15 - Felix

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At the table we were the three of us with Neymar who was still talking.

By now Viola and I could no longer listen to him and my belly ached with laughter.

I had tried to go easy with drinking, since at the prom ball the casino with Levi had happened that I still could not remember.

There were so many boys, all of Rebecca's friends, who admired her enraptured in the masterpiece of dress like a goddess.

Suddenly the music became more animated and the DJ shouted at us to throw ourselves on the track and to unleash us.

Viola caught the ball and dragged me, leaving Neymar disappointed and surprised that he watched us walk away with his mouth still open from so much talk.

I mimed him with his lips "sorry" and then disappeared into the crowd with Viola making her way among the many boys.

The DJ had put Jump of Astrid S that I knew by heart and so I began to sing while I was dancing.

All the boys looked at Viola, who for all the tattoos and the piercings she had and who instead for how beautiful and sexy she was in her red dress.

Too bad that Meg was not there with us, but surely no one would go looking for it since it was still with Aaron somewhere.

After an hour or so the music changed, became slower and the crowd opened, leaving a space in the middle of everyone that was occupied by Rebecca.

"I thank you for coming tonight, I have been waiting for this whole life and now it's finally here, I'm begging you to take the person you like and to dance with me this slow." Rebecca invited us and my eyes began to look frantically in the crowd.

From my height I did not see any curly-haired boy, until he too entered the space reserved for the celebrated, who was waiting with open arms to take him by the hand.

Eduardo looked at me and perhaps read my sad expression, or did not care.

The fact is that I was not happy with the fact that those two were dancing together.

From behind I felt a hand lean on my shoulder: I turned and saw Felix smile and offer me his.

He was the only good thing about that night, I would have a minimum distracted by that situation.

Or maybe not.

Omar did the same thing and Viola promptly accepted to dance with him.

"Please do not let me fall." I prayed Felix before accepting his proposal.

"You can trust me." He answered me.

He seemed sincere and his eyes sparkled.

I glanced at Eduardo, who was already looking at me, though he was dancing with Rebecca, whose head was resting on his shoulder.

They were a nice couple, I have to admit it.

Felix put a hand on my back and then drew me to him, looking at me seriously.

I looked at him and began to swing at the rhythm of the music.

"You know, I have to leave tomorrow." He began.

"But how? Already parts?" I asked him.

"Yes, Savannah, I have to go home, my family needs me because my grandma is not well and my mom can not take care of her alone ..." I never knew what to say in these moments, so I just nodded .

Felix was nice to me and seemed considerate.

Of course I knew him very little, yet I wanted to continue to find out.

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