge it by leaning down. You throw the next punch, he doesn't dodge it, instead he strongly grabs your wrist and twists your arm behind you. He turns you around, still holding your arm behind your back. You can't move your upper body right now, so you quickly lean forward, bringing Steve with you. The move is very strong, and you pull Steve over you, making him flip and fall on his back. You quickly block his arms to stop him from moving.

"Nice." he says. "But you forgot the legs." before you can react, he stands up by using only his legs. You fall to the ground, but stand up before he can pin you to the ground. There are a few meters in between you both. You quickly run up to him, with enough speed to grab his shoulders, jump, and push yourself upwards. You twist your legs around his head (similar to Nat and Bucky's fight scene in Civil War). He tries to get rid of you, but you make him lose balance and he almost falls to the ground. But the problem is, he doesn't fall. Instead, he grabs your shoulders and pushes you against the ground. You hit your head and feel dizzy for a few seconds. You see Steve getting ready to throw a punch. He's not actually gonna punch me, right? You ask yourself. You knew he wasn't but a small part of you thought he was. You couldn't control that part, it was like your subconscious. Unconsciously, you cross your arms, stopping the punch from hitting you. But then you push your arms upwards, and purple magic flows out of you, stronger than previous times, and it throws Steve across the whole long hall. He hits the wall extremely hard, to the point where it breaks it. He then falls to the ground, and he looks unconscious.
You cover your mouth with your hand as a loud gasp leaves your lips. Your expression becomes full of worry as you stand up and run to the other side of the hall, where Steve is lying unconscious . You check if he's breathing. He is. You try waking him up by shaking his shoulders, but he doesn't, and you panic.

"Someone help!" you yell.


"How did this happen?" Tony asks in a serious tone, still looking through the infirmary glass. Steve is inside on a nursery bed, still unconscious.

"I lost control. It was like my subconscious thought that I was actually going to get hurt, and I guess I defended myself unconsciously." You say while looking at Steve. Then, you look at Tony with a sad expression. "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to do that."

"I know, and he'll be fine. But I don't understand... doesn't your magic have limits? I thought that we had seen your powers at their strongest." he says.

"That's the thing, I don't know their limits myself. Every time I've tried to use more magic than I'm used to, I lose control and things like this happen. So I don't really want to test my limits, I already have enough control on what I need from my magic." You say. Tony opens his mouth like he's going to say something, but a doctor interrupts him.

"Mr. Rogers will be okay. His vitals are working perfectly, but he has a slight concussion on his head. The strength of that magic was so strong that it left him unconscious, and the impact against the wall only added to the damage." You look down, ashamed. This was your doing, and you couldn't do anything about it. You suddenly feel a hand squeezing your shoulder.
"I know it was an accident. But you have to understand that you will be under strict surveillance to avoid another incident. Wanda will also teach you to control you powers, even the strongest parts." Tony says. You look at him with shock and worry in your eyes.
"Am I gonna be locked in a cell?" You ask, not really wanting to hear the answer.
"No, we're past that." Tony says, and you let out a sigh of relief. "Everything will still be the same but there will be security guards around you 24/7, well except when you're in your room." You nod, accepting these consequences. You didn't like the idea of being watched and followed all the time, but you also knew it was for the best.

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