5 - Revelations

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"How did she know that I loved these two things?" I decided not to give too much weight, so this time it was me to force my friends to accompany me to the bar for a cocktail.

Later we decided to throw ourselves on the track in the melee and Alissa and Ginny found themselves dancing on the cube.

For a while 'I danced too but, hot, I went down almost immediately to go and get the fourth cocktail with Alissa at my side.

I was not at all alcohol, she was already quite drunk and after taking our glasses she asked me to take her to the benches to get some air.

I made her sit down and asked her as if she were several times: strange how I always found myself babysitting to people more drunk than me.

We leaned our empty glasses on the bench and after a while he jumped up as if he were shocked.

He confessed to me of having likened a friend of Levi, Nicolò and then asked me to take her to their small group to present her.

When I agreed, she immediately rocketed to their group, leaving the glasses and her clutch bag on the bench.

I hurried to get her and ran after her, risking stumbling into her dress more than once.

As soon as we arrived from the four boys she began to talk in flurry, Alberto went away who knows where and so I took the opportunity to take Levi's arm, kiss him on the cheek and take the cocktail from his hands, which was finished, then drink it quickly.

This was nice too.

"What's this?" I asked him between sips.

"White rum, coconut liqueur, lime juice and grenadine." He informed me, laughing and looking as hard as he was drinking his cocktail.

It was really hot!

Alberto came back with two brand new cocktails he offered to me and Alissa.

His was green and I hoped for her that it contained some kiwi juice while mine was blue.

Strange but good.

At one point, Alissa gave me a slight nudge and looked at me insistently, so I remembered why we were there among the boys.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce you: she's my classmate Alissa, or better: she was a classmate of mine." I corrected myself.

From June 7th onwards we would not have been anymore, none of them would have been anymore. Besides, we would all split up because Ginny would go to Oxford, Marta would go to the University of Modena, Giulia to Bologna, Penelope to Trento and Alice to Pisa.

Alissa and I were the only ones undecided and I felt like crying.

I began to sob out of nowhere and Levi, not understanding what was happening to me, took me away from the group.

We went to the thick willow grove, knowing that I loved nature.

I never cried, I hated doing it and the only times it happened to me was when I was a little shining.

"What's happening, Sav?" He asked me worriedly, stroking my shoulder, once we got under the branches of the great willow tree.

"No Levi, I was thinking of the future ..." I admitted looking at the soft grass that surrounded my silver shoes.

"What in particular?" He asked me, standing in front of me and gently raising my chin with my left hand.

"I'm afraid you know, I'm afraid of what will happen, I'm afraid you'll all go and leave me here to rot The girls will all go to distant universities, we'll see each other once a year at Christmas and we'll exchange of the gifts that gradually lose importance and will be reduced to the odious key ring because you will forget what one likes and what they like the other! " I said as a tear ran down my face.

"But what do you say Sav? Yes, there is Christmas but there is also Easter and summer and you will be able to keep in touch with Skype and Whastapp."

"No Levi, it will end that I will never do the work of my dreams, I will not marry and I will not have the three children that I have always dreamed, while you show off your beautiful pregnant wife under my eyes and I will be forced to suppress jealousy that I'll try for that woman who managed to conquer you.I will spend the evenings crying on my huge bed with Charlie, who will be fed up with me that I'll be depressed for a man I've never been able to have. "

I was digressing but now the words came out in a burst, I started to vent myself without knowing what I was saying and it was not good.

"In vino veritas", but let alone after six cocktails and half a bottle of wine.

I was hoping that Levi would stop me talking because I was starting to feel weak and tired and I was wasting too much energy in that outburst.

"Would you be jealous of my future wife? So you ... I mean ... no, it's not possible Sav!" He said, walking back and forth with his head down and holding his chin with his right hand.

"Savannah, do you like me?" he asked me as if in despair, stopping suddenly.

"Levi you're a moron! I liked you for four years, from the first day I saw you, when I came in last and saw you sitting alone at the back of the classroom with the hood on your head and the earphones in your ears as you looked out the window I thought you missed summer and I was not ready like all of us to start school again."

By now I was a river in flood and sobbing to leave but Levi took me firmly by the arm and drew me towards me looking seriously.

He seemed almost angry.

"You liked me, you know, but you were so unfriendly and beautiful that I thought I was not at your height, you were boys and boys, so I thought I had no chance." I suffered for each of them so I did not make myself afraid of being a disappointment I did not want to lose you Savannah, so I resigned myself to a friendship that would assure me of your presence in my life forever.As you can see we are not all the same and in the end you were the one who acted better than the two. "

Unsure of what to do and looking at me with wide eyes, he kissed me pressing his full lips on mine.

It was so pleasant but also quick and surprising that I felt myself missing.

I saw a Levi blurred above me before seeing everything black.

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