10 - Apologies

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Eduardo did not show up for dinner, the night passed quietly and the next morning I always woke up at 5 to make a quick jog.

I knew that my companions wanted to sleep until the last, so I did not wake up and put on a top, shorts and running shoes.

I began to run as soon as I left the door of our bungalow heading for the deserted beach.

The calm that reigned there was almost idyllic, so I ran along the rhythm of the waves for four kilometers and then did the same by going back.

At one point I noticed the same figure of the day before surfing at sea.

"So he's alive," I thought, waving to call him and to find out if it was all right.

He reached me ashore in a moment, riding a small wave.

"What's up?" He asked me to do unfriendly.

"Good morning to you!" I replied a little annoyed.

"Bring Savannah patience"

"Good morning," he sentenced as if to make fun of me and took a deep breath to calm me down.

"I wanted to know how I was, you know you disappeared yesterday and nobody saw you anymore, so I worried ... We worried" I corrected myself.

"I'm fine thanks, I came back late last night, so do not worry about me." Short cut.

"Yes, but what happened? You abandoned me in the pool without any explanation and you never came back ..."

"Savannah, I told you I'm fine, ok, the rest is not your business!" He announced, staring hard into my eyes.

He started to leave but I called him back.

"Well I worry Eduardo anyway! Yesterday you arrived late and you left a lot before: I want to point out that I will not work for two for a whole month."

"We finished?" By now I had lost patience.

"Yes, we're done, you can leave where you want, I work so well without you, in fact it's a pleasure not to have you around, whether you're there or not, it does not change much!"

I went running towards my bungalow because now it was time to get ready.

I probably had been too hard on him, but he deserved it: no one can treat me like that.

By now it was 6 o'clock, so I put on the costume with the staff's red shirt on top and ran to the pool where I found Joe.

"Why was the pool not closed last night? I had to do it"

"Here it is, my first reproach"

"I guess Eduardo did not give you the keys, did you?" He asked me resignedly and I shook my head.

"Come on, run to him, I'll wait for you here and see you soon."

"All we needed was to run after him."

So I checked first on the beach, but now there was no one left, so I ran to the boys' bungalow in front of ours.

I knocked five or six times before Neymar opened me sleepily.

"Hey Savannah, it is not yet time for the sightseeing tour ..." He informed me between one yawn and another.

In those conditions it could seem almost sweet, but I had a very specific task.

"I'm looking for Eduardo, is he here?" I asked, entering, though I had not been invited.

I was angry.

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