17 - Puerto Vallarta

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The dinner went great and all the boys were very nice with Levi making him immediately feel part of the family.

I loved their way of doing things, they were simple and easy: the opposite of the people I frequented in Italy, except Ginny, of course.

Levi told a little about himself and Neymar was impressed when my best friend said he had been playing football for a long time; so they organized themselves for a match between men.

Everyone was interested in Levi playing the electric guitar in our group, reading comics, he loved Pokemon, he was a dog sitter, he wrote and wrote songs.

That evening Eduardo was sitting in front of me and when he threw me a little kick on my knee I lifted my head from my plate miming a "Aia" with my mouth.

"Tomorrow our flight is at 10am so at 8 am we find out of the bungalow!" He informed me in a low voice so as not to attract the attention of others.

Viola, who was seated next to me, heard what Eduardo had just told me and pulled a little elbow just under the table, emitting some muffled little scream.

I shut up laughing and then I nodded to Eduardo.

After dinner, he and I were the first to leave the group.

Before going, I kissed Levi who stayed with them, since the boys had invited him to sleep on the sofa bed in the entrance.

As soon as we entered our bungalow, I put Levi's suitcases out on the veranda and then headed for the bathroom. I scrubbed myself, brushed my teeth and put on my pajamas.

I wonder if I could have slept that night knowing that the next morning I'd have to embark on a probably suicidal mission with a lunatic.

I set my alarm at 7.30 and fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up with the girl who cried wolf of the 5 seconds of summer that resounded in our room: how much I loved that song.

I stoppai and I went out of bed to put on my little white dress and my beige flip-flops, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hurriedly put the last things in my rucksack: had I got everything?

Existential question.

I had a little money in my wallet but not many, basically I would not have had to spend a fortune in two days, right?

I took the backpack on the table and walked out without making any noise.

Eduardo Eduardo with a beautiful blue Adidas hat waiting for me in the driveway that divided our bungalows.

"Good morning Sav, Joe waits for us outside the residence, give me your backpack, I'll take it to you." He told me taking it from my shoulder and leaning it on his.

It always amazed me more, he was really committing himself not to be crabby.

We walked out of the residence taking the main road, at the end of which there was Joe in his blue jeep waiting for us.

In the car he made a thousand recommendations, especially to me because Eduardo was too impulsive according to him.

It took us about twenty minutes to arrive at the airport and we did not even have to check-in because we had only two backpacks.

We deceived the time going to get a latte and a chocolate croissant and in the meantime he informed me of the latest sports news by reading aloud the newspaper found on our table.

I did not understand anything, I did not know any of the people he was talking about, but I liked this Eduardo calm and serene: we really seemed like two good friends.

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